/ / How are rich people different from poor? (Social Studies, Grade 5, answers)

How are rich people different from poor? (Social Studies, Grade 5, answers)

In society there are many questions that aregive a definite answer is almost impossible. One of these is the following: how are rich people different from poor? Often, representatives of these two categories can hear a variety of judgments about the opposite class.

how are rich people different from poor

Rich about the poor

However, such conclusions will most often bebe generalized. In addition, a poor man who speaks of the rich, or a rich man who judges a less well-off person, is more likely to rely on his subjective experience.

Therefore, by questioning the representatives and the first,and the second category is very difficult to answer than a rich man is different from the poor. Answers can be very different emotional coloring. For example, one can hear from many wealthy people that the poor are simply stupid. They are not smart enough to earn the right amount of money. While the rich people themselves or their parents were smart enough, they are enterprising and hardworking to make a decent fortune in their time. The subject that a schoolchild will have to study in order to answer the question “how does a rich person differ from a poor one” is social science. High school students can use information from textbooks on economics or sociology.

how does a rich man differ from a poor man

Attempts to build a common concept

Obviously, such an answer in itself cantestify to a rather narrow worldview of the speaker. It is so generalized that it is similar to children's reasoning. After all, when it comes to the poor, no large sample of representatives of this class is taken into account. It can not be investigated - in order to believe that the poor are indeed more stupid than the rich, it is necessary to conduct a considerable amount of large-scale research. Roughly speaking, it is necessary to take into account all the poor, and not only those with whom the wealthy person is reasoning about them.

The rich and the poor can be judged in the same way.They may consider them either unclean or simply those people who are lucky for one reason or another. But no poor man can answer for all the rich, even within his own city. Among them, there will surely be those who did not disdain the violation of moral norms in the name of attaining wealth, those who inherited a million from an American uncle, and those who worked long and hard, including on themselves, in the name of their plans and implementation of the plan.

How to find the truth?

Therefore, to understand what rich peopledifferent from the poor, it is necessary to consider each individual person or family. The circumstances in which the overwhelming majority of the population of Russia lives are not the most favorable for increasing income. Those social problems faced by residents of various areas, leave them no strength for anything but survival.

This means that the main factor thatdetermines how a rich person is different from a poor person, is his range of possibilities. However, it is also to some extent limited to wealthy people, but this issue will be considered a little later. Anyway, it will be difficult for any schoolchild to ask: “How does a rich person differ from a poor one?” Grade 5 and all subsequent ones up to the older ones will most likely need adult consultation in order to write an essay or prepare for an oral presentation at school.

Two types of life

For example, a young man from a very rich,a wealthy family, one way or another, will be more concerned with issues such as education, building a career or starting a business. The poor, most likely, in addition to studying, will have to work to help their parents pay bills. If the former has the opportunity to learn, to entertain himself with travel and enjoy the most varied pleasures, then for the latter the only important issue will be survival. Thus, the rich get richer and the poor even poorer. The funnel, into which poor people are drawn, is becoming more and more narrowed, and now they simply cannot get out of the debt and obligations hanging over them without help.

how does a rich man differ from poor answers

Wisdom from ancient sources

Каков выход из этого положения, который помог бы make society better in every way? And for the poor, and for the rich, he is his own. The Bible says that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven. It must be remembered that this book is not only a shrine honored by Christians of all directions, but also a monument of wisdom for all generations, regardless of religion. It contains a large number of instructions, to which modern psychologists come to an empirical test. Even in secular society, its representatives can draw a lot of wisdom for themselves, which will help solve many life problems. Ancient books of various religions with the help of their teachings will help to avoid many of the troubles that people inevitably encounter in modern life.

Can I buy a life?

Although the range of possibilities isa wealthy person seems much larger than that of the poor; he is still limited within certain limits. Often, asking the question "how rich people are different from the poor," they also forget to think about what they can be like. And the similarity here is quite obvious. Any person, whatever class he belongs to, consists of flesh and blood. Like all living things, it is subject to various environmental influences, as well as diseases and eventually death. Many rich people are convinced only on their deathbed: with them they cannot take half a shelf to the next world. And all their wealth, no matter how great, is not able to buy their life and health.

how does a rich man differ from poor social studies

About marriage of convenience

Happiness is not bought either.How many women decide to link their lives with those who are better off. They think that this will solve many of their problems. But even if they manage to close the financial gaps in their lives, then sooner or later they will face such difficulties when the further existence of a marriage of convenience will be impossible. Deep within themselves in the midst of abundance and luxury, they will feel unhappy and yearn for the feminine happiness that might have been available to them with another, albeit a less wealthy person. Of course, expensive clothes, good food and travel may seem like a dream come true for many young ladies. However, do not be seduced. Severe disappointment often befalls girls seduced by the wealth of girls already in the first months after the start of the “beautiful life”. As you can see, consideration of the most diverse spheres of life requires the question: “How do rich people differ from poor?”

how does a rich man differ from poor social studies grade 5

The task of the rich is spiritual development.

So, a way out for a rich man whooffered by a variety of religions - this is enhanced spiritual work on oneself and charity work. This type of activity was chosen by many of the most wealthy people on the planet - businessmen, politicians, and Hollywood actors. Often, the subject in which homework is asked as an answer to the question “how does a rich person differ from a poor person” is social science. Grade 5 or 6 may not be the most appropriate age to answer such questions. Rather, similar economic and social problems should be addressed within the framework of the program by older students. But if they received such a task, high school students can also present their reasoning.

how does a rich man differ from poor social studies grade 5 answers

How to be poor?

Каково решение многочисленных проблем бедных people? For many it will be a discovery, but in order to reach a new financial level, it is necessary to learn how to earn not a hard labor of daily labor, but to begin to do your favorite business. Moreover, it should be really focused and hard work - the only difference in this case will be the point of application of this work. A poor person will be able to cope with all the monsters of poverty if he learns to receive monetary benefits from the work that he succeeds the most - for which people will be willing to pay.

At the same time, we should not forget about spiritualdevelopment and various types of charity and the poor man. Because, having become rich, he can very quickly harden his soul and become in his own way unhappy. To avoid this, it is necessary to remember those commandments that are listed in the revered sources of any religion. They call to love your neighbor, to act piously, to be humble, and to remember that the human age is not at all as long as it may seem.

how does a rich man differ from poor grade 5

Therefore not the only source to findinformation on the topic “How a rich person is different from a poor one”, - “Social Studies, Grade 5”. Answers can be found not only in the textbook. It is necessary to turn to other sources in order to obtain complete information about such a complex social phenomenon.

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