/ / What is a kuren? Meanings of the word

What is a kuren? Meanings of the word

The article describes what is kuren, what values ​​this word has, and some of its synonyms.


In any language that is alive (on itpeople talk) and develops, with time, words appear that have several meanings at once. As a rule, they are all quite old, although there are exceptions. For example, the word "language" means both oral speech, and an organ in the mouth of a person, and some kind of elongated terrain or dais, and even a prisoner of war who can provide valuable information.

One of such polysemantic words is "kuren".

So what is a kuren, what values ​​does it have and what does it mean? This is what we'll look at in this article.


The word "kuren" comes from the word "smoking" (thenthere is a fire in the dwelling, to heat it, and then smoke is smoking in it). So, relatively recently, by historical standards, the dwellings of Russian Cossacks were called. However, this word was spread in the southern part of Ukraine. But first things first.

what is a kuren

Initially, the word "kuren" was used forthe designation of a special defense structure and the place where Russian Cossacks lived. True, similarly used it and the Ukrainian Cossacks. The first settlements of the Cossacks were erected in the marshes (thickets of reeds and sedges near the river), their walls were often constructed of woven rods of reeds or vines, the roof was also of similar material, in the center of which there was an opening for the exit of smoke from the hearth. But in the flood period of the river, such dwellings were often flooded, and over time they began to be built on stilts.

This characteristic feature can also be traced in the modern dwelling of the Cossacks. Usually the Cossack kuren is made two-story, and the first floor is built either on stilts or from stone.

On the ground floor, stores were usually stored,tools, and lived on the second. (Now we have a general idea of ​​what a kuren is.) He also served this floor as a refrigerator: he did not have windows, but ventilating holes were cut in the walls.

Ukrainian meaning

Куренем в период с XVI по XVIII век украинские Cossacks called the military-administrative unit Zaporozhye Sich. This term was also used in units of the Black Sea Cossack Army. And during the Great Patriotic War, Ukrainian nationalists called their detachments of several hundred fighters.

the word kuren

Zaporozhtsy used this word also to refer to a village in which there were about 100 houses.

Скорее всего, такие названия подразделения Cossacks of the times of Zaporozhye Sich were given because initially, in their first years, the Cossacks lived in long huts made of vine, reeds and twigs, and in the Little Russian dialect this word means "hut". So now we have expanded our understanding of what a kuren is.

Over time, instead of flimsy huts were builtStrong huts, and subsequently they adopted this name. Also they were all named in memory of those places from which the first Zaporizhian Cossacks who founded them were born. And each kuren had its own subsidiary farm, which provided the Cossacks attached to it with provisions. At the head of the kuren stood his ataman. He was chosen exclusively at the Cossack Council, where all had the same right to vote.

kuren synonym

Kuren: synonyms

Synonyms for this word are "hut", "stan", ""Settlement", "strengthening". Pomors also called such a small, heavily dilapidated hut and a strong snowstorm. And in some regions of Russia this word was used to refer to the space in the forest, where trees were cut and fired to become charcoal. True, in our time it is outdated and no longer used. There is a word, incidentally, in the Mongolian language, and denotes a settlement of nomads, which consists of many yurts.

Well, we figured out what is a kuren and what multiple meanings is this word.

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