/ / Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (SGUGiT): description, features, faculties and reviews

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (SGUGiT): description, features, faculties and reviews

In Novosibirsk for many students thisthe Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies became the house. Almost 85 years of functioning this university, preparing the necessary personnel for our country. From its walls there are engineers and specialists who are ready to work in such areas as geodesy, cartography, remote sensing, etc. Let us examine in detail the advantages of this university, its faculties and study the feedback left by the students of SGUIGiT.

Historical information about the university

In the 30s of last century in the country, namely inOmsk, the Siberian Astronomical and Geodetic Institute began working. It is from this university that the existing SGSGiT (Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies) has grown in Novosibirsk. In Omsk, the institution was not functioning for long. In 1 year after the foundation, it was transferred to Novosibirsk. Here, on its base, there was an engineering and construction institute.

In Novosibirsk, the university was developing rapidly.New directions of training appeared, scientific directions for research and development were formed. In connection with the development of the university, foreign citizens began to be interested. Residents of different countries came to Novosibirsk to start training.

Important events in the history of the educational institutionbegan to occur in the 1990s, when the country witnessed global changes in the political and economic spheres. Several directions for the training of personnel that have become necessary have been opened. The most important event, characteristic for this period, is a change in status and title. The Institute was renamed the Siberian State Geodesy Academy, and more recently the educational organization became a university.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

Advantages of a modern university

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies has the following advantages, which entrants should pay attention to:

  1. Classes are held in equipped classrooms andlaboratories. At the disposal of students are modern computers, various instruments and equipment, which is used in areas related to geodesy, cadastre, land management.
  2. A special scientific and technical library is organized for students at the university. It stores literature in an amount exceeding 400 thousand units.

Organizational structure

Siberian State University of Geosystems andtechnologies consists of several large structural divisions. Previously, they were called faculties, but in connection with the development of the university began to be called institutes:

  • management and geodesy;
  • nature management and cadastre;
  • optical technologies and optics;
  • distance learning.

Each department includes departments. They are educational and research units that work in certain fields of knowledge.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

Institute of Management and Geodesy

This structural subdivision is considered young inuniversity. It began to function in the late 90's. However, its roots go back to the distant past, when the existing educational institution was transferred from Omsk to Novosibirsk. It was at that time that the geodesic faculty was established.

Applicants who decided to enter the instituteManagement and Geodesy, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (Novosibirsk) offers training and specialties related to geodesy, cartography, geoinformatics, mining, remote sensing. The list includes several areas that are considered popular and from year to year attract a huge number of entrants. It's about economics and management.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies Novosibirsk

Institute of Nature Management and Cadastre

Siberian State University of Geosystems andtechnology was created by this structural unit in 1995, when he was an academy. Then it was called the institute of geoinformation systems and cadastre, and later it was renamed.

The structural subdivision offers actualfor the modern world of direction and specialty. For example, there is such a trend as "Ecology and natural resources", in education where students learn to conduct research in the field of ecology, design measures for nature conservation, to develop recommendations for the preservation of the environment. Another of the specialties is "Technospheric Security". In it, students prepare for activities that in the future will be to protect nature from the impact of human activities and ensure the safety of people in the modern technogenic world.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technology reviews

Institute of Optical Technologies and Optics

This structural subdivision appeared inmid-90s of last century. Until then, the university had an optical faculty. It was established in 1966. The current institution can be described as a modern structural unit in which students are trained in the light of scientific achievements.

The directions of preparation offered in the Instituteare connected with optics, instrumentation, metrology and standardization. Quite an interesting profession - "Ammunition and detonators." On it, students learn to design samples of ammunition and fuses, to evaluate their quality, to manufacture them.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

Institute of Distance Technologies

In 2002, this unit appeared in thestructure of the university. The university decided to develop in the direction of distance learning, because it opens wide opportunities for students and the university, provides students with favorable conditions for higher education.

What attracts distance learning?Thanks to it, you can use a single educational and information space containing various teaching materials for students in any convenient place where there is Internet: lectures, reference materials in electronic form, video materials, virtual laboratories, which was developed by the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies.

Specialties at the Institute of Remotetechnologies are offered from among those that have other structural divisions. For example, on the baccalaureate you can choose "Economics", "Management", "Technospheric Security", "Cartography and Geoinformatics" (there are 11 directions in total). On the specialty, only 2 specialties are "Mining" and "Applied Geodesy".

Opinions about the educational organization

Siberian State University of Geosystems andtechnology reviews gets basically only positive. Students note the high quality of the educational process. Teachers are strict, but fair. It is important for them that they learn the information they receive in the lectures. At the same time, the university's teachers are very understanding people. To them, as well as to other employees of the educational institution, you can ask for help and be sure that they will really help in solving the problem.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies сгугит contacts

The university has a good atmosphere.This is also mentioned in students' reviews. In high school is always cozy, clean. In many reviews, students write about a bright and interesting extracurricular life. Her organization is the center of culture and creativity, formed at the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies. Students are invited to creative associations and groups engaged in vocal, dancing, playing musical instruments.

Thus, the high quality of education,a modern and comfortable environment, a diverse student life are characteristics that the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (SGUGiT) has. Contacts and address of this university are the following: Novosibirsk, Plakhotny Street, 10.

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