The walnut, the devil, the flyer floating, the chilim and the water chestnut are all names of one plant, in Latin it sounds like Trapa natans.
To date, about 30 species are knownnut, they are all related to the same family, but are completely different in appearance and size. In plants that grow in Siberia, only 6 horns, and between them about 6 centimeters of distance. And the species of chilima under the name of Maximovich is very tiny flowers, and the fruits do not have horns at all.
This is an annual plant from the family Rogulnikovye, with a thin and branched root. As a rule, the root has a cirrus-branched color.
The stem of the plant is also long and thin, at the base of the creeping. The walnut leaves are located under the water, opposite, and on the surface are on the top of the stem and are assembled into a single socket.
The leaves have a green color and a shape similar to a rhombus, with large teeth at the edges. By the autumn, when the cold starts, the leaves turn orange or red.
Flowers consist of 4 small petalsand can be pink or white. Always located on the above-water part of the plant. Flowering of the walnut begins in July, fruits appear by the autumn.
Fruits have curved and firm outgrowths, verysimilar to the horns. The fruit itself is a brown-black drupe, with an internal white seed that can be eaten. A seed can give life to a new plant even after 50 years of storage. In late autumn, the fruits of the plant fall, deeply adhering to the bottom of their outgrowths. And by spring they are already beginning to germinate, and everything starts from the beginning.
The plant falls into other reservoirs due to cloven-hoofed animals, to the wool of which the root clings and, once again into the water, begins to multiply.
Because of the prevalence of plants around the worldit is rather difficult to establish where it first appeared and what territory is for it an aboriginal one. In the chronicles of China chilim is mentioned 3 thousand years ago.
Water walnut floating prefers ponds withstanding water or with a very small current, where the water is as warm as possible. In Russia it is found in the South-European part, in Siberia and in the Far East. Most often the plant can be found in the reservoirs of the Kaliningrad region and in the Danube river basin. In the rivers and lakes of Central Asia and the North Caucasus there are large plantations of this plant.
In the East (China, Japan and China), the plant is grown for food purposes. In southern Africa, you can find in almost every pond.
Archaeological excavations confirm that Chilimused our ancient ancestors. Especially popular among ancient Russian people. He was found in large numbers during excavations, in all likelihood, he was eaten raw and fried, added to flour and dried. In some regions, the walnut replaced potatoes for people and was a real help in the event of a bad harvest year. Seeds and chillima are found in layers that date back to the Tertiary period.
To date, this water culture is recordedin the Red Book of the Russian Federation, although a few dozen years ago the fruits were sold in the markets. Already at the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century, the plant was considered to be endangered, so many do not even know what a hazelnut looks like. Chilim is protected at the local level by a number of countries:
The plant is also listed in the Berne Convention.
Nutritional value of the water-nut representsonly its core, the calorie content of which is 185 kcal per 100 grams. A high caloric value is achieved due to the presence of a huge amount of starch, the level of which varies from 47 to 56%. About 15-18% in the seed of water, 10-12% of nitrogenous substances, fiber is slightly, up to 1.5%, ash is up to 25%, a very small percentage of fatty oil, about 0.60%.
Chilim or a water chestnut, despite the fact that it is considered to be dying out, is well known in our country. First of all, the fruit of this plant can get rid of dysentery.
Hindus prefer to cook from a nutsflour, from which then bake flat cakes. The most important thing in this recipe is that the fruits are ground by hand and finished products like bakery products from wheat.
But not only for cooking, the plant is used, it has become widely used in folk medicine. Chilim is used for preparing preparations or in raw form in the presence of a number of diseases:
Official medicine also recognized this plant, it is used to make the drug "Trapazid", which is used to treat atherosclerosis.
Hindus and Chinese use the seeds of the water-nut as a tonic and diaphoretic.
And in Japan and in Tibet there is even propaganda among men that they use the fruits of the plant as a preventive and curative remedy for impotence, with kidney pathologies.
Among all the peoples who use chilim, it is known that it has pronounced antiviral properties and promotes an increase in immune forces.
But not only fruits are used for medicinal purposes,a tincture of flowers and leaves is drunk to restore strength after any illness. And to get rid of eye diseases, drink freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of chilima.
With purulent sore throat, sore throat. In nature, juice can smear the bites of mosquitoes and other insects or use fresh leaves, which should be applied to the places of bites.
Despite the fact that it is well studied and describedwater nut, yet, like any other plant, it should be used in a limited amount, in no case should the recommended dosage be exceeded. Although, in addition to individual intolerance, there are no other contraindications to the rosemary, and it is not even attributed to poisonous plants.
Do not use the plant if there is an individual intolerance.
Collection and preparation for storage in our country are held in September, at a time when rotting of the stem begins, and the plant itself changes color.
For the preparation of juice, fresh leaves are used, and you can cook it when the chilies are blooming.
If fruits are to be collected, they should be storedOnly in a dry room, previously spread out a thin layer. The nuts themselves can be stored uncleaned, but then they will have to be placed in a cellar or refrigerator. After cleaning, the chilima fruits lose all their taste in a couple of days.
A water nut is a plant for reservoirs and forconsumption in food. Most often in the menu of restaurants or in recipes there is such an ingredient as a water chestnut, so this is chilim. It is added to salads, boiled and baked, fried and added to sauces. There is even a recipe for making dessert from the rosemary. This sweet dish can be cooked even at home - boil the milk, add the fruits of chilima and sugar, boil until the nut is softened, then grind with a knife or blender and allow to cool the dish for 30 minutes.
Photos of girls with covers of glossy magazines oftenIt's amazing, of course, that they are processed by computer programs, but after all, the skin is constantly and thoroughly maintained. Few people know that it is often chilim is added to cosmetic products, since it has tonic properties. The juice of the rodella can be used pointwise, to combat eruptions, ideal for the care of oily skin.
Photo of a water-nut in natural and artificialponds are always effectively looked. If there is a possibility, then this plant must be planted in its pond. The main thing is that the pond should not freeze.
For the breeding of chilima nuts are thrown to the bottom,which must be covered with fertile soil. For winter, nuts can be hidden in the refrigerator, previously placed in a container of water. With the beginning of spring, the chilim will begin to rise independently, even in the refrigerator.
For breeding in a pond use Japanese or vyemchatolistny view, also suitable Siberian, Manchu and Russian.
In an open reservoir, which will growrosemary, large shellfish should not be present, as they will very quickly absorb young chillima. The optimal temperature of the reservoir for plant growth is +25 degrees.
Water should be stagnant and fresh, constantlybe illuminated by the rays of the sun. The pond should not be shallow, since the height of the stem can reach 4 meters. If you plan to use the nut for medicinal purposes, then it should not be planted in aquariums, as there will not be a crop.
However, the rogovnik does not like dirt, the bottom of the pondwill have to be cleaned well. It is recommended to cover the bottom with sand, silt and greasy clay, but the substrate should not be taken from the first lake that came across. The Roel will not grow on soil that has foreign impurities.
Due to the fact that the water nut is rare enough, it is attributed to magical properties. In some cultures it is believed that the rogueline takes all the troubles away from home, saves from evil spirits.
In long-distance roads, it is also recommended to take a water chestnut, as it is also called a "road" talisman.
Some Altaic masters use walnut for making women's ornaments and interior compositions.