/ / For beginners: how fast does the chanterelle mushroom grow?

For beginners: how fast does the chanterelle mushroom grow?

Chanterelles can be classified as the most famousedible mushrooms that are not dried, but used fresh or canned. They are distinguished by a high content of vitamin B. Also in chanterelles there are vitamins C and PP. But these red mushrooms make the dye carotene, which in the human body turns into vitamin A.

How fast does the chanterelle mushroom grow?

how fast the mushroom grows

These gifts of the forest can grow for a long time, becausethat they are not eaten by worms. In addition, they are not brittle, therefore, without prejudice to their appearance, they are carried in the basket, in the package, and in the backpack. How fast does the chanterelle mushroom grow? They are much more productive than many other species. If there is a lot of rain in the summer, the chanterelles grow quickly and abundantly, making up one fifth of the total yield of all other species of mushrooms in the mixed forest.

Real chanterelle

Особенно распространена она в средней полосе, но found in abundance in all forests. If you answer the question of how chanterelle mushrooms grow, you can say that these are family mushrooms. They almost never meet one by one, but grow by large families — whole paths. Their cap has a bright yellow color; in young mushrooms it has a convex shape with curled edges. They have narrow plates that resemble folds and have the same color as the cap. In real chanterelles, the leg is solid, it grows up to 5 cm in length, tapering downwards, and upwards goes into a cap. The flesh of the mushrooms is non-friable, dense, light yellow in color, it smells good.

how chanterelle mushrooms grow

Gray Chanterelle

How fast does the chanterelle mushroom grow? It is actively growing for two months - August and September.Gray chanterelle is especially common in mixed and deciduous forests from the Far East to the Baltic. Mushrooms grow families, often several dozen in one place. Their body can grow from 5 to 10 cm in diameter to 5 cm. It looks like a funnel or a tube, which gradually narrows downwards. The edges of the fungus are bent outward. The color of the inner surface is blackish-brown, and the outer one is grayish-gray. Externally, gray chanterelle looks unattractive, and if it is cooked, it becomes completely black. The Germans call it the "pipe of death", and the British - the "cornucopia."

when white mushrooms start growing

The false chanterelle

It grows in pine forests next to the presentchanterelles. Sometimes it can be found on or near rotten stumps and logs of pines. How fast does the false chanterelle grow? It should be said that it matures simultaneously with real chanterelles, therefore one should be able to distinguish these two species from each other. False mushrooms are inedible. Their rounded hat, like a funnel, can have a color ranging from reddish-orange to red-copper.

Plate chanterelles straight, thick, reaching to the bottom of the legs. The latter is hollow, cylindrical, thin, in the color of the cap. The flesh is soft, yellow. When a mushroom grows old, it turns black below.

When do white mushrooms start growing?

Белые грибы в средней полосе европейской части Russia grows from June to October, in some places to November. Their first representatives appear in Ukraine and in the middle zone of the CIS in June, but with a warm spring they may begin to grow in May. They are called "kolosoviki" mushrooms. There is such a popular omen: pink leaves on the oaks indicate the beginning of the growth of white mushrooms. Their growth slows down with the arrival of cold weather and the formation of excessive moisture.

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