Culture - this concept is multifaceted, because everyonean object or phenomenon has many sides. Therefore, types of culture are not always easy to distinguish. For the first time this attempt was made by ancient philosophers. For example, in those days it was customary to single out the so-called "centuries of culture" - stone, iron, bronze, gold.
Modern science considers typology assomething more complicated. Types of culture directly depend on time, religion, traditions, the way of life of a certain group of people. For example, it is possible to distinguish ancient "pre-written" types of culture, as well as those that were formed together with the emergence of letters, education and knowledge.
Social types of culture
As is known, the society is heterogeneous and consists of several categories of the population. This makes it possible to determine the main social types of culture.
Mass culture is the kind thatused by most of society. This is the so-called culture of everyday life. By the way, for the first time such a notion appeared in history around the end of the nineteenth century, when the so-called middle class of the population began to form. To date, it is believed that it is through mass culture that not only a certain social stratum is formed, but also the way of life and the ideology of people. At one time, such famous philosophers as Nietzsche and Schopenhauer argued that the average masses can not understand the so-called higher culture.
Elite culture is a kind ofalternative to the previous type. It was created only for a limited number of members of society, the so-called elite. Only higher minds are able to understand and experience this culture.
Regional types of culture
Culture directly depends on regionalfactors. After all, every country, every people has its own history and traditions, which had a huge impact on the formation of modern culture. Depending on the territories, it is customary to allocate:
Types of organizational culture
To date, there is a mass of culturalclassifications, which are based on regional and historical features of the development of religion. But certain types of culture can be identified in more limited groups of the population - for example, in organizations.
Types of corporate culture
Such a classification has become widespread in the West, where companies are divided according to the nature of the work.