/ / The prefix-suffix method. Formation of words in an affirmative-suffix way

The prefix-suffix method. Formation of words in an affirmative-suffix way

What is the prefix-suffix method?the formation of words? You will find the answer to this question in this article. In addition, we will tell you about the other ways of word formation, how they differ from each other and give some concrete examples.

prefixly suffixed

General information

"Form the prefix-suffix wayword ... "- this is the beginning of most of the exercises on the presented topics. But before you begin to perform a practical task, you need to study the theoretical part.

First, you need to understand what isword formation. This term hides a whole section of linguistics. It examines all the existing ways of forming words. Knowing them in theory and applying them in practice, it is quite easy to understand how the Russian language is constantly enriched.

Ways of forming words

The formation of words with the suffix-suffixmethod is one of the most difficult. It should also be noted that in addition to it, there are other languages ​​in Russian. And before we bring to your attention the prefix-suffix method, you need to tell about other ways that play an equally important role in word formation.

So, in Russian there are the following methods, with the help of which new words are formed:

  • prefixal;
  • suffix;
  • pristavochno-suffixal;
  • bezafiksny and a number of others.
    form the prefix with a suffix

In this article, we will describe in more detail only the first three. After all, such methods are interrelated, and they can not be considered separately.

Prefix method of word formation

About what features are hidden in themselvespristavochno-suffixal method of the formation of words, we will talk a little further. Now I want to tell you about how the Russian language is enriched thanks to a pure pre-emptive method.

This method is characterized by the addition of a prefix (or the so-called prefix) to the base. Here are some examples:

  • the word "companion" is formed with the help of the prefix co, added to the producing basis "comrade";
  • the word "enemy" is formed with the help of a prefix of a "friend" added to the producing basis;
  • the word "supernumerary" is formed with the help of a super-additive, added to the producing basis, "early";
  • the word "attach" is formed with the help of a prefix added to the producing basis "give";
  • the word "give away" is formed with the help of a prefix, added to the producing basis "give."

Features of the prefix method

When you form words in this way, you should know that:

  • the word-building prefix is ​​added to the entire word;
  • The prefix method is used in the formation of absolutely all the significant parts of speech;
  • When adding any prefix, the part of the speech of the main word does not change.
    suffixing method

Suffix method of word formation

In order to form the words prefix-suffix,It is necessary to know the basic rules of the suffix and prefix method. The latter was considered above. As for the suffixal method, then, according to the name, words in Russian with the help of it are formed by adding to the producing basis of one or another suffix. Here are some examples:

  • the word "countryman" is formed by adding the suffix -ak- to the producing basis "earth";
  • the word "birch bark" is formed by adding the suffix -nary- to the producing basis of "birches";
  • the word "grayness" is formed by adding the suffix -ost- to the producing basis "ser";
  • the word "worker" is formed by adding the suffix -nik-to the producing basis of "works";
  • the word "room" is formed by adding the suffix -n- to the producing basis of "rooms".

Features of the suffix method

The represented way of word formation isone of the most common. With the help of such a method, practically all the significant parts of speech are formed in our native language. It should also be noted that with the suffixal method, the part of the speech of the new word may be the same as that of the producer, or may be different. For example, nouns with suffixes -eni- and -ani- are formed usually from verbs (appear - appearance).

The prefix-suffix method

Not for nothing that your attention was presented to twothe previous way of word-formation, after all, the named is to add both a suffix and a prefix to the producing basis simultaneously. It should be specially noted that this method of word formation is the most difficult.

words prefixally suffixed

The method is prefix-suffix: examples of the formation of words

Despite the fact that this way of word formationrecognized as one of the most difficult, thanks to him our language has become more diverse and beautiful. After all, there are an incredible number of combinations of prefixes and suffixes that can be attached to almost any manufacturing basis. In order for you to see this, let's present some examples:

  • the word "mediocre" is formed with the suffix -n- and the prefix of the "gift" added to the producing basis;
  • the word "gift" is formed with the help of the suffix -ok- and prefixes, added to the producing basis "gift";
  • the word "humming" is formed with the help of the suffix -a- and the prefix of the pri, added to the producing basis of "singing";
  • the word "five" is formed with the help of the suffix -om-and the prefix -b, added to the producing basis "five";
  • the word "blind" is formed with the suffix -ovat- and the prefix of sub-added to the producing basis "blind";
  • the word "inevitable" is formed by the suffix -n- and prefixes of non-added "escape" to the producing basis.

Features of the prefix-suffix method

As you can see, it's quite difficult to form a word in the way-suffix way. And to do this correctly, it is necessary to know all the features of the morphemes used.

buzzword suffixedly
By the way, this method produces not only nouns and verbs, but also adverbs and adjectives:

  • glass - cup holder;
  • weapons-disarm;
  • his - in his own way;
  • chef - sponsored.

When using this method of word formation, one should also pay attention to the following nuances:

1.The meaning of the new word, which was formed with the help of the suffix-suffix method, is often derived from the combination of the noun name, which stands in the oblique case, and the preposition. In this case, in the derived expression, the prefix, which is homonymous to the last one, is usually used. For example:

  • window sill, that is under the window;
  • a glass-holder, that is, under a glass;
  • moonless, that is, without the moon.

2. It should not be forgotten that the suffix -y-may not be expressed in a word by a graphic sign. For example:

  • people-and-without-people.

suffixed examples
3. All adverbs, which are written through hyphens, are formed using the prefix-suffix method. For example:

  • from the adjectives by means of a prefix, and the suffixes -em-, -homu (adult in adult, wolf in wolf, and good in nice, companionable in comradeship );
  • from ordinal numerals by means of prefixes, in-and-in, and also suffixes -ih- and -yh- (the third is third, the first is first-first).

4.As it was said above, the meaning of derivative words that were formed by the prefix-suffix method is usually motivated by a combination of nouns with a preposition. Moreover, in the derived adjective, a prefix is ​​used which is homonymous to the preposition, and there is also a zero suffix. For example:

  • without-horn-0-y, that is, without horns;
  • without-feet-0-i, that is without legs.

However, there are also derived adjectives, which along with the prefix also have a materially expressed suffix. For example:

  • without-harm-n-yy (derived from a preposition and a noun "without harm");
  • without-ticket-n-th (derived from a preposition and a noun "without a ticket").

Fixing material

word formation with a suffix
Now you know how words are formedusing prefix, suffix or prefix-suffix methods. In order to consolidate this topic, you need to perform several of the following exercises:

1.If possible, form nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs from the following basics as a prefix-suffix: the sword, the village, the work, crying, reading, harm, story, window, door, wilderness, trembling, flight, elevation, incision, sunrise .

2.Define the generating words for the following adjectives: innocent, illiterate, beardless, hairy, voiceless, talkative, divan, polar, bony, intercity, current, paternal, cognizant, repetitive, today, tolerant, tired, reader.

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