/ / Dutch warm-blooded horse: description, characteristics, history of the breed

Dutch warm-blooded horse: description, characteristics, history of the breed

A horse is a beautiful strong animal that cannot be admired. With her grace, generosity, speed and endurance she won many fans and connoisseurs around the world.

Currently there are a large numberhorse breeds specially bred and trained for various purposes and purposes. Some are used in agriculture, others are used for leisure and entertainment. There are breeds that are designed for equestrian sport.

These types of horses and the Dutch warm-blooded. The description of the breed, the characteristics and history of the appearance of the breed - further in the article

dutch warm-blooded

What kind of animal is that? When and for what was it derived? And how is it used now? Let's figure it out.

Warm-blooded horses. What are they?

For breeding, to improve the basicproperties and qualities of noble horses use crossing or, simply, mating individuals belonging to different breeds. This process takes place under the supervision of a person and is carried out using scientific knowledge and calculations.

Warm-blooded horse is a fairly new breed.horses, bred by crossing purebred and draft animals. Since this process involved many species and subspecies, a warm-blooded horse is not considered purebred and does not have a personal stud book. It still continues to evolve and improve.

This also applies to the Dutch warm-blooded horse.

Breed personality

This horse is ranked in the category of sports horses. Participates in international competitions of such a serious level as show jumping, triathlon, dressage and driving.

Dutch warm-blooded characteristic

Due to its popularity, first-classcharacteristics and enthusiastic reviews of the owners and just lovers, the Dutch warm-blooded reached global recognition and was honored to have a stud book, which is rare among its class.

Nowadays, a whole expert program has been created,intended for the identification and selection of each individual to belong to this breed. All selected animals that have special properties and ideal characteristics are recorded in the “generic” book, after which a special brand is put on them. The stamp of the horse is a figure of the king of beasts, depicted standing on its hind legs.

How did this breed appear? We will tell about it further.

A bit of history

The origin of the Dutch warm-blooded wasdue to the fashion for horse riding, which appeared in Holland in the middle of the nineteenth century. From the very beginning, in this country, preference was given to draft horses - nondescript, but powerful and low-vulnerable, suitable for hard work. And yet, thanks to the widespread enthusiasm for beautiful race stallions, some large stud farms have decided to withdraw their own, special breed.

The first stage was the crossing of two Germanrocks - Gelderlander and Groningen. Applicants were shipped from the UK, the United States and France. Each individual underwent a thorough competition and selection.

Then derived from this mating mares decidedto cross with trakehner stallions, and stallions of Gelderlander and Groningen breed combined with Holstein mares. Later, other excellent and renowned breeds - Westphalian, Hannover and oldenburg - were attracted to the selection process. Due to this, an impressive result was achieved - the Dutch warm-blooded became the standard of excellence: elegant and strong, fast and enduring. All these qualities combined in the same breed, which at that time was an unusual and pleasant innovation.

dutch warm-blooded horse

Due to this, in 1959 the Dutchwarm-blooded got a stud book. Twenty years later, breed selection has been revised and improved. As a result, the director of the stud farms removed from the arsenal of all the females who did not meet the new standards and indicators. To replace them, genetically correct mares with impeccable characteristics and properties were brought from abroad. They entered the selection process, and ten years later the Dutch warm-blooded horse was recognized as the true "royal" breed.

Environment of use

From the very beginning the breed was intended toequestrian sport. Therefore, now its representatives are fully involved in international-class sports games and show the best results in competitions with obstacles and demonstration dressage.

horse stigma

Also the Dutch warm-blooded takes part in many national sports and entertainment activities, brilliantly performing with solo and group numbers at various shows and concerts.

Selection of species

Selection of animals for further breedingcarried out in accordance with accepted norms and standards. Modern competition is very serious and in-depth. This is necessary to prevent genetic defects and prevent the degeneration of the breed.

This is how mares are selected:females undergo medical examinations (x-ray, biomaterial analysis) to detect hidden defects and diseases, and are subjected to physical exertion and testing to assess their abilities and skills.

The suitability of stallions for crossing is determinedeven more stringent conditions. First of all, their appearance and state of health are evaluated. Then pay attention to the running quality and suitability to sports.

A significant role in the selection is played by the character of an individual instance (submission to orders, instant reflexes, natural talent and grace, temperament).

Objective description of the breed

What can be said about the detailed characteristics of the Dutch warm-blooded?

Her physique is distinguished by proportionality, smoothness of the profile and classic outlines of the whole figure.

Horseback Riding

Высота лошади в холке колеблется между 165 и 172 cm. The specimens of the above mentioned limit are considered professionally unsuitable for equestrian sports, since the greater the height of the animal, the greater the load on its legs and joints.

Regarding the suit, Dutch warm-blooded animals are diverse in color and pattern. It can be bay and black horses, red and gray, monophonic or with white spots on different parts of the body.

This breed is characterized by a wide and strongchest, short, low-set croup, strong and muscular legs. It is distinguished by a light, correctly set foot, gracefully moves at a trot and a gallop, capturing a large space.

By temperament the Dutch horses are submissive andexecutive, friendly and loyal, in difficult situations can show unprecedented courage and bravery. They have good health and enviable endurance, therefore they are rarely exposed to diseases and adapt excellently in different climatic and weather conditions.

What are the general requirements and rules for the care of horses of this breed? We learn further.

Method of content

There are several methods for breeding horses:

  1. Herd. This method is the cheapest and easiest.It implies keeping animals in natural conditions. Hour herd grazing in the fields and meadows, light weather cover for nursing mares and males - this is a brief description of this technique.
  2. Stable stable. Данный метод применяется крупными horse breeders, as it involves the division of the herd into small groups for age, gender and target considerations. The animals are kept in stable stables, and in the warm season they graze on special pastures demarcated by low fences.
  3. Stable horse. This option is a spacious, well-insulated stables, divided into separate stalls, as well as fenced areas for walking.

As you can see, the latter method is the mostpreferred for breeding sport horses. It is he who provides an individual approach and maximum care for the animal, given its characteristics and addition.

sport horses

Pedigree horses, including the Dutch warm-blooded, need the highest comfort and attention.


What should be considered before building a stable for representatives of the sports breed from Holland?

First of all, it is necessary to choose the right place: the building should be built on a hill in order to avoid spring flooding and excessive dampness.

The building itself must be spacious andbright, away from places of possible fires and other hazards. It is recommended to warm the building carefully, to take care of high-quality ventilation and the absence of drafts.

It is best to build a stable from real wood and lime. In the future, it is very important to monitor the cleanliness and not litter the room.

The size of the stall for Dutch warm-blooded animals should be at least fourteen square meters, and the height of the walls should be about two and a half meters.

An important thing is the correct placement of feeders and drinkers. They should be at the chest level of each individual horse.

How should feed this breed?


Despite endurance, strength and sportachievements, the Dutch warm-blooded animals have a very vulnerable digestive system, so when feeding them you should carefully follow certain standards:

  1. The number of meals should not exceed three or four per day and should take place exactly in the allotted time.
  2. When compiling the menu, you should consider the gender, age and physical activity of the animal.
  3. Feed should be used fresh and high quality, harvested in accordance with the rules and recommendations.
  4. Water is best given immediately before feeding, its optimum temperature varies from eight to twelve degrees.
  5. In the daily diet, most of them should be fortified foods, which will contribute to the rapid digestion of food.

Here is an approximate daily ration of food per head:

  • Compound feed (grain) - 4 kilograms.
  • Meadow hay - 4 kilograms.
  • Raw root vegetables (beets, carrots) - 0.5 kilogram.
  • Green feed (fresh grass) - 2 kilograms.
  • Straw - up to 1 kilogram.
  • Steamed potatoes - up to 1 kilogram.


This diet is given taking into account the average load. If the horses undergo intensive training, then you can add a little legumes. And, of course, do not forget about natural walking.

Features of care

The Dutch, like most sport horses, need thorough care.

First of all, it is regular bathing (every five days) with the use of specialized soap and shampoo. Water during these procedures should be cold, but not ice.

It is best to bathe animals in a natural pond or pool. But if there is no such possibility - hoses or buckets will do (the main thing is not to get into your ears and nostrils).

In the process of washing the wool is important to rub with a brush.

After each workout, the horse's feet should be washed thoroughly, without the use of detergents.


As you can see, the Dutch warm-blooded - it is verybeautiful and hardy breed that requires care and attention. If you follow the general rules and instructions for caring for these racers, for a long time they will please their masters with a healthy appearance and brilliant sports victories.

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