/ / Record speed reading aloud: interesting facts

Record read speed aloud: interesting facts

Every civilized person knows how toto read. We all learned this in early childhood and now we do not even notice how we do it every day. We read everything: store signs, checks, names of routes of buses or metro stations, labels of products and so on. So even if you have not taken a book for a hundred years, it does not mean that you do not read. In an adult, this skill is so fixed that often he just does not realize this moment.

Despite this dependence on the processreproduction of letters and numbers, we, it turns out, do not even suspect about hundreds of interesting points related to this skill. For example, do you know who set the world record for reading speed? Or how exactly does the process take place? Today we will tell you about these and other interesting facts.

record speed reading

Reading speed of an ordinary person

Each of us set our own speed recordreading. Someone fluently read already in 3-4 years, someone has got acquainted with letters, having gone to the first class. But by the age of 10 most of the pupils have come to some averaged indicators.

Every year the Ministry of Education of many countriesIt revises the norms of reading and the rules for their verification. In this issue everything depends on the training program and the age of the child. Beginning with the first and the fourth class, reading norms can vary annually, but by the end of this period the student's reading speed should average 130-140 words per minute. Is this a lot or a little?

Average adult by its parametersnot too "gone" from the child. When reading the text out loud, a mature person can reproduce no more than 250-260 words per minute, and many people read even slower. And the older the person becomes, the more the speed of his reading decreases. The vast majority of adults are not able to reproduce text at a speed of more than 180 words per minute.

Most likely, this is due not only tothe ability of the brain to process information, but also with the ability of a person's speech apparatus to reproduce certain sounds. It is established that the speed of reading an ordinary person can reach 450-500 words per minute, provided that he will do it silently, simply by looking at the text.

record reading speed per minute

There are also numerous techniquesspeed reading. These are special training programs that can help a person learn to read several times faster. The developers of such techniques claim that any person, using such techniques in practice, can achieve a reading speed of up to 10,000 words per minute. In some cases, this indicator can be more than several times.

How do we do this?

If you decide to set your own recordread speeds per minute and are ready to start practicing appropriate techniques, first, carefully study this article. Surely you never thought about exactly how we read. How does our view move? Most people are sure that with traditional reading our eyes glide smoothly from letter to letter, folding words into long sentences. In practice, this is absolutely not the case. During reading, the person's eyes do not move smoothly through the lines. They seem to "skip" the text, simultaneously covering a few words and sending information to the brain. The faster a person reads, the less stops his eyes make on each line. The average reader of such "stops" can be from 12 to 16. A person who reads quickly makes only 2-3 stops.

When a person reads slowly, his eyesperform reciprocating motion. The brain aspires to get confirmation that the eyes have seen everything correctly. Therefore, younger students can commit up to 25 regressive passages. At students and schoolchildren of the senior classes this indicator decreases to 13-15. Due to such recurrent movements, the human eye "runs" the distance 13-15 times more than it is necessary to understand the information.

the speed of reading is

During stops, the person only recordsseparate letters. And 53% of the time of the eye allocate one letter, and 47% spend on fixing a few nearby. Further, the brain connects everything into an integral image and processes the information obtained.

Since with a quick reading a person rarely comes back a line to the one already read, the eyes get tired less.

Record-holder from Ukraine

Personal record of speed of reading Kievite IrochkaIvachenko put in as early as 16 years. It was 163 333 words per minute. In addition, she managed to fully understand the content of the material read. This result was officially recorded and is still unresolved.

Unclosed phenomenon

Literally a fantastic speed of readingbelongs to another resident of Kiev - Zhenya Alekseenko. At the time of its establishment, it also turned 16 years old. In the presence of 20 listeners of special courses of speed reading, she managed to read 1 thousand 390 words in 0.2 seconds. After that she retold the mastered text for several hours, not missing any details.

Interestingly, up to 15 years, no one had guessedabout the amazing abilities of the girl, and she herself believed that everyone could do that. Discovered the unique qualities of the father of Eugenia. He gave the daughter a long publication printed in a local newspaper. When a couple of seconds later the girl said that the content of the article was quite interesting, her father did not believe her and thought that she was joking. Nevertheless, Eugene accurately retold the content of the article and answered all the questions that her father put to her. As it turns out, she could not explain.

record speed of reading in Kiev

Other records of the sphere of speed reading

Russian Svetlana Arkhipova recorded her reading speed record in a unit of time. He was entered in the Guinness Book of Records and amounted to 60 thousand characters per minute.

Annie Jones from England won 6 times at the world speed-reading contest. Its result is 4 253 words in 60 seconds.

Persecuted and fast-tracked America's leaders: Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy. Each of them read at a speed of more than 1,000 words per minute.

Interesting information about reading

It is believed that with special and regular training, everyone can establish a record of reading speed. But in practice, very few can.

  • The most favorable age to startteaching reading - 4-5 years. It is at this age that the human brain is the most flexible and adaptable to the assimilation of new practices. Teaching children to read 7-8 years is much more difficult. Those students who have not learned to read well and quickly to the third class are unlikely to be able to do it in high school.
  • It is proved that the faster a person reads, the more information he learns in the end.
  • The average speed of reading an adult is about 2 pages per minute.
  • One-sixth of the time spent on reading, we pay returns to what has already been read.
  • Napoleon read at a speed of 2,000 words per minute, and Maxim Gorky "gave out" twice as large.

world record in reading speed

Known facts about the benefits of reading

Of course, it's not necessary to set a speed-reading record, you can just enjoy the process. Moreover, this is an incredibly useful activity:

Reading strengthens brain health. Folding letters into words and sentences can be regarded as a kind of gymnastics for this body.

Reading widens my horizons. You will become better aware of and accept what is happening around you.

Reading develops the ability to concentrate.You can do this without paying attention to the various factors happening around. You can read to music, in transport, in a big and noisy family, on the beach and in any other situations.

Reading is a great way to "kill" time.If you manage to love reading, it will never get bored. After all, there are so many interesting books that hundreds of human lives are not enough to read even half of what was written. Just find your favorite genre, and maybe even a few, and enjoy the process.

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