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Biology Like Science

Biology is the science of living nature, aboutregularities governing it. What does biology study? Biology as a science studies the structure, origin, growth, functioning and evolution of living organisms. Biology is the science of living nature.

The basis of biology is 5 fundamental principles. This is a cellular theory, homeostasis, genetics, evolution and energy.

The task of general biology is to identify, andalso an explanation of the general processes and phenomena for all organisms. Biology as a science allows you to accumulate knowledge about what is happening in the living world, store them on different media and use as needed.

Biological sciences are subdivided by the type of organisms under study.

Zoology studies animals, botany - plants, and microbiology studies single-celled microorganisms.

Inside, biology as a science is divided into regions byThe scope of the study, or the methods used. Thus, the subject of studying histology and anatomy is the structure of the body and tissues, genetics - the transfer of hereditary information, biochemistry - the chemical basis of life, molecular biology - the interaction between biological molecules, physiology - the chemical and physical functions of organs,

Signs of a living organism:

- has a complex internal structure;

- any part of the body has a special purpose, and it performs the functions assigned to it;

- extracts, transforms and uses energy coming from the environment, exchanges matter and energy;

- react to changes in the environment (external stimulus);

- the ability to adapt, that is, organisms adapt to the environment;

- Ability to reproduce;

- Ability to evolution (there is a change from simple to complex).

The world of the living is diverse and has a complex structure. The organization of life is carried out at various levels.

  1. The lowest level is molecular structures.
  2. Cell level.
  3. Organic - tissue level. At this level, organisms are multicellular.
  4. Holistic organism.
  5. Population-species level.
  6. The level of biocenoses, that is, communities of all kinds that inhabit the territory.
  7. Biosphere. This is the totality of the living on Earth.

A complete (live) system has the following qualities:

- unity of chemical composition;

- openness of living systems;

- living systems - self-regulating, self-organizing, self-governing, self-reproducing systems;

- variability;

- the ability to develop and grow, that is, to increase in mass and size, the emergence of new qualities and traits;

- discreteness and integrity.

Methods of study.

Biology for the study of living organisms uses a variety of methods. For example, they can include:

- Observation.

It makes it possible to identify objects and various phenomena.

- Experiment.

A situation is simulated, in which the properties of the studied biological objects are revealed.

- Comparison.

Allows to establish common patterns for various phenomena.

- Historical method.

Cognition is carried out taking into account the available data on the organic world.

Various techniques are used to study biological objects. These are: computers, microscopes, chemical analyzers, ultracentrifuges, and many other techniques.

Biology as a science is very important for people, becausethe researches that are being conducted allow us to know more about the processes and phenomena occurring in the living world and to use this invaluable experience in everyday life, to solve global world problems. Knowledge of the laws of biology makes it possible to solve practical problems, for example, to provide the population with food. Agronomy and zootechnics are based on biology. Medicine can not do without knowledge of the structure (anatomy) of the human body.

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