/ / Let's Talk About Berries: Tyutin (Mulberry) in Medicine and Cooking

Let's talk about berries: tyutin (mulberry) in medicine and cooking

Do you like berries?Tyutin is a well-known delicacy from childhood. But despite the fact that the mulberry grows in the middle zone of Russia, very few people know that it has very useful healing properties. It is thanks to them that the tyutina is a berry that has become widespread in folk medicine and cooking. This will be discussed in our article today.


A bit about mulberry

Which country is the home of the berry?Tyutin is believed to originate from the eastern part of China. From there it began to spread first to the territory of the Asian countries, and then to our Transcaucasia. In the 12th century, mulberry was brought to Europe.

What are these berries?Tyutin can be white, red or brown (black), it looks like raspberries. The silkworm differs from the rest by the fact that its leaves are food for the silkworm.

Mulberry in folk medicine

Before talking about the use in medicine, you need to find out which vitamins and other useful substances contain these delicious berries.

Tyutin (mulberry) contains in its composition a lotsugars (from 10% to 20%, depending on the color), mainly fructose and glucose. If we talk about vitamins, it is worth mentioning such as B1 and B2, PP. Among other useful substances, they contain iron and copper, pectin and potassium, the content of which mulberry fruits constitute a serious competition to the berries of black currant.

Useful are also essential oils, organic acids and trace elements such as magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, contained in this favorite by all the delicacy.

What is useful for this little berry?Mulberry is often used in medicine for anemia and to restore metabolic processes in the body in fresh form. To solve problems with sweating use a decoction of buds of silky wood. It is believed that the fruit has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, on the biliary tract.

tyutina berry
Official medicine also recognizes the medicinal properties of mulberry and uses it for the manufacture of drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

The most beneficial effect on the body has an ordinary decoction or tea from this berry. Tyutin has the following action:

  1. Diuretic and laxative.
  2. He treats hypertension.
  3. It is useful for the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus (especially the decoction of leaves).
  4. Recovers disturbed metabolic processes.

Many doctors believe that mulberry helps withsome mental and nervous disorders, with headache and toothache, and also has a positive effect on the genitourinary system (especially for "male" problems).

Cooking and fruit of mulberry

To the benefits of this little berry, you can safelyadd a special taste, which enabled her to take her place in cooking. Naturally, it is very tasty and useful to eat mulberry berries in fresh form. But you can and cook from them jam or various jams in combination with other berries, as well as the jelly favorite by all children.


It is very unusual and useful to get compote and tea, and some craftsmen, drinkers stronger, know more than one secret of cooking homemade silk wine from this berry.

Tyutin can be a good component and eventhe basis for baking. It is often used for making pancakes, pies and pies. In addition, the dried berries are ground into flour and used to make any baking, adding it to the usual wheat or rye.

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