/ / Faltsevaya roof: DIY installation technology

Fold roofing: DIY installation technology

Building a house is a difficult undertaking.But even experienced workers say that erecting the “box” itself is sometimes simpler and cheaper to install the roof. This is due both to the complexity and danger of this event, and with the price of materials to cover the roof.

folded roof
You always want to somehow reduce the cost of the process, and inin the case of a limited budget, saving may be the only possible solution, since otherwise it will be very difficult to finish the construction. To help you save your money without sacrificing quality can fold the roof.

What it is?

Так называется технология, когда в роли материала metal or even plastic is used to cover the roof. In this case, the individual sheets are fastened together with the help of folds. So called twist the edges of the metal. There are various ways of doing this kind of work, but special electric folding machines are currently leading in terms of frequency of use. Their use allows you to speed up and simplify the process of laying metal.

A little about the cost

Кстати, а во сколько обходится фальцевая кровля?The price per square meter depends on its type: if you make the roof yourself (from rolled or sheet iron), then you will only pay for the cost of the metal. In the case of buying a ready-made kit, the cost of such a roof will exceed 1700-2000 rubles per square meter.

 folded roof with their own hands

General installation information

The advantage of this type of roof is that itscan be mounted both on the crate, and on a solid basis. Attention! The second option is preferable, since in the first case you will have to calculate the rafters pitch as accurately as possible, because otherwise you run the risk of bending sheets and seam divergence. This entails the rapid occurrence of corrosion and metal damage. In this case, the folded roof will not last long.

What are mounting technologies?

Мы уже говорили, что кровля в этом случае может be made of solid sheets of metal, but this approach is becoming less and less popular every year. This is largely due to the fact that it is necessary to very accurately observe the humidity and temperature conditions of the attic space. If you do not make every effort to do this, as a result, condensate will constantly form on the inner surface of the iron. You can guess the consequences yourself.

And because the seam roof of coil metalbecoming more common. The reason for this is the fact that the seams are very durable and high quality, rarely diverge even under a large layer of snow.

The advantages of roll mounting

seam roof knots
First, you can use not onlygalvanized steel, but also metal with polymer coating. Such a material has a great resistance to corrosion, and therefore is able to serve for more than a dozen years. In addition, the metal in the roll is quite flexible, which makes it possible to install a double fold. As we already said above, it has increased strength and tightness, it practically does not let water through.

Even if the folded roof is steep, the roll can beIt will gently roll, and not pull on it with the risk of life sheets of iron separately each. In addition, in this case, the machine can be raised on the roof and machine for twisting folds: walk apparatus along the entire roll out many times easier than messing with individual sections of the material.


If you carefully read the material, thencould come to the conclusion of the special importance of the tool that will be used to twist seam seams. There are two main types of clamping devices: mechanical and electrical.

If we talk about the first instrument, then these are twospecial framework. The first one twists the main fold, after which the second frame is covered with the next seam. We already spoke about the electric typewriter. It is very convenient to use it, as it rolls a single fold in just one pass, after which it can be launched in the opposite direction to twist the second seam. Of course, subject to the use of an electric tool, the metal folded roof takes much less time and effort.

seam roof price per square meter
Also the following devices will be required:

  • Several hammers with a flat and rounded head, normal pliers.
  • Scissors for cutting metal.
  • Drill, and quite powerful.
  • Extension cable at least 30 meters in length.
  • Screwdriver or drill bit. However, we recommend the first option, as it is much easier.
  • Rulers and tape measures.

The main stages of work

First, you must select the appropriate type.crates, and then calculate the optimal step rafters. It can be made not only from bars or boards, but even from a metal profile or shaped pipes. The surface of the batten should be as smooth as possible, not have potholes and depressions.

folded roof photo

Important points of work

First, the rafter crate fitsvapor barrier membrane that protects it from moisture. The lighter and stronger the material used for these purposes, the better the ventilation will be, and the less the metal will corrode. If you made a crate of wood, before work carefully soak it with an antiseptic solution, as this will increase the life of the roof several times.

Such a folded roof, the photo of which is in the article, will easily lie for more than half a century, without requiring special measures to care for it.

The distance between the bars should be no more than 40centimeters, as the consequences of the opposite approach, we have already described above. Having installed the crate, mount the first sheet on the ridge. If you do not use rolled metal, then iron sheets need to be fed onto the roof one at a time, because otherwise you are seriously at risk - it is possible that a sling is broken.

Please note that the splash on the eavesMounted in advance! After that, the ridge can be laid on the ridge. Do not forget about its installation also in the case of a hipped roof (stacked in place of the stack). To make the roof more beautiful and solid, first lay the first and last sheets, carefully trimming them if necessary. Remember that after trimming the edges of the sheets need a little wrap out.

In principle, professional installation technology faltseva roof provides processing sealant, but you can do without it.

A little bit about zaschelnikah

installation technology faltseva roof
Overlap sheets must be at least 40millimeters, and it must be installed only on the lower overhang. If you are working with a skate or a cornice, then each sheet must be attached to both the top and bottom bars on the crate. All strips on the eaves and end parts must tightly close the cavities under the roof. It is best to attach them with rubber gasket screws. So they do not shake and not fly away even after several years of service.

If you plan to use snow barriers or roof bridges, be sure to mount them at the junction of sheets.

Comments on the "body kit"

The ridge and the fins of the batt should be maximallydirect: before installation, be sure to check them with a building level. The bottom board, which is called the eaves overhang, should also not have any curvature.

Карнизы крепите сразу, не дожидаясь начала installation of folded sheets. Holders of gutters, thus, need to attach even earlier. After that, the valleys are attached to the crate, and their bases are neatly and tightly closed with a high-quality edging board.

On the rafters you can skip a solid and dense plastic film that will protect the tree from the action of penetrating moisture.

There is also a professional seam roof, the nodes of which are already fully prepared by the manufacturer. You just have to drag them to the crate, and then fix it.

metal folding roof

Basic styling tips

Before this process, measure againstingrays. If they are rectangular, then all diagonals must be of equal length. Note that the bottom seam should always be directed in the direction from which you are installing. Accordingly, part of the sheets may need to be expanded.

Во всех случаях продольных стыков листы positioned upwards. If the ramp on your roof is more than six meters long, you should definitely make it composite. The fact is that otherwise it will be very difficult for you to transport upstairs sheets of iron or a whole roll of material. As we have said, the material is applied with an overlap. The gable should be fixed so that it closes the fold. Mount it on the roofing screws, which have a durable rubber gasket.

A little bit about skate

Если говорить о коньке, то допускаются плоские и shaped it varieties. In the case when the roof slope is more than 25 degrees, it must be attached to reliable roofing screws. Attention! In those places that are closely adjacent to the wall, other buildings or pillars, be sure to lay a strip of rubber or plastic film. With the same purpose used plastic wall profile.

This is how a folded roof is made with your own hands.

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