/ / Interesting quiz about autumn with answers

Interesting quiz about autumn with answers

Autumn is a period in the life of nature whenall around in the last bright colors and falls asleep for the winter. However, we should not be sad, because there are still three whole months of autumn, the last warm days and rains. In the fall, all children go to school, their parents go back to work, and life goes on. But we can not be sad, you can have fun and "stretch" the brains, relaxed over the summer. The autumn quiz with answers will make any of September 1 a little more fun.

Puzzles for kids and adults

1. A first-grader goes to school

And pulls the primer under his arm,

Now he is studying in grade 1,

Everybody gets older ... (September).

autumn quiz with answers

2. There are 4 sisters in the world

The first is cold and snowy,

The second one is all green.

The third is multicolored, sunny.

And the fourth sister is the most beautiful,

Putting on gold

Gives us rainy days.

All crops harvested, all grain milled. (Autumn)

3. Red autumn ship

Swam in cold water

The same small creations

Autumn is full everywhere.

Their children then collect,

Admire, dry, store,

And the school crafts related

Of these orange guys. (Autumn leaves)

4. Leaves fall from the branches

A little breeze

And how little birds fly all autumn.

Why did we get a carpet under our feet? (Leaf fall)

Riddles are the best fun entertainment.for both children and adults, because many schoolchildren and their parents are not averse to guessing small and simple riddles. It will remind them how important it is to develop memory and logic. And it does not matter at all, a quiz about autumn for high school students or for children from kindergarten - each child will happily solve all the riddles listed.

Questions about autumn

Every September 1, it is customary to conduct in schoolsquizzes or small blitz polls with the class; special festivals of the fall are held in kindergartens, where children can also shine with knowledge about this time of year. Parents, as the most knowledgeable generation, are silent for the time being, but they, too, like children, want to play and answer riddles. The quiz questions about autumn are simple, but they require a little time for reflection before answering.

quiz for children about autumn

  1. What forest animals eat the gifts of autumn? Squirrels and hedgehogs - berries and mushrooms, bears - raspberries, hares eat cabbage and vegetables.
  2. Everyone knows that in the forest - a woodpecker is an “first aid”, and who knows what river fish is working as an orderly in all rivers of our country in the fall? Pike, because it eats sick and weak fish, which only pollute the water and do not allow the rest of the river residents to live in peace.
  3. Vesnay many hang on the birch jars. What is this for? What hurts a tree is such an action? Jars are hung up for collecting juice, most often they drink birch. But if you overdo it, a tree without moisture can dry out.
  4. Which beetle is a potato and if it is not picked, by autumn there is nothing left from the potato bushes? Colorado beetle.

Usually, children can not sit long andgenerally doing one thing for at least ten minutes, so in order to set them up for work, you can tell them the story of the emergence of the Colorado potato beetle. Quiz about autumn for schoolchildren must contain any educational information.

Fact:The Colorado potato beetle, as many believe, was “born” not in the US state of Colorado. Mexico is called its homeland, it is there that modern scientists who fought with this scourge have found as many as 50 species of this pest! However, soon after he “realized” that there was nothing to eat in Mexico, he crawled to look for potato fields and found them in the aforementioned state of Colorado. By the way, this beetle can not only crawl, but if it really wants, it will even fly.

After such a lyrical digression, the quiz about autumn for adults and children can continue again.

5. What wood is used to make matches? Aspen.

6. The mushroom pickers also have their own special slang, what do you think that in their language means the phrase "quiet hunt"? Mushroom picking.

Autumn poems

1. Nature last drops

Gives its beauty

And a dark cloud like a blot

In the sky, the ship carries.

2. Autumn!

Trees leaves dropped.


For the winter we mow the hay.


Summer, come back, we ask you!

quiz questions about autumn

3. The first-grader did not forget notebooks and pencil case,

The fifth-grader didn’t even come to school

Only the senior class carries, without haste, an empty bag in their hands,

After all, with a heavy burden it is not easy at school to gnaw science!

Quiz comic about autumn is also goodwill fit into the holiday, funny poems just defuse the situation and set up children on a new wave. After them, they are again ready to answer tricky and complex questions.

Test about autumn

  1. What tree longest leaves foliage? Oak, birch or maple? Oak.
  2. What epithet is usually chosen for the word "autumn"? Red, yellow, gold or multi-colored? Gold.
  3. Why is autumn colder than summer?Either because the sun is not so often coming out from behind the clouds, or because the trees become bald and give cold to break to the ground, or because of the large number of clouds in the sky? The sun appears less often, the weather is often overcast.
  4. What tool of labor is worth using in the fall? Rake, shovel or broom? Rake.
  5. Where do children not want to go after the summer holidays? At this place, the children, without waiting for the end of the task, will shout: "To school!".

quiz about autumn for high school students

At this test ends, but the quiz for children about autumn should not only contain questions and all sorts of tasks, you need to periodically defuse the situation.

Comic proverbs and sayings about autumn and their interpretation

In the autumn bad weather seven weather in the yard. This proverb refers to the variability of the autumn weather: the sun is shining, the thunderstorm suddenly rattles and heavy rain falls.

Spring is red in flowers, and autumn in sheaves. In the spring, flowers bloom, nature breathes and lives, and in the spring everything is the other way around - the plants wither, the grass dries, so it is collected in sheaves. Earlier in the fields, the apple had nowhere to fall, there was so much hay!

From autumn to summer, there is no turning back. RAlready autumn has begun - you should not wait for more heat and sunshine, but the weather very often pleases us in the Indian summer.

Autumn - reserve, winter - uphill. In the fall, the gardens harvest, stocking it for the winter, but by the end of winter, none of these stocks remain.

quiz about autumn for schoolchildren

In the fall and the sparrow is rich. Returning to the topic of autumn stocks, I would like to note that every living creature in the autumn finds something to profit from, whether it be mushrooms, berries, or any other fruits.

Jokes about autumn

The very first lesson in school - quiz proautumn. One cannot but agree with the answers of the children, although sometimes they do not coincide with the correct ones, and since children are quite touchy and emotional beings, insults and tears begin. In order to cheer up the children and their parents a little, you can read a couple of jokes on the quiz; definitely, each of those present will recognize themselves in them.

In the fall, each of us, in a special way, strongly wants to return the summer that has gone forever.

In the summer, pensioners gain strength at the dacha and return to the clinics, while the schoolchildren, without having read a single book for the holidays, go to school.

quiz about autumn for adults

"Autumn, heavy drops of rain from the morning drippingon the wet asphalt, like the tears of a little child on the mother's dress. In this weather, I wanted to wrap myself in a blanket and not go anywhere ..., ”wrote Little Vova in the explanatory reason for missing the school.

The father calls his son: “Son, how was the exam?”, And the son answers him: “Great, the teachers are asked to repeat in the fall.”

Interesting autumn facts on the contrary

Quiz about autumn with answers is, of course,okay, but let's make the children make the story themselves? Well, or at least come up with their autumn facts. The leader’s task is to read an entertaining fact about autumn, and children should turn it upside down. For example:

In the fall, the pigment chlorophyll disappears in the leaves, which is why they turn yellow and fall off. “Autumn has so much chlorophyll in the leaves that the leaves become even greener and stick to the branches.

The same should be done with the following statements:

Autumn comes when the sun crosses the earth's equator.

Catch a falling leaf in the fall - to good luck.

In the fall, 5% of the population is depressed.

Lack of vitamins in the fall can cause a loss or a large increase in body weight.

How to conduct a quiz?

The autumn quiz with answers is veryAn interesting lesson that will help set up children in an educational way. Each of them will take part and receive tokens, which can then be exchanged for a prize. Children are those creatures who need to promise something before asking them for action. Therefore, divide them into teams, and for each correct answer, let's give one token. For the minimum number of tokens, small consolation prizes can be received, for example, a pen or an eraser, for an average - sweets, and the highest number gives children the opportunity to receive 5 in biology or any other subject.

quiz comic about autumn
If the quiz is held in kindergarten - give all the children small prizes, and the whole group - a cake, which everyone eats together for tea after the holiday.

A quiz about autumn with or without answers will still be interesting, adults will remember their youth, and children will apply their knowledge in the field of biology.

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