Since ancient times, man understood that the most importantin the life of every rational being - health. Without it, no wealth, no honor, no glory will be needed. That is why the profession of a doctor is one of the most ancient, respected and sought after in the history of human civilization.
There are several sciences about human health. Some of them are already old, others, on the contrary, are quite young.
Relatively young health sciences:
Formed since ancient times of science, one way or another related to health:
Some experts also refer pedagogy tosection of such sciences. Thus, it turns out that valeology is the science of the main human issue, one of the whole complex that deals with the problems of human health, both physical and mental.
So what kind of science is this - valeology?To answer this question, we turn to the etymology of the name. The term is formed from two components of Latin origin: "valeo" or "valere" - to be healthy, and the well-known "logos" - teaching, to study.
So it turns out that valeology is the science of the art of being healthy, leading a healthy, correct, active lifestyle, getting used to it from childhood.
From the side it may seem that nothing complicatedin itself, this science does not carry. However, it is not. After all, valeology considers health in a comprehensive, holistic manner, including all its aspects and aspects, and studying it from all sides and options (mental, social, mental, moral, physical). Because of the globality of the concept of valeology is associated with a whole complex of other sciences.
What does the science of valeology study? The main subject and object of study are:
If we talk about valeology as a subject, thenThe main object of its study will be the pedagogical foundations aimed at forming an independent desire in children and adults to achieve a healthy lifestyle.
That is to make it so that each person himselfrealized the importance of his condition and sought to maintain his normal position and strengthen and maintain the body’s natural immunoprotective properties without the use of drugs. Roughly speaking, to carry out prevention of diseases, conscious and focused.
There is a definite goal pursued by valeology as a science. Its objectives and content are as follows:
These goals automatically entail the solution of the following tasks valeology.
Valeology as a health science solves the following tasks:
If science can solve all of the abovetasks, then humanity will move to a completely new level in terms of maintaining health. The number of diseases of any kind and nature will decrease, the nationwide level of brain and physical activity will increase, the number of pathologies at birth of offspring will decrease, the number of disabled and incurable patients will become less.
Valeology is the science of health, which means that it uses a certain set of methods for research. What are these methods?
Combination and complex application of all methodsValeology research allows to obtain very good results with a positive dynamics of development. And not only among children, but also among adults. So, for example, this led to the fact that the 21st century was marked by a “fashion for health”. That is, now to conduct a healthy lifestyle - it is relevant, fashionable, youth and great. It is foolish to deny in this purposeful long-term impact on the child’s consciousness specifically of valeology and related sciences.
Studying valeology mainly in the course(school) or as a student discipline. After all, it is clear that the basics of healthy lifestyles should be laid in these ages. In a school course, this subject most often takes the form of half-game, semi-cognitive lessons called "Hello, science valeology!"
При этом важно сделать так, чтобы занятия по Valeology was not heavy forced nature, but was perceived as something light, fascinating. Then children will be happy to absorb all the knowledge that this science wants to convey.
Для этого лучше выбирать нестандартные формы lessons, and the topics are selected so that there is always the possibility of practical research, a small laboratory work. It is necessary to organize quizzes, riddles, competitions more often, to use information and communication technologies when conducting classes.
With students everything is a little easier and more serious.These are practically adults, many of whom, unfortunately, have already been or are exposed to valeology antagonists: smoking, drinking, addiction, daily consumption of fast food, physical inactivity and so on.
Therefore, a whole serious course is needed here, which includes a number of theoretical and practical classes, which will cover all the issues of valeology in its entirety and show its significance.
It is best to play on the contrast and givean idea of the difference between those who lead a healthy lifespan and those who refuse it, describe the benefits of such a lifestyle. Valeology is the science of human health, and therefore it should be made clear to students how important it is, this is health and its timely preservation.
We have already mentioned that valeology is a sciencecomprehensive. Therefore, it is organically combined with many other sciences and sections that study man and his health. Consider the relationship of valeology with other sciences.
Obviously, valeology is very labile anda broad concept that covers almost all aspects of human life that somehow touch upon issues of mental, physical, mental and moral health.
It’s very important to understand from schoolbaby how important it is to be healthy. After all, children have somewhat different values, and they begin to understand the full significance of health only after they get sick of something. Therefore, we must try to explain to them that valeology is the science of health, its preservation, the prevention of diseases and the strengthening of the general physical condition of people.
Best of all, children will understand this if you put them inAn example of specific cases of people's lives before they thought about a healthy life-style, and after they began to actively lead him. Show what hereditary diseases and human tragedies can be avoided if you turn in time and listen to your body.
It is also important to teach children to independently compose for themselves a correct and proper diet in terms of healthy lifestyles, daily routines and not to forget to pay attention to physical exercises.
With proper organization of such activitiesValeology will certainly impose a true imprint on the consciousness of children. And this, in turn, will entail only positive dynamics in their future lifestyle.
So let's summarize. Valeology is a science about healthy lifestyles, about comprehensive measures that need to be applied to maintain their own health, its strengthening and prevention of diseases.
This is a kind of section of medical science,aimed at the formation of consciousness in people regarding the significance of their own and universal health. This science has its own objectives and goals, research methods that help it achieve positive results.