/ Who of the celebrities died of AIDS? Celebrities who died from AIDS

Who from celebrities died of AIDS? Celebrities who died from AIDS

HIV is one of the worst infections of the 21st century,known as the virus of immunodeficiency and taking away more than 2 million lives annually, which include celebrities who died of AIDS. In Russia, the number of people infected with HIV has exceeded 900,000 people by 2015, which, of course, indicates a serious problem. AIDS destroys immunity and leads to the fact that ordinary at first glance diseases, which in other cases are amenable to treatment, lead to the death of a person, since his body is completely defenseless before them.

Memorial Day for AIDS Victims

Каждый год в третье воскресение мая проводится International AIDS Day. The main goal of this event is to draw attention to the syndrome of acquired immunodeficiency as a real threat to society. This day began to be celebrated since 1988, when the AIDS epidemic was at the peak of its spread. Since then, much effort has been made to find highly effective medicines to fight HIV, however, unfortunately, such vaccines have not been found so far. Therefore, even under the condition of active treatment and the patient has sufficient financial resources for this, the disease still remains an invincible enemy. This sad fact confirms the dead celebrities from AIDS.

AIDS is a killer, a life-giving idol

AIDS originated in the era of rock and roll, sex anddrug users, but they can also be infected by those who do not lead a promiscuous life, because cases of infection through blood during operations are not so rare. HIV infection does not spare anyone: neither the poor, nor the rich, nor the townsfolk, nor the stars. Who among celebrities died of AIDS, and what was the cause of their infection?

Freddie Mercury

dead celebrities from aids
Dead celebrities from AIDS are a phenomenon toUnfortunately, far from rare. One of the most famous personalities who died from this disease is the lead singer of the rock band Queen Freddie Mercury. On November 23, 1991, the famous singer officially announced his HIV-disease, which was an unexpected blow for his fans and even for his relatives. For several years, the singer hid his fortune and continued to actively perform with concerts. And the very next day after his statement, Mercury died of bronchopneumonia, developed as a result of AIDS.

Freddie Mercury was neither a drug addict norhomosexual, so the reason he contracted AIDS remains a mystery. According to one of the most popular hypotheses of a rock singer, his ill-wishers were intentionally infected through blood. With funds from Mercury, the Mercury Phoenix Trust HIV Care Fund was created.

Isaac Asimov

Russian celebrities who died of AIDS
American science fiction writer Isaac Asimov alsodied due to AIDS at 72 in 1992. The author of science fiction novels caught HIV infection during a blood transfusion during a heart bypass surgery in 1983. He learned about this tragic circumstance only six years later, when he was preparing for a second operation. The writer tried to keep the fact of his illness a secret to the very end. About the real cause of Azimov's death, his wife told the world only 10 years later, therefore he was also listed as “Dead celebrities from AIDS”.

Rudolf Nuriev

who celebrity died of AIDS
Russian celebrities who have died of AIDS also complement the horrific picture of the devastating effects of this disease of modern times.

Rudolf Nureyev’s life was cut short by AIDS in 1993,when the Soviet classical ballet dancer was 54 years old. It is no secret that a world-famous dancer who made a real revolution in male ballet was a homosexual and cohabited with Danish dancer Eric Brun. In 1984, he was diagnosed with AIDS and, despite the costly treatment using the most modern means and experimental drugs, the disease could not be defeated.

Ofra Haza

celebrities who died of AIDS in Russia
Ofra Haza is an Israeli singer and actress whowas recognized as the best in her country four times in a row, died at the age of 42. The official reason for her premature death was pneumonia, but according to an unofficial version, AIDS, which Haza contracted from her husband Doron Ashkenazi, was the root cause of her death. Some sources claim that Ofra was ashamed of her illness and therefore hid information about him until the very end.

Rock hudson

Russian celebrities who died of AIDS
Умершие знаменитости от СПИДа зачастую были Gay. It is also impossible not to mention the legendary American actor Roque Hudson, who broke the hearts of her fans for several decades. His life was cut short by AIDS in 1985, when his lungs and heart stopped working due to an infection. The actor was 60 years old. Although Hudson had been married to actress Phyllis Gates for several years, he still had homosexual inclinations and became one of the first to become infected with HIV at the dawn of her appearance.

Fighting AIDS

Few people are willing to openly declare thatare infected with HIV, because they are afraid of condemnation of the public and their relatives, because the prejudice that the disease affects only those who lead an asocial lifestyle is still quite strong. In the meantime, the number of celebrities from Russia who have died of AIDS or are struggling with this disease is constantly growing. Recently, a well-known Russian journalist and broadcaster Pavel Lobkov admitted that he has HIV. Popular singer and participant in the anti-AIDS movement, Vlad Topalov, also took an HIV test, but fortunately, the result was negative.

Active support of various charitiesfunds aimed at combating AIDS are held by such celebrities as Sir Elton John, Kylie Minogue, Ashley Judd, Anna Kournikova, Charlize Theron and others. Famous Hollywood actress Elizabeth Taylor once said such encouraging words in her interview: “AIDS is not a sentence. We must not be afraid and stop the spread of this catastrophic epidemic in the United States and in the world. ”

Often, actions to combat HIV are organizedglobal brands. For example, once the company H & M attracted to the project of designer clothes pop idols and other stars. A quarter of the proceeds from the sale of exclusive items was sent to the AIDS funds.

who from celebrities of Russia died of AIDS
Nike has a special project withred laces. All the money from the sale of these laces is sent to charity. Maria Sharapova and Andrey Arshavin, sports idols and Russian celebrities, encourage their fans to buy red laces.

People who died of AIDS can not leave usindifferent. Disease has become a global problem, and everyone should make every possible effort to combat it. At least, we are largely able to protect ourselves as much as possible from this terrible infection.

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