/ / Gardenia jasmine. Care and Growth

Gardenia is jasmine. Care and Growth

Gardenia jasmine is ranked as a classevergreen bushes, the average height of which approximately reaches 180 centimeters. The length of their islands, narrowed to the base of the leaves is about 8 centimeters. Blossoms this houseplant mainly in the summer months. In the beginning, the flowers are bright white, which eventually changes to yellow.

gardenia jasmine
Gardenia is jasmine. Aftercare care

According to experts, this houseplantprefers bright, sunny windowsills, but protected from direct sunlight. South and south-west windows are an excellent option. In the summer gardenia jasmine feels great on the balcony, but before flowering it is recommended to bring it into the room. In the winter, it needs to provide peace, that is, the air temperature should vary between 16 and about 20 degrees. Weekly, with the arrival of spring and until the end of the summer, it is recommended to make specialized fertilizers without lime.

Useful advice on care


Gardenia jasmine prefers relativelyfrequent watering. The soil must be kept moist at all times. For irrigation, experienced flower growers recommend using soft water, preferably at room temperature.

Air humidity

gardenia jasmine care after purchase

During the active formation of flowers, the plantdemanding to high humidity. That is why it is recommended to periodically dip the pot into wet peat. In summer, higher humidity can be achieved by daily spraying.


Every year at the end of winter it is necessary to transplantplant and crop last year's growth by about 1/3. Shoots will be better branch. Gardenia jasmine prefers acidic soil species. You can buy a special primer in the store or make it yourself. With regard to the latter option, it is preferable to use a mixture of coniferous, leaf and so-called sod land, as well as a small amount of sand and some peat moss.

gardenia jasmine flower
Gardenia is jasmine. A flower exclusively for experienced gardeners?

Very often inexperienced growers notice thatnewly emerged buds do not dissolve, but rapidly fade and fall. What is the real reason? The answer is really very simple. In the budding period, first of all, an excellent temperature regime should be ensured. This means that no significant night and daytime temperature changes should be observed. In addition, should as often as possible ventilate the room, but do not allow the occurrence of drafts. If the problem lies in the leaves, that is, they become whitish and begin to fall off, most likely in the soil itself there is a lack of iron. For pro-inflammatory purposes, experienced experts recommend approximately 3-4 times a year to additionally introduce solutions of trace elements.

With all of the above rules, the plant will be pleased with its beauty.

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