/ / Fearlessness is what is in each

Fearlessness is what is in each

Probably, when it comes to fearlessness, allimmediately begin to think of heroic deeds and the unprecedented courage of the people who committed them. On the one hand, it is. Indeed, you need to be fearless and brave to rush into a burning building or icy water to save human lives, or to close your embrasure with the embrasure of a machine gun and thereby protect your comrades from deadly misfortune. But that - fearlessness in battle and in a dangerous situation, where it is necessary. And there are other situations where reckless courage is not only unnecessary, but unnatural.

How to distinguish fearlessness from cowardice

fearlessness is

Each action has a certain meaning.Sometimes a person performs a bold action without thinking about the consequences when someone needs help. And in contrast, there are ridiculous incidents, when a daredevil "daredevil" jumps a two-meter fence or shines from the ninth floor or even rushes into fire and water, so as not to be caught. He just takes his feet from retribution.

Fearlessness is selfless, selflessthe repayment of a debt with one single reasonable goal is to save and preserve. There is no recklessness here. And if a suicide bomber blows up hundreds of peaceful people around, sacrificing himself and shouting: "For the Motherland!", Then this is an elementary cowardice and meanness, which such nasty assassins put to him in the head and soul, intimidating him with reprisals against his family and sending him to perdition .

But what showed the fearlessness of MatrosovAlexander, who at the age of 19 during the Soviet offensive lay down on a large German machine gun and died, covering an avalanche of lead and allowing other of our fighters to seize the fortified point of the enemy, every schoolboy knows.

Fearless means fair

examples of fearlessness

Бесстрашие – это справедливость и ответственность for the fates of other people. Only an objective, unselfish and bright soul can correctly apply the law of fearlessness. Such a person is fair to everyone. And not only to yourself like that, but also to animals and birds. This person does not have a difference who needs to be bailed out, and he will give all his strength even at the cost of his own life, so that the creature in trouble will not suffer. The just will fight evil to the end, defend honor, good and just cause, guarding them with their fearlessness. But the brave pioneers and testers show a sense of duty, patience and objectivity, the furrow of the oceans, making many kilometers of flights and discovering new lands. In such expeditions, fearless individuals can also participate.

Fearlessness as a noble courage

Such representations as fearlessness and courage, go foot in foot.But is it enough to just be brave enough to do fearless things? Are such people generally never afraid of anything? By no means. Everyone has fear. But anyone can become a hero not the most courageous citizen, having such a quality as nobility. And it's not about fears. At a time when there is an extreme situation, the rule of "shock shock" begins to operate. A person in a trance is instantly reborn from the weak to the strong, and his fears are not anything, but specifically courage. He directs his energy to suppress the dangerous hearth until he is eliminated and does not cease to bring threats. After the shock, the hero can return to the usual indecisive state.

Fearlessness as a symbol of love

what showed fearlessness

Love works wonders and moves mountains. Therefore, about this state of mind you can safelysay that this is fearlessness. The dedication of a loved one outshines any common sense. He or she will go to the end of the world for the adored object and will live in a hut to be near. Or make a real feat to achieve a positive result. There are no barriers and no borders. Fences with barbed wire and long distances, the performance of generous desires and a sea of ​​flowers, explanations and caresses, joy and sobbing. All this is natural, and if it brings success without bad consequences, then it is that sensible fearlessness.

What we know examples of fearlessness

fearless courage

Here are some examples moreover worthy of despair, when the people threw themselves into the "pool with their heads" in order to resist ignorant destructiveness or to conquer unattainable peaks:

  • Maresyev Alexey - the pilot-hero, who returned to theaviation after the amputation of both legs, which they lost when they met one-on-one in the taiga with a bear. In addition, beaten up by the fascists in this ill-fated 1942, he crawled eighteen days to the nearest village, showing fearlessness over infirmities and a wild beast.
  • Brumel Valery is a Soviet athlete champion, in1965, suffered a terrible accident on a motorcycle. The leg broken into small pieces put an end to the big sport, but fearlessness and will won the disability. In 1969 Valera returned to training and in 365 days took a height of 2 meters 9 centimeters.
  • Children of the Great Patriotic War.Teenagers of 13-14 years fought against fascism in the rear of the Soviet Motherland. Many of them were executed in Gestapo torture chambers. These are the fearless Zina Portnov and Volodya Dubinin, Arkady Kamanin and Kostya Kravchuk, Valentin Kotik and Marat Kazey, as well as other sons of the underground.
  • MOE and firefighters annually participate in exits to eliminate fires, extinguish thousands of hectares of flammable areas and, unfortunately, themselves fall into the epicenter of the flame.
  • Rescuers on the sea beaches daily help dozens of drowning vacationers, pulling them out of the clutches of the watery abyss, sometimes not having time to take care of their own safety.

You can list a huge amount of merit and understand that they are all related to different cases. But all episodes of fearlessness are closely related to one goal - the desire to make the world more kind and better.

Not only are the brave

fearlessness in battle

Finishing the story, you can summarize and summarize that fearlessness is:

  1. Justice.
  2. Honesty.
  3. Courage.
  4. Patience.
  5. Love.
  6. Bravery.
  7. Courage.
  8. Despair.

But not only the heights obey the heights, but also those who, unexpectedly for those around them, also showed themselves heroic fearlessness in the most terrible and inappropriate hours.

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