/ / Dutch warm-blooded horse breed: breed description

Dutch warm-blooded horse breed: breed description

Фото лошадей голландской теплокровной породы adorn almost all sites and magazines dedicated to the subject of horse breeding. These graceful animals have not only excellent appearance, which provides them with excellent photogenicity, but also manifests itself in sporting events with no less success, winning the main prizes of the world's leading tournaments, including the Olympic gold.

Dutch warm-blooded horse breed

Homeland breed winners

Нидерланды всегда славились своим высокоразвитым agriculture. The main item of income of this state is livestock and crop production. Most of this business is in private hands. It is known that more than two thirds of the population of the state of the Netherlands are farmers. Competent economic policy of the country includes a number of measures to promote and strengthen this important sector of the economy.

Dutch warm-blooded horse breed photo

In the homeland of the Dutch warm-blooded breed of horsesoccasionally there is even a question about limiting the number of private farms due to the glut of the world market with their products. In emergency cases, the authorities are forced to offer rewards to owners of large farms who are willing to give up their occupation. But, oddly enough, there are usually very few such volunteers.

Our brothers are no less

No wonder horse forthe average Dutchman is not only a pet and an indispensable assistant in hard peasant labor. For residents of the Kingdom of the Netherlands - this is one of the main family members. The tradition of locating stables not far from home fully confirms this thesis. It is to this animal that the Dutch are obliged in their stable well-being, based on a thriving agricultural economy.

Universal Dutch warm-blooded breed of horses

The livestock of horses in Holland far surpassesin its number the population of this country. Even official statistics find it difficult to name the exact number of the livestock of these animals. However, in the country where the Dutch warm-blooded horse breed was born, there are practically no large stud farms. Breeding of this breed lies almost entirely on the shoulders of medium-sized businesses.

Dutch warm-blooded horse breed description

Initially, these animals were intendedexclusively for agricultural labor, in which they were used for plow work. To improve the quality of the species, local horses, as a rule, interbred with breeds imported from France and England. At the same time, developmental progress was also made by mixing the blood of animals from different regions of the Netherlands. Horses bred in regions with sandy soil had characteristics that were ideal for riding, and individuals from areas where the soil was more dense were distinguished by their large size and more developed muscles.

Big sport

Offspring from representatives of these twodifferent species inherited the best features of their parents. Thus, a new breed of Dutch warm-blooded horses was bred, excellently suited to participate in equestrian sport, which became widespread in Holland, when the emergence of agricultural equipment allowed to release part of the livestock from work in the field.

Dutch warm-blooded horse breed breed description

Distinctive features

Next will be a description of the Dutch warm-blooded breed of horses. These animals are of medium height. Other features of the Dutch warm-blooded horse breed:

  • The breed is a carrier of a large variety of color. There are individuals, both dark and light color.
  • Representatives of the breed have equally well developed both fore and hind legs.
  • Animals have a noble profile, inherited from thoroughbred riding.

If you look at the photo of the Dutch horsesof the warm-blooded breed, the following external features immediately strike the eye: unusually expressive eyes and neat ears of the brewed type, large-sized nostrils, neck, which has a thickening closer to the base.

Dutch warm-blooded horse breed features breed

However, the neck of these animals is differentits grace, mobility and ease. The muscular back has ideal contours for sport riding. In describing the Dutch warm-blooded breed of horses, it is important to mention that the withers of these first-class athletes have subtle contours that merge with the neck. The loin is distinguished by its power with a rather wide abdomen, with ribs having roundings. The hind limbs are small for pedigree horses. This trait was inherited from thoroughbred riding.

Clean breed is not important

Warm-blooded horses are a breed that combinesimagine the quality of horses meant for sledding and the characteristics of riding horses. These animals are obtained by crossing several varieties with the properties listed above. To the name of the breed has long been attached the title of sports horses. And this is not surprising. These horses are really good in almost all types of equestrian sports, as they have the necessary running qualities, and they are also distinguished by such important properties as fast learning, calm temper and quick obedience to the owner.

Dutch warm-blooded horse breed maintenance and care

However, warm-blooded breeds cannotbe counted among the fully formed ones, since in order to improve the driving qualities, the fresh blood of other, mainly European, relatives periodically occurs.

Despite this fact, the Dutch horseswarm-blooded breed of black, pinto, gray and other suits are always in demand and are indispensable participants of the vast majority of equestrian sport competitions. This variety is recognized as one of the most promising by most experts around the world.

The best of the best

Специалисты, занимающиеся разведением лошадей this breed is based in their work on the latest scientific research in the field of biology and are guided by carefully developed breeding programs.

Purposeful breeding beganin the late 19th century with the advent of the first union of Dutch horse manufacturers. At the same time, the Dutch warm-blooded ancestor was bred. This animal possessed the best qualities of two leading local breeds. Moreover, the benefits inherited from both sides have shown themselves to the highest degree. The horse had an unprecedented endurance and extraordinary courage, an extremely rare trait for horses. Speed ​​performance also exceeded the expectations of specialists.

Secret of success

For breeding horses with allnecessary qualities for equestrian sports, the Netherlands horse breeders use an extremely strict system of selection of individuals of both sexes. As a result, offspring is born that is distinguished by good health, excellent physical features and external beauty.

The selection system applies to both horses andand on females. Mares of three years of age undergo a mandatory inspection, which results in the selection of the most deserving of two indicators - external data, correctness and speed of running. The names of the best of the best are added to a special list. In this case, the horses receive a special stamp with the image of the quality mark of horse breeding in Holland - the lion. The dream of all Dutch specialists in this field is for their horses to win the regional selection and become participants in a nationwide competition. Under the terms of this competition, each mare is awarded marks for external data, as well as for the purity of the pedigree and physical form, demonstrated during the races.

Stallion selection

No less stringent selection criteria are presented andto horses. To be included in the list of males, the stallion is not enough just to have spectacular appearance and to be well developed physically, it is necessary to show excellent results in competitions for several years.

Even after the name of the stallion was included ina special list worthy of continuing the population of the Dutch warm-blooded breed, it must annually confirm this right by passing additional commissions. Only males, whose contribution to the development of offspring is recognized as indisputable, receive the stamp "selected". The highest honor for a stallion is to be awarded the “Preferred” mark. But this title is received by a few.

Maintenance and care

Голландская теплокровная порода лошадей, как и any other breed is more demanding in terms of conditions in relation to purebred horses. At the moment, there are three methods of keeping horses.

The lives of horses in the herd - closest tonatural conditions way of life of the horse. Also, this method does not require particularly large costs. Horses live year-round outside any room, in the open. Only pregnant and lactating mares are allowed to shelter in bad weather in rooms of non-monumental type.

The rest of the herd finds shelter from the elemental elements in their natural environment.

This method of keeping horses, although it is the most economical, is not suitable for areas with harsh climatic conditions.

dutch warm-blooded horse breed black

Horse keeping in the stables - suitablesolution for those who keep a small number of horses. In this case, cozy stalls are built for animals. Regular walking of animals should be carried out on a specially prepared and fenced area.

For large studs, the ideal way of keeping horses is the way in which animals are kept in the stables during the cold season, and during the warm season they go out for long grazing.

All three methods are suitable for breeding horses of the Dutch warm-blooded breed.

The following requirements should be made to equip the stables:

  • The stable should be located on elevated places in order to avoid possible flooding in rainy weather and flooding.
  • To decorate the stable from the inside is best natural materials.


What feeds the Dutch warm-blooded breed of horses? This question undoubtedly worries horse breeders who are going to replenish their stables with new inhabitants.

This is certainly important, as with all itsendurance, this breed is extremely demanding to comply with regular diet and the freshness of food for feeding. It should be remembered that no, even the best balanced diet can replace the feeding of horses with fresh grass on the pasture.

Animals that participate in sports can add legumes to their food, as these foods contain the right amount of protein.

However, it should be borne in mind that excessive overfeeding of domestic animals may adversely affect their health.

Before you start a horse of this breed, you should familiarize yourself with the special literature on the subject “Dutch warm-blooded breed of horses and how to care for it”.

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