/ / Block House: how to mount outside and inside the building

Block House: how to mount outside and inside the building

Деревянный блок-хаус является отличным вариантом exterior decoration of low-rise buildings. This applies to this trim and other materials. It has an attractive appearance and is able to maintain natural heat inside the building.

For reference

block house how to fix

If you are familiar with the technology, you canindependently install the finish, saving money. Block house imitates finishing with natural wood species. This material is made of wood, galvanized metal or vinyl. Fastening is carried out with the help of galvanized dowels or hanging brackets, it all depends on what the panels are made of.

Why choose block house for the facade?

how to fix a block of houses outside

Among professionals and home masters todayis a popular block house. How to attach this material will be described in more detail below. If you still doubt whether it is worth choosing such a cladding for your home, then you need to pay attention to the positive characteristics, among them:

  • the opportunity to insulate the facade and waterproof the walls of the house;
  • a short period of work;
  • the material is not subjected to ultraviolet exposure;
  • the possibility of finishing not only the walls, but also the pediments, as well as the socles of the buildings;
  • The possibility of installing a block house on walls made of any material, be it stone, concrete or brick.

Among the wide variety of modernfinishing materials in stores is presented and such as a block house. How to strengthen this material? Before the start of work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the technology. You can perform the installation yourself, as a result, you will be able to get a facing that will not lose its original color in time.

For the reason that the material is attached to thetechnology hinged facade, under the finish does not accumulate moisture, which could cause mold. Among other things, such a finish does not exert a significant load on the foundation and walls of the house, which can not be said about the material from natural wood or metal.

Surface preparation of walls

how to strengthen a block house

Before you mount the block house outside, youshould prepare the facade, which should be smooth and dry. The surface can be plastered, and the wooden houses cleaned and sanded, which is especially true of the affected areas of the fungus and mold. Such zones should be treated with a special antiseptic primer. The walls should be additionally waterproofed, for this purpose, a water repellent impregnation is applied to the walls of brick or reinforced concrete. Exceptions are also the walls made of wood, a water repellent composition must be applied to their surface, which will prevent the formation of fungus and mold.

Installing the carrier of the wire

how to properly fasten a block of houses

If you are thinking about how to strengthen the block house,then you should know that this material is installed on the crate, which is made of metal profiles or wood. The first option is used for fixing the lining of galvanized metal, so an example of installing a block house on a wooden crate will be considered below.

At the first stage a vapor barrier layer is attached, inthe quality of which can act as a film. Cloths should be installed with an overlap of 3 cm, this will prevent the leakage of steam. The wooden crate must be placed strictly vertically, the bar for the supporting structure must be a dry and treated antiseptic primer, it is important to choose the composition of deep penetration.

So, you decide to use for exterior decorationhis house block house. How to fix this material? You should familiarize yourself with this before starting work. The technology provides for the observance of a certain crate step, which should be 50 cm. This will guarantee the reliability and durability of the structure. Fixing the block house to the surface of the wall is carried out after laying insulation and waterproofing, which are located between the crate.

The next step is to mountcontra-grills, which is installed on top of the insulation layer, and steam-, as well as waterproofing. The two bearing sheaths are fixed between themselves with galvanized wood screws, it is important to choose the right fastener length.

Panel installation features

how to fix the block house inside the house

Все чаще современные строители выбирают для finishing low-rise buildings block house. How to fix this material, you should find out if you are going to purchase a lining for work. Fastening boards made from below or above the wall. An important rule is the location of the sheet pile up, in this case, the water will not be able to penetrate to the joints of the boards.

Каким бы ни был способ монтажа, необходимо leave 5 cm gaps above and below the wall to provide ventilation space. For the reason that wood has the ability to expand when exposed to temperature and humidity, it is important to leave a gap between the boards, the width of which should be equal to 3 mm. If we neglect this rule, the panels can be deformed under the influence of external adverse factors. The corners of the lining should be decorated with external or internal corners. With a significant thickness of the material, you need to hide the junction of the boards with two vertical slats.

Features installation of vinyl siding on the facade

how to fix the block house to the wall

If you want to learn how to properly fastenthe block house is outside, then initially you have to decide on the finishing material. If it is vinyl, then it is also necessary to leave a temperature gap between the panels, its width should be equal to a maximum of 3 mm.

Attach each product is only necessarythe place where the manufacturer has provided the perforation. If the mounting holes for the fasteners are missing, then they must be punched before installation. The pitch between the fastening points should not be more than 40 cm. When working, use anti-corrosion fasteners, galvanized self-tapping screws, which are sometimes replaced with nails of sufficient length.

If you decide to use screws, then after themfull tightening is necessary to unscrew the fastener one turn. This requirement is also dictated by the temperature expansion of the material. Nails require the space between the head and the finish surface of one millimeter.

Features of interior wall block-house

how to fix the block house outside

Many novice masters today thinkabove the question of how to fix the block house inside the house. The method of work is almost the same as the one described above, but there are some nuances.

No matter what material is made ofwalls, you should install the sheathing, for this you need to use 30 mm bars. The distance between them can be equal to the interval in the range from 50 to 60 cm, it is important during their installation to align the elements in height. This is one main advantage - when you make the interior walls of a house with a block house, there is no need to level the walls before starting work.

Insulation during the interior finishnot necessarily, this is especially true of wood and brick structures. However, the decision on the need for thermal insulation must be made in advance, even before the installation of the batten. If this layer is present, then the above thickness of the bars must be increased.

Before attaching the block house to the wall,it is necessary to calculate how much the room will be reduced, this is especially the case when it is necessary to have a sound-proof effect, which is achieved by providing an air space between the casing and the wall.

Advice from a specialist

As a rule, indoor block houseinstalled horizontally on a vertically oriented crate. But in some cases vertical installation of panels is used. This is true in cases where the conditions of high humidity are preserved in the room, which is true for baths and saunas. These technologies during the operation of the premises allow you to eliminate the accumulation of fluid in the grooves of the boards, preventing premature destruction of wood.

If you are thinking about how to properly fastenblock house, using the above-mentioned method of installation, the spike of the first and all subsequent boards should be directed to the light source, this will make the not-so-noticeable joint of the boards. But such fastening is usually considered as an exception, whereas it is common practice to install a block house horizontally, in which the spike will be located on the top and the groove - on the bottom.


Before you attach the metal block house,it is necessary, as in all the above cases, to install the crate. If you want to achieve a more durable result, then you should choose a metal profile. A layer of insulation under the finish is fixed with dish-shaped dowels, and if necessary, installing a double layer of insulation should be bandaged to prevent gaps.

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