/ / The word "uninteresting": merged or separately spelled?

The word "uninteresting": merged or separately spelled?

"Not interesting": should this word be written together or separately? The answer to this question can be found in the article presented.

uninterestingly or separately

We define the part of the speech of the words "interesting", "interesting"

How do you write "uninteresting" and "uninteresting"?To answer the question posed, it is necessary to determine that part of speech to which these lexical units belong. It is quite easy to do this. For this it is only necessary to ask the necessary questions: "what?" - uninteresting, "what?" - is not interesting. Therefore, these words are adjectives. And the first of them is complete, and the second is a short one.

"Not" with brief adjectives

How do you spell the word "uninteresting":together or separately? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to turn to the corresponding rule of the Russian language. As you know, it says that "not" with short adjectives is required to write exactly the same as with complete ones. Let's give an example: the road is not easy - the road is not easy.

So, in order to learn about how to write a short adjective "not interesting", you need to study all those rules that apply to complete adjectives.

"Not" with full adjectives

The question of a merged or separate writing of "not" withthe names of adjectives are rather complicated. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the choice of the correct spelling depends on many factors. Moreover, in the Russian language there is a large number of exceptions in this regard.


Slit spelling "not"

The answer to the question of how the word "uninteresting" is written, whether merged or separately, depends entirely on what is the spelling of the full name of the adjective "uninteresting."

So, adjectives with "not" are written together in the following cases:

  • if they are not used without "not" (for example, negligent or negligent, unattractive or unattractive);
  • if the words with "not" can be replaced by any synonym, but only without "not" (for example, ugly - ugly, ugly - ugly, small - small, unmarried - single).

By the way, it is not always possible to choose such a synonym without "not." In this case, you can explain the adjective's name by some special expression that is very close in meaning.

So, "uninteresting" should be written together, because this word can easily be replaced by the synonym "boring". However, there are also cases when it is used with "not" separately. This will be discussed later.

Separated spelling

Complete as well as short adjectives are written with "not" separately in the following cases:

how to write uninteresting

  • If there is any opposition in the sentence. Here is an illustrative example: not handsome, but ugly; not interesting, but boring.
  • If the sentence contains a negation of somequality or property. It should also be noted that it is often possible to pick up an opposition to such words. Here are some illustrative examples: spoons are not gold (and, for example, steel), honey is not buckwheat (and, for example, linden), the paint is not white (and, for example, yellow), the shade is not yellow (and, for example, brown and so on ).
  • If a dubious word expresses an emphasizedaffirmation in an emotionally colored or interrogative sentence. Let's give an illustrative example: Who exactly do not know the names of these characters? - They are known to everyone.

Separate spelling with explanatory words

"Not interesting": is it necessary to write this word together or separately? It should be noted that both variants of writing have a full right to exist.

So, "not" should be written separately with the namesadjectives, if in the sentence the explanatory words are: "not at all," "not at all," "not at all," some negative pronouns (for example, no one), as well as adverbs beginning with "no" (for example, at all). To make this rule more understandable, we give some illustrative examples:

  • It was not a stupid idea at all.
  • It was not at all interesting to watch this movie.
  • No one known actress played in this series.
  • Not an easy exercise I did in a few minutes.
    not interested

Fusion spelling with explanatory words

"Not" with the name of the adjective is written together in the following cases:

  • If there are other explanatory words.Let's give examples: incomprehensible words to me, inappropriate in this case, utterance, unfit for playgrounds and so on. In addition, adjectives that end in the "-th" (independent, indestructible, fireproof, incorrigible, waterproof, incorrigible, waterproof and the like) are merged together. They are also written together with "no", even if they have explanatory words.
  • If the adjective next to the name has onefrom adverbs measures (answering questions "how much?", "to what extent?"), and also adverbs of degree (answering the question "to what extent?"). These words can include the following: very, very, extremely, extremely and almost. Let's give some illustrative examples: a very unfortunate week, extremely ugly behavior, a very difficult process, a highly uninteresting transfer.
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