/ / A hyphen between parts of a word in dialects. Writing rules

A hyphen between parts of a word in dialects. Writing rules

Not so often, but still sometimes you have to put a hyphen between parts of the word in dialects. This is what the material you are offering is dedicated to.

hyphen between parts of a word in dialects


In some situations, you have to put a hyphenbetween parts of the word in dialects. The Russian language has certain rules that regulate such cases. Let us consider in more detail examples when such a necessity arises. The first thing that we pay attention to is the hyphen. This term is called a spelling character, which on the letter is denoted by a small horizontal dash intended to separate parts in a complex word. In the present article, let us consider the cases when we put a hyphen between parts of a word in adverbs.

Fundamental rules

So, a hyphen between parts of a word in dialectsis put when they are formed from an adjective and a pronoun with a prefix-and have in the composition of the word a suffix -em, -oh, -yi, -i, -sk. Here are some possible examples of this writing: in your opinion, in your opinion, in the summer, in combat, in a snake. In the cases shown, it can be seen that there is a prefix and suffixes, described above in the text.

The second group includes adverbs, which are formed from ordinal numerals with the prefix в- (во-). Here are a few examples: in the tenth, and secondly, fifthly, in the first place. Example: First, be more attentive, secondly, look around, thirdly, fasten the seat belt.

In conditionally designated by us the third groupadverbs of an undefined form, which include postfixes-something, either-or else the prefix of something / something. Basic examples of spelling with a hyphen between parts of a word in adverbs: somewhere, sometime, somewhere, sometime, somewhere, for some reason, for some reason. For example: From somewhere water dripped from above.

Fourthly, a hyphen is placed in adverbs with a particle-and in a word all the same. Here are some examples: finally, after all, after all, quite the same, so.

Fifthly, a hyphen is placed in dialects thatare formed by repeating a single word with a homogeneous basis. Consider the following examples of writing with a hyphen between parts of a word in adverbs: quietly-quiet (very quiet-semantic meaning), long ago (very long ago), strongly-strong (very much). For example: lived long ago an old man with an old woman.

The same group includes adverbs with one common basis, but complicated by various prefixes and suffixes, namely: purely-cleanly, firmly-tightly, at the very least, similarly-healthy. For example: Get out of here for good.; Remember this verse firmly. In this example, you can see a hyphen.By the way, a dash between parts of a word in adverbs is not used. This is a punctuation mark in the form of a longer horizontal line, which separates the words or parts of the sentence.

dash between parts of the word in dialects

Exceptions to the rules

In this case, attention should be paid tosuch a moment: the described part of the speech with the prefix should be written together, if they were formed from short adjectives. Let's give examples: equally, little by little. We divided the loaf of bread equally.

Also, the words of this part of the speech are composed together, which are formed from the degree of comparative adjectives: more, more new. Give me a larger portion. I would like to get books more new.

And the prefix is ​​written together with some pronouns: therefore (formed from this pronoun), therefore (formed from that pronoun), therefore (from this pronoun).

hyphen between parts of the word in dialects Russian

Similarities and differences

Pay special attention to the following fact:it is necessary to be able to distinguish adverbs, which are necessarily written through a hyphen, from adverbial combinations, which, in turn, consist of the forms of the instrumental and nominative cases of the noun. Such combinations should be written separately. Here are some examples: snake snake, honor of honor, cloud cloud, wolf wolf, wedge wedge, rank rank.

Compare the following types of this part of speech, composed by repeating the same word, which you need to write through a hyphen. These words are not derived from nouns: white-white, light-light, black-black. In this case, you need to put a hyphen between parts of the word in dialects.

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