/ Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Gold Star Medal

Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Gold Star Medal

Hero of the Soviet Union - how proudly thesethe words. This honorary title could be obtained only by the elected, who distinguished themselves by certain merits or performed a feat. The Central Executive Committee of 16.04.1934 for the first time established the title of "Hero of the USSR". The award was given to the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Let's remember how many were the heroes, who first got the medal and much more.

All about the highest reward

The most important award of the USSR is the star "HeroSoviet Union "- appeared in 1939. At first it was an additional sign of distinction for those who received the highest degree of distinction, then it was called in another way:" The Gold Star. "It is made of gold, sample 950, and on its reverse side written "Hero of the USSR".

A gold medal was given for special merits and foraccomplished feats. Heroes called those who shot down planes (at least 15 pieces), saved people. Air gunners-bombers could get the "Gold Star" for 8 enemy airplanes shot down in the air.

gold star hero of the Soviet Union

The youngest Hero of the Soviet Union - partisanValentine Kotik. At that time he was 14 years old, but he was a brave pioneer. In 1943, Kotik was able to kill the officer and raise the alarm. Thanks to him, the enemies were found and defeated.

To date, the "Gold Star" medal - "Hero of the Soviet Union" - can even be found on sale, with shadow antiques dealers. Of course, it is not cheap.

The First Hero of the Soviet Union

Anatoly Lyapidevsky - the famous Sovietpilot. He was a major general of aviation. Today, almost nobody remembers about him, but in vain. After all, he was the first Hero of the Soviet Union. Anatoly Lyapidevsky was awarded the "Gold Star" medal - "Hero of the Soviet Union" - he had 3 orders of Lenin and many other awards, he received the star in April 1934 for saving the polar explorers-Chelyuskinians, who searched for them 29 times in bad weather (there was a terrible blizzard In March, he still found them, landed a plane on a thin ice floe and rescued 12 people, including women and two children, then he took part in the Great Patriotic War, where he received the rest of his awards.

Many believe that the first Hero of the Soviet Unionpassed out of life too corny. Such a difficult and thorny road passed and survived. And then he was at a funeral with a colleague, where he caught a bad cold. He could not be cured, and on April 29, 1983, he died.

In honor of Lyapidevsky A.V.issued a postage stamp of the USSR in 1935. In Russia and Ukraine many streets are named after him. In the school where the first Hero of the Soviet Union studied, they installed a memorial plaque, and in 1990 a monument was erected in the village of Belaya Glina in honor of him.

women heroes of the Soviet Union

Heroes of the Soviet Union: women

They were few, only 95 people whowere awarded this title. Some women - Heroes of the Soviet Union could even get the title twice. Some were awarded posthumously, others still live today. Let's remember who was awarded the "Gold Star" Hero of the Soviet Union.

The first woman to receive the high title of HeroUSSR, - Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. She was awarded a posthumous medal. Zoe managed to burn the Germans' connection, thanks to which they could not interact with their units. The next time, Zoya also tried to set up an arson, but she did not succeed. She was caught and tortured. However, Zoya did not even say her own name. She turned out to be a real partisan. When she was led to the gallows, all beaten, in blood, she walked with her head held high. When she was being prepared for hanging, she managed to shout that the Germans would not win the Soviet Union, and her comrades would avenge their fighting friend. And it happened. And after her received a high rank and other heroic women.

the first hero of the Soviet Union

Maria Baida - worked as a medical instructor in the second battalion. It was a 514 rifle regiment.

Gnilitskaya Nina - was a scout in the 383 rifle division.

Kovshova Natalia - was a very good sniper in the 528 rifle regiment (Red Army soldier, awarded posthumously).

Tatyana Kostyrina is a junior sergeant, an excellent sniper of the 691 infantry regiment.

Elena Stempkovskaya, Junior Sergeant, was awarded posthumously. She was a radio operator in the 216th Infantry Regiment.

Maria Semyonovna Polivanova, a Red Army soldier, was a sniper in the 528 rifle regiment.

Svetlana Savitskaya - she was awarded twice. This is the first woman-cosmonaut, who went into outer space. Svetlana Savitskaya is an aviation major. In 1993, she retired.

All these women are Heroes of the Soviet Union, who are worthy of respect. After all, they passed a very difficult and glorious path.

Who was the last Hero of the Soviet Union?

Solodkov Leonid Mikhailovich, commander of the groupdivers, was the last hero to whom the "Gold Star" of the Hero was given for the successful execution of the special mission. Leonid showed himself courageous, showed heroism and in December 1991 he was awarded the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union".

After Solodkov had a highrank, the next day the Soviet Union was gone. Thus, Leonid Mikhailovich was the last Hero. Awarded him a reward 22 days after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Hero of the Soviet Union award

Unfortunately, the Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union has never been given to anyone.

How many were the Heroes of the Soviet Union

For the entire time of the existence of the USSR, about 13,000people were awarded the honorary title of "Hero of the Soviet Union". Some were deprived of this privilege for defamatory actions (72 cases). Twice 154 people were awarded. Kozhedub, Pokryshkin and Budyonny received awards three times. There are two people who were awarded four times for their services to the Motherland - Leonid Brezhnev and GK Zhukov.

All these heroes distinguished themselves by their services toThe Soviet Union and the public. They to some extent performed feats that are worthy of respect. The Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union was received by them in fairness.

Even before the war, such an honorary titlereceived 626 citizens. All other heroes appeared since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. It was not only Russian or Ukrainian citizens, but also representatives of other nationalities, of which 44 people received the "Gold Star".

Famous Heroes of the Soviet Union

You can give examples of other names that may not sound so often.

Pavel Shcherbinko is a lieutenant colonel who was commander in an anti-tank artillery regiment.

Vladimir Aksyonov is an engineer on board a spaceship. He has two "Golden Stars".

Stepan Artemenko - was a commander in a rifle battalion, twice awarded for combat feats.

Leonid Bede - at first he was an assistant commander, and then he himself commanded the 75th Guards Regiment. He was awarded twice Gold Medal of the Hero.

Afanasy Pavlantievich Beloborodov - he commanded the 43rd Army and twice awarded a medal.

Mikhail Bondarenko - was a commander and navigator in the aviation regiment, for which he was twice awarded with a high rank.

Anatoly Brandis - first was deputy commander, and then he himself headed the squadron of the aviation regiment. He deserved two times the Gold Medal.

Vladislav Volkov - was an engineer on board a spaceship, was awarded twice.

Arseny Vorozheikin - commanded a squadron in a fighter aviation regiment, had two gold medals ..

Vasily Glazunov - was commander in the Guards Rifle Corps. He was awarded twice gold medal and high rank.

Sergey Denisov - commanded detachment of fighter aviation brigades.

Vasily Zaitsev - navigator and commander in the Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment. He was a major guard and twice received the title of "Hero of the USSR".

That's how many Heroes of the Soviet Union. And that is not all. We listed the most famous, who became famous for their courage and heroism.

What privileges were granted to citizens who received the honorary title?

To date, there are certain privileges for citizens who have this title. Benefits for Heroes of the Soviet Union, which were under the USSR:

1. They are exempt from various types of taxes, fees and other deductions to the budget.

2. In medical institutions Heroes of the USSR have the right to be treated free of charge.

3. Free travel on all types of urban and suburban transport (a taxi is not included here).

4. Their state should provide free drugs with home delivery (if the doctor has made the necessary conclusion).

5. Free treatment and prosthetics of teeth (only in state dentistry).

6. Every year they should be given a free ticket to a sanatorium or a dispensary.

How many heroes of the Soviet Union

7. Heroes are entitled to benefits for payments for utilities and housing.

8. They are entitled without a queue to get a phone call.

9. Children of heroes have the right to submit to the service of ritual services relevant documents to bury their parents at the expense of the state.

10. In the event that the Hero is dead, and his child is studying at day time, then the state is obliged to pay the child a monetary reserve.


The "Hero of the Soviet Union" award was receivedthose citizens who really deserved it. They teach us to love our Motherland. They served her and were willing to risk their lives, if only their compatriots were all right. How can you forget Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, who until the last breath shouted to the Germans in the face, how she hates them and knows that the Soviet Union will win. She was beaten with sticks, rods, torn off her nails, but the Germans did not even recognize her real name. There were thousands of such heroes. They knew who they were fighting for and what they were defending. The heroes who received the award under the USSR were brave, resolute and they deserve great respect.

star of the hero of the Soviet Union

Today there are fewer patriots whoready to give their lives for their country. The thoughts and views of people have become completely different. Perhaps this is because the time is more calm, not that in the Great Patriotic War. Yes, many do not understand why fight, if you can live peacefully. But, as they say, each has his own.

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