/ Is it possible to drink beer during breastfeeding?

Is it possible to drink beer during breastfeeding?

During pregnancy, alcoholic beveragesare prohibited. But this period is already behind ... The child is growing, and the young mother is increasingly beginning to wonder whether it is possible to drink beer during breastfeeding?

About the intoxicating drink there are many legends: beer promotes lactation, contains useful substances and vitamins, consists of natural ingredients. How true are these statements?

After a successful resolution of the burden, sometimes I would like to please myself with a glass of amber beer! How to combine this drink and breastfeeding?

Alcohol in breastfeeding

Breastfeeding imposes on the young mummyobligations and limitations. Sometimes you want to relax, drink a glass of beer, or sip a glass of wine at a public table ... Can I drink alcohol during lactation? Is it possible to drink beer during breastfeeding?

beer with breastfeeding

The intestine of the newborn is susceptible to changediet. Necessary for its normal functioning, microbes come to the baby with the mother's milk. Therefore, alcohol abuse is categorically contraindicated in breastfeeding. In the body of the baby there are no special enzymes that contribute to the splitting of alcohol. Even a small dose can damage the child's health.

Can I have a glass of beer during lactation?This issue raises lively disputes among doctors and scientists. They have not yet reached a consensus. Some argue that a glass of beer is acceptable for breastfeeding. Others argue that even non-alcoholic can lead to a delay in the child's psychomotor development. Is beer allowed for breastfeeding?

Reception of alcoholic drinks

After drinking beer it is from the digestiveThe tract first enters the stomach, then into the intestine. It is in the intestine, in its upper section, that the absorption of alcohol begins. In the blood, it is found in the time interval from 30 to 90 minutes. It depends on whether you received a drink with food or fasting.

Is it possible to drink beer with breastfeeding?

The field of how alcohol will be in the blood, hemanifests itself in the mother's milk. And after the breakdown of ethanol products, blood and milk are purified. The process of excretion from the body of alcohol depends on the height and weight of the woman, on the strength of the drink.

Alcohol content in milk

When you drink alcohol on an empty stomach, alcohol appears in the milk after 30-60 minutes. If Mom took a drink with food, then alcohol will enter the milk in 60-90 minutes.

One portion of alcohol is excreted from the body infor 2-3 hours. This is the case if the weight of a nursing woman is from 50 to 55 kg. Please note that one serving of wine is 150 ml, and beer - 330 ml. Strong alcoholic beverages (cognac, whiskey, vodka, brandy) are excreted from the body much more slowly (up to 13 hours).

Should I drink beer while breastfeeding? Doctors advise to minimize the use ofalcohol during lactation. Occasional use of low-alcohol drinks is allowed. But a dosage that is safe for a baby is unknown to modern science - very much depends on the individual characteristics of mom and baby.

Non-alcoholic beer with breastfeeding

There is a belief that non-alcoholic beer can not harm a baby. There is no alcohol in it, so its use is possible with lactation.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in differentgrades, beer brands allowed the presence of alcohol from 0.1 to 2%. Even such an insignificant part of alcohol can cause frustration of the digestive tract, violation of the child's sleep. Is it worth it to risk his health if, in severe cases, epilepsy or the death of a newborn is possible?

Is it possible to drink beer during breastfeeding?

In addition, preservatives and additives are used for long-term storage of nonalcoholic beer. So Is it possible to drink non-alcoholic beer during breastfeeding?

Occasionally, drinking a glass of beer withoutethanol. It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the drink. Artificial dyes, preservatives can trigger an allergic reaction in a newborn.

Beer during breastfeeding

Nursing mothers say that beer affectslactation. As if after a glass of drink, a rush of milk is felt, the child eats more and sleeps well. Is this statement true? Is it possible to drink beer during breastfeeding?

Ethyl alcohol contained in beer hasproperty to reduce the level of oxytocin. This hormone is responsible for the production of milk. After taking beer, the level of oxytocin in the blood decreases, the flow of milk into the chest is blocked. It becomes more difficult to suck the baby. The child does not eat up and falls asleep under the influence of alcohol.

Is it possible to drink non-alcoholic beer during breastfeeding?

The woman seems to have filled her breast with milk. In fact, the beer accumulates in the tissues, leading to their swelling. The rush of milk is in fact only a self-suggestion.

Beer depresses lactation, as well as the nervous systemthe kid. Up to three months of age, the child's body is vulnerable, it is not able to filter harmful substances. Fusel oils and other impurities can affect the child's further development.

Expressing does not help get rid of the presencealcohol in milk. Only after his blood level has decreased, he will disappear from milk. Therefore, the question of whether or not you can drink beer during breastfeeding, remains on the conscience of the young mother.

Benefit or harm?

Incompetent mummies assure that in the "live"beer contains a lot of vitamins. And they fall into the body of the baby. Indeed, unfiltered beer contains useful minerals and trace elements. But the effect of fusel oils and ethyl alcohol will negate all the useful properties of the drink. In beer, designed for long-term storage, there are practically no useful substances. Instead, they are flavorings and preservatives.

In addition, beer during breastfeeding, getting into the body of the child, can cause violation of the heart rate and breathing, cause intestinal colic.

The constant reception of alcoholic drinks will result in:

  • to weight loss of the baby;
  • to disorders in the nervous system;
  • to stop the development (physical, mental);
  • to inflammation of the digestive system.

Why beer?

Due to its bread smell, beernursing mothers vitamins of group B. They are necessary during lactation, as they improve metabolism, increase the tone of skin and vessels, stimulate the work of the nervous system. Vitamin D, contained in brewer's yeast, strengthens the bones, teeth of the baby and his mother.

Therefore, the smell of intoxicating drink causes a desire to drink a glass. In fact, it is better to revise your diet by adding the necessary ingredients.

you can beer with breastfeeding

Sour-milk products, whole grain bread, green vegetables, bran, liver, nuts, seeds are sources of B vitamins.

Vitamin D can be found in seafood (mackerel, herring, cod liver and halibut), sour-milk products, oatmeal, parsley.

Why drink beer during breastfeeding, if the necessary vitamins can be found in products? For the sake of what is it worth to put the child's health at risk?


Before you afford a glass of beer, you shouldto take into account, that kids up to 3 months have an immature liver. Their nervous system is very sensitive to alcohol. Therefore, until the child is 3 months old, it is strictly forbidden to take any alcoholic beverages.

drink beer when breastfeeding

In the specialized works of foreign authorsthere is a statement that you can beer with breastfeeding after reaching the baby for 6 months. A single reception of low-alcohol drinks once a week will not do any harm. The decision to take beer or wine remains for the nursing mother.

Becoming older, the child more and more learnsspace: actively creeps, tries on the language all kinds of toys and trivia. Care and care for fidgety require increased attention. Mouth-blown mom's reactions can lead to injuries to the baby.

Komarovsky about beer

To Dr. Komarovsky, the anxious mothers often ask the question: "Is it possible to drink beer during breastfeeding?" Evgeny Olegovich claims that there is no ban on beer. And there are minuses and pluses of this drink.


  • natural ingredients (hops, barley, brewer's yeast);
  • presence of B vitamins.


  • presence of alcohol, preservatives and other harmful substances.

Dr. Komarovsky confirms that the increase in lactation after drinking beer is a myth. Graduated beverage does not affect the production of milk.

A glass of beer will not bring destructiveconsequences for the child's organism. But experimenting during lactation is not worth it. Therefore, Dr. Komarovsky offers such an optimal option: if you really want beer, you can use non-alcoholic. Not canned, in which there are many preservatives, but a bottle. But even in this case one should confine oneself to one-time reception.

Prohibitions on the use of alcohol

If the nursing woman decided to afford a few glasses of this drink, then remember the following rules.

  • Do not feed the child in a state of intoxication.
  • After drinking, do not take your baby to bed with you.
  • Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach.
  • Take into account your weight (in full women, decay products are output faster).

You should know that ethanol changes the tastemilk. Therefore, the baby can refuse to feed. In addition, in milk with alcohol is a minimum of useful substances. This means that the child will not receive the necessary microelements and vitamins.

If you can not, but really want to

If you can not refuse alcohol during the holiday or you want to relax before going to bed, then one serving of beer, wine (volume - up to a glass) is allowed.

nonalcoholic beer with breastfeeding

Is it possible to drink beer during breastfeeding? Yes, but subject to certain conditions.

  • Express the milk for feeding the baby several times. Expressed milk, without losing its useful properties, stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours, in the freezer - a month.
  • Feed your baby just before taking alcohol.
  • Do not drink beer or wine on an empty stomach.
  • Do not breast-feed after drinking from 12 to 24 hours (if several glasses are drunk) or 3 to 6 hours (if you drink a glass of beer).

A small dose of alcohol will not bringharm the baby and bring pleasure to his mother. Another thing is if the beer is consumed daily. The regular effect of alcohol on the child's body causes inhibition, apathy, increased gas formation, slows down the development of large motor skills.

Is it possible to drink non-alcoholic beer during breastfeeding? Non-alcoholic and high-quality, it will not harm the child. But in this case, do not abuse.

Health and development of crumbs depend on the dietmum, the saturation of her milk with necessary proteins, trace elements, vitamins. A single reception of an amber drink is compatible with breastfeeding. But if you can keep from using it, you better abandon it and keep the baby's health.

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