/ / Chemical element of France: characteristics and history of discovery

Chemical element of France: characteristics and history of discovery

The chemical element of france (Fr 87) is one of theperiodic system of Mendeleev elements. By 1925, he was one of four non-found elements. This is the heaviest and most active alkali metal that exists in nature, and it is also the fastest for the half-life of existing chemical elements. This, and a low nuclear stability, was favorable for the fact that for a long time it was impossible to discover France, whose existence was predicted by Mendeleev almost a century before it was received.

discovery of the chemical element

The history of the discovery of the chemical element of France

It is distinctive in that it fell to the lotThe woman whose name is Margarita Pere. The search for this substance was based on the Mendeleyev system. On the basis of substances adjacent to No. 87, various hypotheses were advanced on the properties of this metal:

  • due to the fact that the neighboring cesium melts at room temperature, it was assumed that the 87th element would also melt at low temperatures;
  • it was believed that he would treat such liquid metals as cesium or mercury;
  • hypotheses about its radioactivity were put forward.

By the end of 1938, the search for this substanceconnected Margarita Pere. She focused her attention on the alpha particles emitted by the actinium. She cleared the substance well of various impurities, leaving only a clean element. After prolonged chemical treatments, a mother liquor containing alkaline salts remained in the hands of the scientist. She assumed that it was not radioactive, but after evaporation beta activity became noticeable with a half-life of 22 minutes. The woman immediately realized that this speed depends directly on the action of the alkaline element.

The continued work of Margarita was crownedsuccess only in the autumn of 1939. Starting from the existing nomenclature, the woman gave the 87th element the name "Actinium-K", which later was renamed in France in memory of the place in which she was born. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry took the name invented by Margarita Pere. This was the opening of France.

the history of the discovery of the chemical element of France

Chemical element Fr: characteristic

This is the heaviest and most active alkalinemetal, existing in nature, and also it is one of the fastest for half-life of existing chemical elements. The longest living of its isotopes can be found in uranium minerals. Therefore, the chemical element of France is very poorly studied, since it decays rapidly. Moreover, it has a very high radioactivity. Nevertheless, small amounts of this element were investigated, and the following properties were found:

  • the half-life of the longest-lived isotope is 22 minutes;
  • melting point - 27 degrees;
  • density at room temperature 1.87 g / m3.
    chemical element of france

Interesting facts about France

This is the last chemical element discovered innature. It belongs to the rarest, as it is very unstable and quickly disintegrates. According to scientists, the chemical element of France is present on the Earth in the amount of 30 grams. It can be attributed to liquid metals, but it will not be liquid for long. After a few seconds, France breaks up into more stable elements, in particular, radium.

Application of France

But, despite the high volatility, thisthe chemical element also benefits. It is used, although not widely. First of all, the chemical element of France is useful for the detection of actinium in natural objects. In addition, thanks to experiments with laboratory rats, scientists have found that it accumulates in malignant tumors that are in the first stage of development. Therefore, it can be used for early diagnosis of sarcoma. But the study of this element continues. France reveals more and more of its secrets to scientists.

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