/ / The expression "run through the red thread." Its meaning, history, origin and use

The expression "run a red thread." Its meaning, history, origin and use

Historical events often leave theirindelible imprint, adding to the dictionary piggy bank new steady momentum. Among them can be noted the expression "to pass a red thread." In this article we will consider this phraseological unit. Explain the meaning, etymology, scope of this expression.

"Pass the red thread": the meaning of a phraseological unit

Perhaps many know the interpretation of thisexpressions since school times. Often in the classroom literature you can hear the phrase "pass a red thread." The value of the expression is the basis, something dominant, leading. Therefore, when they talk about the writers' work, they use this turn to highlight the important topic of the author. For example, they can say that in the work of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky the theme of good and evil is a red thread. Or take a sample of Pushkin. So, it can be noted that in his work the theme of liberty, struggle and freedom is a red thread.

Where did this expression come from, what events influenced it, we will know further.

History of the origin of sustainable phrases

There are two variants of events, due to whichthe expression "to pass by a red thread" appeared. They are both associated with the theft of state property. According to the first version, in Holland, they stole canvas from the fleet, and in the 17th and 18th centuries, in order to prevent theft, it was decided to weave red threads into it. Thus, such a cloth meant that it was a breech. Therefore, no one would buy such a canvas, and therefore steal. This option is found in the school phraseological phrase M. I. Stepanova.

Следующая версия очень похожа на первую.In the English fleet there were also problems with the theft of state property, namely ropes. Therefore, it was decided from 1776 to weave a red thread into them. Yes, so that it was the main, pivotal. Removing it, the rest of the rope was spread, that is, the rope was rendered unusable, so this method of protection was reliable.

red thread expression

Thus, history shows that the red thread was the basis, the main one. Hence the meaning of the catch phrase.

The use of idioms

The expression "pass the red thread" has becomesteady thanks to johann goethe. In 1809, he wrote the novel "Electoral Affinity." In it, the author mentioned the red thread used in the royal tackle. There he told about the intricate ropes, that the red thread is the main one, and attempts to remove it lead to damage to the whole rope.

to pass the meaning of a phraseological unit

Since Johann Goethe was a famous thinker andfigure, his work quickly became famous and popular. The statement about the red thread was winged. At the same time, the expression became stable in many nations and appeared in different languages. It is used in the media, literature, school essays and other works in order to highlight the main themes and thoughts of someone's creativity. In colloquial speech, it is less common.


Having considered the steady expression “to pass through with a red thread,” we learned that with such a turn the main, leading, main points are noted. Especially themes in creative works.

Referring to the history of the emergence of this phraseological unit, we found out what role the red threads played in shipping.

pass the red thread value

We also found out what contribution the great naturalist and writer Johann Goethe made to the popularization of this expression.

The turnover we are considering is quite popular injournalism and creative works. Therefore, it is worth knowing the meaning of such a common expression so as not to be mistaken at the crucial moment. And the use of this phraseologism in writing articles, essays, analysis of creativity will make work more vivid.

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