/ / Best statements about happiness: a list of phrases, interesting facts

The best statements about happiness: a list of phrases, interesting facts

How often do you think about happiness and thatdoes it mean for you? As a rule, people are used to thinking about life's injustice, and not about pleasures. But nevertheless there are such individuals who are not averse to thinking aloud about what they live for and how to do it right. In this article we will talk about statements about happiness.

About the situation

Happiness consists mainly in reconciling oneself with one's destiny and being satisfied with one's position.

saying about happiness and love

How often do people complain about fate?Yes, almost every day. That's with the weather was not lucky, then with work. The car poured out of the puddle, the dog bitten by the leg. Such troubles will always be, and this is well shown in the above statement about happiness.

But you can transfer your attention tothe other side. If you look closely, you can always find something good near you. It is raining outside? Put on rubber boots and walk around the puddles. There is nothing better than to return to childhood for at least 10 minutes while you go to work. You do not get along with the other half? Tell the fate of thanks for the fact that you generally have someone to swear on and offend anyone. Try to concentrate on pleasant little things, and not on those things that annoy you.

About wishes

To be happy means not to desire what can not be obtained.

statements about happiness

Every year people become more and moredemanding and mercantile. Many have forgotten about what it means to enjoy life, not from shopping. In the statement about happiness, the problem of modern society is raised. Many people are unhappy only because they have the 6th iPhone, not the 7th. But think, what will change in your life when you buy yourself a more expensive toy? Nothing. You will remain yourself, no change will occur. The happiness of owning a thing will evaporate in a week or even 3 days. And then what? Again, you will need to set yourself the goal of another purchase, to get it, to experience short-term happiness? It is much easier to learn to appreciate what you already have, and not to chase the steep things that will not make you better.

About illusions

Happy is not one who seems so to someone, but one who feels that way.

happiness quotes sayings

Many people are accustomed to live for show.In the statement about happiness it is well noticed that such behavior does not bring pleasure. People want to show neighbors a beautiful facade, although the house needs to be repaired from the inside. A person can be outwardly very happy. For example, he can rest on expensive resorts, live in a presentable area of ​​the capital, but with all this he will be alone.

Is the ostentatious happiness of the efforts thatneed to attach to achieve it? No. But people nevertheless strive to get a good position in society, to buy an expensive apartment and car. After all, if a neighbor has it all, then it is necessary. But in fact a person must understand his true needs. And happiness becomes real only when the person lives for his own pleasure, not for show.

About changes

Happiness is in change, not in finding.

happiness aphorisms

A person always wants his life to become better.And this is possible only when something changes. But in order for something to change, you need to make an effort. But this is like a little. Therefore, a person can sincerely believe that changes will bring things into his life. Buying a big TV instead of a small one, someone might think that now life should change for the better.

What will be the disappointment when an individualwill understand that nothing good has happened. You need to change yourself, only such changes bring happiness. A person can improve his physical state, intellectual, or the development of a skill. The main thing is not to stop and do not slip for a long time in one place, otherwise the quagmire of everyday life can quickly suck in the swamp.

About others

Happiness is the only thing that can be given to another, without taking anything away from yourself.

happiness aphorisms quotes sayings

Saying of happiness and love tells us aboutthat people can make each other happy. In a man in love, the world is transformed. It gets better, cleaner, more interesting. But in fact, the changes are not in the external world, but in the person himself. He begins to relate to life's difficulties in a different way. And it is peculiar not only to lovers. Mothers give happiness to children and find pleasure in communicating with their child. And the child pleases parents just like that. Friends sometimes present pleasant surprises to each other without any reason.


You can talk about happiness for about five minutes, not more. There's nothing to say, except that you're happy. And people talk about misfortune all night long.

This statement about happiness is very truthful.A happy man seldom screams about his beautiful life at every corner. And what can a happy person say? Life is beautiful, and one must enjoy it every day. Agree, it's trite. But an unfortunate person can spend hours pouring out his grief.

And now think about whom you meet more often?For some reason, luckily people rarely complain. And you try, no, do not complain, of course. Simply tell others about the positive things that are happening to you. Concentrate on them. And then life will change. Do not even start spreading about your grief, such a conversation will not bring you relief.

About Perception

Happiness is not a destination station, but a way to travel.

Theme of happiness in quotations and statementsis very common. All why? Because a person does not understand what happiness is. Most people think that only when certain peaks are reached their lives will be adjusted, and then they will feel good. Such people are very disappointed.

A person can always be happy.On what wave to tune in the morning, to positive or negative, everyone decides for himself. You need to understand that you can be happy every day, not just at the moment when you are achieving some goal. Some people represent happiness as a medal. They concentrate so much on conquering that they do not enjoy the pleasure of moving towards their goal. So their lives pass by. And this is the worst thing that can happen to a person.

About life

Happiness is when your life is like how you would like to live.

Aphorisms, quotes, statements about happiness youyou can meet everywhere. The man has long been interested in the nature of this feeling. And the recipe, it turns out, is very simple. Every person has an idea of ​​what an ideal life looks like. But it should be a well-structured, sincere presentation, not a picture from a glossy magazine. And if a person transforms his dreams into reality, then he will be able to become much happier. The person who will be engaged from morning till evening in the favorite business, simply can not find reasons for sadness and sadness. Strive to translate dreams into life and remember that sincere wishes always come true.

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