/ / Moscow State University (MSU) named after Lomonosov: history, description, specialty

Moscow State University (MSU) named after Lomonosov: history, description, specialty

Moscow State University named after Lomonosov (Moscow) is an excellentan educational institution for young people who want to devote their lives entirely to science or to get a high-quality, versatile education that opens the doors to a number of leading Russian and foreign companies.

Foundation of the University

МГУ был создан в 1755 году М. Ломоносовым и И.Shuvalov. The opening date was to be 1754, but this was not to be due to repairs. The decree on the opening of the school was signed by the Empress Elizabeth herself in the winter of the same year. In honor of this event, every year the university celebrates Tatiana Day. Already in spring, the first lectures began to be read. The curator of the university was Ivan Shuvalov, and the director - Alexey Argamakov. The most interesting thing is that Mikhail Lomonosov was not mentioned in any official document or in any speech devoted to the discovery. Historians explain this by the fact that Ivan Shuvalov appropriated the idea of ​​creating Moscow State University and the glory from it, and also introduced a number of provisions into its activities that were zealously disputed by Lomonosov and other progressive scientists. This is only an assumption, the evidence of which is not. Some historians believe that Lomonosov only executed the orders of Shuvalov.

MSU named Lomonosov


Moscow State University named after LomonosovGovernment Senate. University professors were subject only to the university court, which was headed by the director and curator. The duties of the curator included the complete management of the institution, the appointment of teachers, approval of the curriculum, etc. The director was elected from outsiders and carried out supervisory activities. His duties also included providing the material side of the issue and arranging correspondence with prominent scientists and other educational institutions. For the director’s decision to receive full force, it had to be approved by the curator. The Director of the Conference was headed by professors, which consisted of 3 professors and 3 assessors.

XVIII century

Московский университет имени Ломоносова (МГУ) в In the 18th century, he could offer students three faculties: philosophy, medicine, and law. Mikhail Kheraskov in 1779 created a university noble boarding house, which became a gymnasium in 1930. The founder of the university press is Nikolay Novikov (1780). It published the newspaper Moskovskie Vedomosti, which was the most popular throughout the Russian Empire. Soon when the university began to form the first scientific community.

what do people learn in the name of lomonosov

XIX century

Since 1804, university management has moved tohands of the Council and the rector, which was approved personally by the emperor. The council consisted of the best professors. The rector was re-elected every year by secret ballot. Similarly, deans were elected. The first rector, who was chosen according to such a system, was H. Chebotarev. The council dealt with issues of the curriculum, testing of students' knowledge and the appointment of teachers in the gymnasium and college. Each month, meetings were held at the Lomonosov Moscow State University dedicated to new scientific discoveries and experiments. The executive body was the Board, consisting of the rector and deans. Communication between university managers and authorities was carried out with the help of a trustee. At this time, the faculties at Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov underwent some changes: they were divided into 4 branches of science (political, verbal, physical and mathematical, and medical).

faculties in the MU named m in Lomonosov

XX century

In 1911, there was a scandal - the “Cass case”.As a result, about 30 professors and 130 teachers leave the university for 6 years. The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics suffered most of all from this, which, after the departure of P. Lebedev, stopped in development for 15 years. In 1949, construction of a new building began on the Sparrow Hills, which in the future will become the main building of the university. In 1992, a famous mathematician V. Sadovnichy was elected rector of the university.

Moscow University named after Lomonosov MGU

Educational process

Хотите знать, чему учат в МГУ имени Ломоносова?In 2011, all Russian universities had to switch to a two-tier system of education, which is prescribed by the Bologna Convention. Despite this, MSU continues to train students in an integrated 6-year program. The university's rector, Viktor Sadovnichy, said that the educational institution trains future specialists according to its own standards. He emphasized that they would be one level higher than the state. For students there are two possible forms of education - specialty and master. Training for a specialist will last 6 years, and the bachelor will remain only in some faculties. Educational analysts have different points of view on such a decision of the university: someone approves of it, someone is in no hurry to draw conclusions.

State University named after Lomonosov MGU


Today the university consists of morethan 600 buildings with a total area of ​​approximately 1 million m². Only in the capital of Russia the territory of the university occupies about 200 hectares. It is known that the Moscow government has allocated a 120-hectare area for new buildings of the university, on which active work has been carried out since 2003. The territory was received in the free rent. Construction is largely due to the assistance of Inteko. The company has built up a part of the allocated area with two residential areas and a parking zone. The university has a share of 30% of the living space and 15% of the parking lot. Also the territory is planned to be built up with four buildings surrounding the fundamental library. All this will be a small town, which will house the laboratory and research buildings and the stadium.

Moscow State University named after Lomonosov Moscow

In 2005, the fundamentallibrary. In the autumn of 2007, the city’s mayor, Yu. Luzhkov, and the rector of Moscow State University solemnly opened two important objects: the First Educational Building of Moscow State University, which houses three faculties (state administration, historical and philosophical) and a system of 5 buildings for a medical center (polyclinic, hospital, diagnostic and analytical centers and educational building). In the winter of 2009, the ceremonial opening of the 3rd Humanitarian Corps took place, in which it was planned to accommodate the Faculty of Economics. A year later, the 4th building was opened, which occupied the law faculty. Under the Lomonosovsky Avenue an underground pedestrian crossing was created, which connected the new and the old territory.

In 2011, the first academic building, locatedin the new territory, they began to call it “Shuvalovsky”, and another under construction will be called “Lomonosovsky”. Branches of the university are even outside the country, in the most remote corners: in Astana, Dushanbe, Baku, Yerevan, Tashkent and Sevastopol.

Scientific life

Lomonosov State University(MSU) is famous for talented scientists who regularly publish interesting work and research. In the spring of 2017, biologists at Moscow State University published a report in which they proved the relationship between renal failure and “wrong” mitochondria. The results of the experiments were published in the scientific journal Scientific Reports. A new way was created to help assess the state of the environment. The university is famous not only for famous scientists who have already created a name for themselves, but also for young talents. Many of them became laureates of the Moscow government award in 2017.

MSU behalf of Lomonosov Faculty of Physics


Lomonosov Moscow State University offers students onselection of a large number of areas of education. There are about 30 faculties in total. On the basis of the university, the Moscow School of Economics, the Graduate School of Business, the faculty of military training, the Graduate School of Translation, etc., are functioning. There is also a University Gymnasium that accepts orphans. What is interesting we can learn about MSU Lomonosov? The Faculty of Physics is considered one of the most progressive, and for good reason. He is considered the best place to study physics in all of Russia, because studies are being conducted here that receive worldwide publicity. Leading teachers are scientists who are known for their discoveries and ideas even abroad. This faculty was created in 1933, and then it was called the Department of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. Such scholars as S. Vavilov, N. Bogolyubov, A. Tikhonov taught here. Of the 10 Russian Nobel Prize winners, 7 studied and worked in this department: A. Prokhorov, P. Kapitsa, I. Frank, V. Ginzburg, L. Landau, A. Abrikosov and I. Tamm.

Подводя итоги этой обзорной статьи, хочется say that MSU them. Lomonosov is one of the best universities in the Russian Federation, if not the best. Every entrant should make a choice independently, because training here opens up a lot of opportunities. The popularity of this educational institution is unlikely to fall once, because even in branches there are almost never shortfalls.

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