/ / Euphemism - is it a substitution for gross words or substitution of concepts?

Euphemism - is it the replacement of rude words or the substitution of concepts?

Euphemism is what? Do not you remember? Or do not you know?Well, let's take a closer look. Remember, in the feature film "Brother-2" between the main characters, a dispute arose over how to properly apply to a person with dark skin: a Negro or an African American? In the Russian language, there is no fundamental difference between these two concepts: "Yes, I was taught in school: Chinese people live in China, Germans in Germany, in this ... Israel is Jews, in Africa - negros!" - Danila notes with surprise Bagrov. To which his companion replies: "The nigga is an insult to them." "Why did I recall this episode?" - you ask. Yes, because he accurately and vividly describes a linguistic phenomenon, like a euphemism.

euphemism is
Euphemisms in Russian

In the above example, the word "African American"is a euphemism, a substitute word, designed to soften the direct meaning of the "sharp", in the opinion of Americans, the lexical unit "Negro". At us "Negro" is not insulting, caustic or humiliating, therefore does not require an alternative. And what euphemisms are common in the Russian language? Let's talk about this further.

As you already understood, the euphemism is the usemore gentle, polite, non-offensive words or expressions. They replace the gross and tactless. The appearance and duration of the "life" of a particular euphemism is associated with the development of history, culture, with changes in the world outlook of society. For example, not so long ago, in the time of our grandparents it was not customary to pronounce what is considered the norm in modern society. For example, instead of the word "pregnancy" they said "a delicate situation", a hint of "sexual relations" was served by phrases such as "close relations, communication, live with someone", the expression "rattan place" meant "toilet", the turn "jester with him "Instead of" hell with it, "" baststruk "-" illegitimate "," to die "-" die "," mental illness "-" mental illness ", and so on. Basically it is a layer of vocabulary associated with the sexual side of life and with certain parts of the body. This also includes taboo on swear words and on the mention of the name of God, the devil, the dark forces before which people felt trembling or, on the contrary, superstitious fear. It can not be said that such kind of euphemisms completely disappeared from use.

euphemisms in Russian
However, in modern Russian there are observedtwo mutually exclusive phenomena: on the one hand - coarsening speech, and on the other - euphemization. A paradox, is not it? Then what actually happens? The secrets of the "human body" have ceased to be mysteries, sexuality is the topic for discussion number one, swear words are one of the welcomed ways of self-expression, and the confrontation "good - evil", "light and darkness", "God is the devil" - is from world of fairy tales and archaeological excavations. It would seem that when the edges of what is permitted and decent are erased, the "unprintable" vocabulary becomes "printed", and insulting, touching or humiliating another person in the metro or in the store becomes the norm of behavior, the question arises: "Then what are the words-substitutes for?" And they are not needed. Therefore, the essence of this language phenomenon has changed. Therefore, the modern euphemism is, first of all, an invariable component of politics, diplomacy and the media: "price liberalization" - "price increase", "neutralize" - "kill", "accident" - "disaster", "failure" - "failure "" Religious movement "-" sect "," campaign "-" war "," ethnic cleansing "-" the destruction of one or another people "," the red line along the diagonal sheet "-" HIV-infected patient. "
functions of euphemisms
As you can see, less often such words are used to avoid rudeness, sharpness and tactlessness. Increasingly, functions euphemisms - distortion of content, disguise, distortion of facts and manipulation of consciousness.This "substitution" of concepts does not happen slowly, but rather imperceptibly. Freedom in the modern sense is to speak directly, as it is, without being embarrassed by expressions, no matter how it sounds, whether this offends the dignity of another person or not, whether it serves to create, inspire or destroy you from within. The main thing is to speak out and get rid of your negative. However, when we hear or read the speeches of politicians, it becomes important for us not to let this "bad energy" into ourselves, not to allow any excitement close to the soul. Therefore, we can say that the modern euphemism is words and expressions that do not help us avoid "unpleasant" vocabulary, but limit the independence of thinking, offering imaginary freedom in a beautiful wrapper. But there is always a choice, and it remains for us ....

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