/ / Split or separately "inappropriate" - correct spelling

Split or separately "impractical" - correct spelling

In our time, people are increasingly communicating throughcorrespondence on the Internet. Literacy is gradually becoming an indicator of the level of culture and development of a person. For this reason, network users are increasingly asking: "How do you spell this or that word?".

Of course, such information is of interest not onlyregulars of social networks, forums and chats. The problem of spelling is relevant for students, pen workers and those who simply want to improve their literacy level.

In this article we will raise a topic that disturbsEveryone who loves his native language and seeks to understand it: writing "not" with words in different cases. To understand a little, we will find the answer to a very specific question: "How do you spell the word" inexpedient "?".

Is it futile or separate

"Not" with the word: how not to be mistaken in writing?

In order to determine how to write "inexpedient", let us turn to the school course of the Russian language.

In the classroom, the teacher repeatedly said: "If you want to find out how you write the word that interests you, begin by defining its part of speech." From this advice we will build on.

To determine the part of speech, it is necessary to know the grammatical meaning of each of them. Also, the correct formulation of the question by the word will help.

Determine the part of speech

Let us recall all parts of speech and their signs. This will help us answer the question: "Is it futile or separate" impractical "?".

In Russian there are only 9 significant parts of speech. Besides them, there is a group of official words, which include prepositions, unions, particles. Stand alone are modal words and interjections.

How to write is inexpedient?

Notational parts of speech

The merged and separate spelling of "not" with the word directly depends on the part of the speech. Therefore, consider the main features of each of them.

  1. The noun answers the questions: “Who?”, “What?”, Conveys the meaning of objectivity. Example: monkey, cornice, grid, casino, laminate.
  2. If you can ask the word a question: “What does?"This is a verb. It expresses the subject matter that changes over time, that is, procedural. Examples: clapping, blinking, yawning, coloring, dancing, singing.
  3. The word answers the question: “What?”, “What?", "What kind?". So this is an adjective: purple, cunning, cruel, irritable, courageous. As can be seen, it characterizes the sign of the subject. Adjectives can be short and complete. The first will be found out on the questions: “What?”, “What is it?”, “What is?”.
  4. The part of speech expresses quantity or ordinalnumber? This is definitely a numeral. You can confirm your guess by asking him the question: “How much?” Or “What is the score?” Example: eight, forty-five, fifty-third, hundredth.
  5. Pronouns perform in the sentence the functions of other independent parts of speech: this, any, other, each, some.
  6. An adverb is a word that cannot be changed. It specifies the action (singing mournfully) or clarifies a sign (too loud). Answers the questions: “How?”, “How?”
  7. The category of the state on the external signs resembles an adverb. However, they appear only in impersonal sentences in the role of a predicate. For example: the street is dark.
  8. The verbiage complements the action, concretizes it (ran down the street, singing a favorite song). You can learn them by asking: “What are you doing?”, “What are you doing?”.
  9. The participle expresses the attribute of the subject by action(who knows everything in the world). It is often confused with the verbal adjective. This is due to the fact that outwardly both parts of speech look similar, and you can ask the same question to them: “What?”.

Many spelling rules are kept on determining the part of speech. Over time, you will learn to distinguish the verb from the noun automatically, just by looking at the word.

So what part of speech is “inexpedient”?

How do you spell “inappropriate” correctly?

At first glance, the word looks like an adverb. But let us try to change it by birth: it is inexpedient (male), inexpedient (female). The word bends, which means that the adverbial option disappears.

In addition to "How?" By the way, you can ask the question: "What is it?". Therefore, this is an adjective in short form.

We found out a part of speech, now it is written in one word or separately “inexpedient”, we learn, recalling the school lessons of the Russian language.

"Not" with a short adjective

How do you spell the word

“Not” with a short adjective is used in the same way as in full form, ”the school textbook tells us. Still, how do you spell “inappropriate”? Recall the rules to understand:

  • “Not” is written together, if the word is not possible to use without it (ignorant, clumsy);
  • if you can pick up a synonym or explain the meaning of the phrase, “not” is also written with the adjective (the unlucky one is the one who lacks luck);
  • if there is a clear or hidden opposition in the context, “not” is used separately with the word (not loud, but quiet; it was not an ordinary day — that is, amazing);
  • when there is a tinge of denial of any quality in a phrase, “not” stands alone (not a golden color);
  • words are written separately if the context is: “far from”, “not at all”, “not at all” or negative pronouns (no, no);
  • together “not” is written with an adjective, if there are: “very”, “extremely”, “very”, “almost”.

Together or separately "impractical"?

To write

As we have already found out, in order to determine how a short adjective is spelled correctly, it is necessary to put it in full form and look at the context.

Если в предложение есть противопоставление, the signal words "by no means", "not at all", negative pronouns, we write "it is not advisable." If you can pick up a synonym for the combination, and it does not fit the previous paragraphs, we print together.

Consider a specific example. If, having put the adjective in full form, we received a sentence: “I consider your behavior inappropriate,” will the short form be written together or separately?

We see that there are no signs in the sentence.denial or opposition. There are no word signals. By the full form of the adjective, you can easily find a synonym for "meaningless". Means, we write together.

The answer to the question: “Is it together or separately“ impractical ”?” To find it turned out to be quite simple. It was enough to remember what was taught in school.

Now, based on the rules and the algorithm that determines how “not” is written with an adjective, you will always easily cope with a difficult case. And shine your knowledge if necessary.

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