Often in works and other textsquote someone's words or excerpts from the text. This is done to confirm your opinion, for greater expressiveness of the said. This excerpt from other texts is called a quote.
Quote - this is literally quoted someone's words.If you use other people's words to explain and reinforce your thoughts, you must be able to formulate a quote correctly. What is a quote, not everyone knows, so often use someone else's words, giving them away for their own, and this is copyright infringement. To avoid this, when using a quote
Words taken from another author, it is necessaryquoted or formatted as a direct speech. You can use quoting in the form of indirect speech, then the author's words begin with a small letter. Sometimes introductory constructions are applied: "According to ...", "According to ...", "The author believes that ..." and others. The poetic lines are not enclosed in quotation marks, but are written with observance of the rules of versification.
What is a quote, every schoolboy knows.No one work, especially in literature, can be written without their use. After all, an epigraph to works is also a quote. How correctly to arrange punctuation marks when using citations, in school they study, and how to make out the citation itself is not known to everyone.
The author's text should be transmitted verbatim, withoutdistortion of meaning. If you shorten a quote using not all words, then instead of missing words you need to put an ellipsis. It is by no means possible to convey in your own words a poetic text. It must be reproduced verbatim, necessarily indicating the author and the name of the work. Sometimes the quotation is formed as an indirect speech, in which case it is permissible to change the form of the words a little so that they fit into the context. It is undesirable to use too voluminous quotations, it is better to choose from them those words that you need to confirm your thoughts, and instead of missing words put an ellipsis.
Most often, citation is used in scientific works, because they always require accuracy of presentation. Usually in such cases the sources are listed at the end, from
Что такое цитата, нужно знать всем, кто пишет various works and compositions or performs in public with reports. School children, students, writers and ordinary people should know how to correctly formulate a quotation in the text and in the speech.