/ / What are the sciences of nature? Reflections on the future profession

What is the science of nature? Reflections on the future profession

Данная статья посвящена самым интересным, но simultaneously and difficult sciences. At all times people have sought to know the nature, to solve secrets. Unfortunately, modern society the more deeply it studies a problem, the more it deceives itself and others. What are the sciences that you can trust? We will not list disputed disciplines so as not to offend specialists, but we list the most interesting ones.


In this science disputes have long ceased, soas all that is needed, has already been proven. And not only theorems. We agree right away that mathematics is an exact science, and try to prove that 2x2 = 5 is stupid. It is this science that has amazing properties. Which ones? When you solve a problem or equation in different ways, the answer is the same in the end. Algebra is a very interesting section, but it requires a full commitment of the student. In geometry, there are also several solutions or proofs.

mathematics is an exact science

Without mathematics, not a single problem in chemistry, physics, economics, psychology or other sciences can be solved.


Who was in the 7th grade and remembers what the teacher said at the very first lesson? Right! Physics is the science of nature. This discipline is versatile, it is divided into:

  • mechanics;
  • electromagnetism;
  • oscillations and waves;
  • quantum physics;
  • optics;
  • astronomy;
  • thermodynamics and others.

basic sciences

In nature, you can explore anything from ripples on the water to powerful earthquakes and hurricanes. Next, consider what else are the sciences that study wildlife and the technosphere.


This item is subdivided into organics andnonorganic. Both natural chemical processes and those created in laboratories (artificial) are studied. Thanks to chemistry, not only the elements present on Earth were discovered, but artificial substances were created.

It is worth noting that these school science about nature are further subjected to in-depth study. For example, meteorology, seismology, ecology.


Изучает живую природу.Surprisingly, biology knows that there are microorganisms invisible to the human eye. She can tell what pathogenic bacteria, viruses can attack people, animals or plants.

natural sciences

Of course, this science is also divided into various directions. The human body (anatomy) is studied by medical students while studying for a doctor of any specialization.

Natural History

Class in the fifth usually study natural science.What are the sciences in this discipline? Almost all of the above, you can add here the history, social studies. As a rule, students are prepared to study physics, chemistry, astronomy.

In essence, natural science is the study of nature,of what is. Suppose everyone knows that objects fall down and do not fly up, right or left. A normal person will not argue otherwise. But science, physics sought to understand how everything happens.

Why do we need science?

Often, students ask:Why learn something? Teachers and parents assure that it is necessary to be smart, to exist in the modern world, to be oriented, to get a job and to earn a living.

what science is

At the same time, a more tricky question may arise: why do we need natural sciences? After all, she herself knows better when and what. Man can not control the element. But he learns to manage nature.

Harm from science. Is there any?

Agree, if even in ancient times people are notbegan to engage in the study of nature, to identify the laws, then, probably, now there would be chaos. Or, maybe, on the contrary, we would live in a world with an immaculate ecology. Modern man is so immersed in technical progress that he does not see how the world collapses right before our eyes: environmentalists, politicians, doctors are sounding the alarm. Despite the fact that new sciences are being created, areas for combating problems in various fields, the situation is only getting worse. Maybe in the XIX century it was worth stopping progress, and then we would live in better conditions.

What is the science of studying various problems? You can not even enumerate, since they all study each their own problem, look for the right answers, create something new.

Humanitarian sciences

There are also such sciences, which have nothing to do with nature and technology, or have, but few - this humanitarian sciences. For example, psychology, social studies, history,philosophy, linguistics. Undoubtedly, they benefit people if taught correctly. But, unfortunately, they can disagree with the natural sciences.

The article reviewed the main sciences.natural, which are studied in school. Maybe one of the students will choose a future profession for themselves, relying on one of the natural or human sciences, and help people to live better.

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