/ / Stanford University: faculty and address

Stanford University: faculty and address

Stanford University of the United States is one of thethe most prestigious institutions in the world. It is a private research university, which occupies top positions in many academic rankings of world universities.

The educational institution is based railwayentrepreneur and California Governor Leland Stanford in 1891 and named for his son Leland Stanford (Jr.), who died in his teens.

Every American entrant knows whereis Stanford University. It is located in California, near Palo Alto, sixty kilometers from San Francisco. Mailing address: 450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305.

Stanford University

University Campus

Stanford is a student city of threehectare, located in a picturesque place, surrounded by sand and palm trees. It is built up with small houses with red roofs. Everywhere the paths and fountains. This place is a bit like a Mexican resort. The tallest building in Stanford is the Hoover Tower, which rises to 87 meters. On the campus to move more conveniently on bicycles, therefore almost every building has bike parking.

Also on the territory of Stanford isa satellite telescope with a diameter of 46 meters, shaped like a plate. There are other attractions. For example, Rodin's sculpture garden, located not far from the center of Cantor. In addition, it will be interesting to look at the Hewlett-Packard garage and a small university church.

On the territory of the student campus there is a stadium designed for fifty thousand seats, swimming pools, a golf course and other sports facilities.

Stanford University United States


Stanford University has about1900 teachers, some of them are laureates of the Nobel Prize. Bachelors study more than seven thousand students and about eight thousand young people earn a master's degree. The most popular is the business education MBA. More than half of the students are foreigners, mostly from Asian countries.

From other American elite schoolsStanford University has a non-standard approach to learning. Students are given unprecedented freedom: they can conduct independent research on different subjects, cross the boundaries of science. There are no facets between faculties. Young people can simultaneously study several specialties. The university libraries have 8.5 million books, including electronic books.

How to enter Stanford University

Many people dream of going to Stanford, butthere are only a few, because in the States it is the most selective university. According to statistics, it takes only seven percent of those who wish. In addition to taking traditional tests and fulfilling other requirements, the selection committee requires writing an essay in which to demonstrate its characteristics, goals, experience, and the like. In addition, letters of recommendation from teachers will be needed. When applying for study in Stanford much attention is paid to the personal characteristics of the applicant.

Stanford University faculty

For admission to the bachelor's and master's degrees there are different requirements. In the first case you will need to present:

  • a diploma of secondary education, in which the average score is not less than 4.8;
  • two letters of recommendation from teachers;
  • test results (ACT Plus Writing or SAT);
  • essay.

To enter the Master's program you need:

  • results of GRE or GMAT tests;
  • Bachelor's degree;
  • a test of English (TOEFL);
  • essay;
  • letters of recommendation.

Cost of education

Stanford University has a budget of severalbillions of dollars, which is replenished by cash receipts from the provision of medical services, research and charitable donations. Only seventeen percent of the budget is tuition fees. Nevertheless, the cost of education in Stanford is very high - more than fifty thousand dollars a year. And this amount does not include the cost of textbooks, accommodation, insurance and so on.

where is Stanford University

Stanford University: faculties

The educational institution is divided into seven faculties, ineach of which has several directions. All faculties are represented as separate schools, and they are known not only in the States, but all over the world. we will tell more about them.

  1. Graduate School of Business (MBA).This is one of the most popular world business schools, where they teach business administration and entrepreneurship. Education is offered for a two-year MBA program and an annual management program to obtain a master's degree. The school has a postgraduate course.
  2. School of Earth Sciences. He prepares specialists in geology, geophysics, and so on.
  3. Graduate School of Education. Training of teachers, teachers.
  4. School of Engineering (Faculty of Engineering).This school is the largest in terms of the number of students. Graduates of this faculty are the owners of Google, Yahoo and other large companies. The school has 84 laboratories.
  5. School of Humanities and Sciences (Faculty of Natural and Human Sciences). Most often, they come here to receive a bachelor's degree, because the faculty offers a wide range of subjects.
  6. Law School. Prepares lawyers of different types.
  7. School of Medicine. It is famous and prestigious, it is considered the oldest division of Stanford. At the school there are hospitals where students practice.

In addition, the Stanford University has a center for continuing education, where everyone can attend one or another course.

how to enter Stanford University

Famous graduates

Many influential people who are known forall over the world, are graduates of Stanford. For example, the founder of Google, Sergey Brin, or the owner of Nike Philip Knight. In this university, studied major political figures, for example, the president of the United States, Herbert Hoover, athletes: NBA players brothers Lopez, golfer Tiger Woods.

At the graduation at the university are various world celebrities. For example, in 2005, before the graduates of Stanford, his legendary speech, Apple CEO Steve Jobs.

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