At the present stage of development of educationalprocess, great attention was paid to non-traditional forms of education, the application of which contributes to an increase in interest in the subject and the adaptation of children in life.
One of the most frequently used forms isquiz. It is able to attract the attention of the child to the study of the subject due to the extraordinary nature of the questions used. And also this is, perhaps, one of the most familiar games since childhood, which consists in answering the questions posed.
Speaking about the educational process, it is impossible not to mention the use of such a form of children's education as a "quiz on geography". It is known that there are three main stages of the lesson:
The stage of actualization - the questions should be drawn up so that the students can recall the main points of the previously acquired knowledge that will help in the study of the new material.
At the stage of studying the new material, the proposedteacher questions should encourage children to search for answers ("why?", "for what?", "for what reason?", "what is it connected with?", "what can lead to?"). At this stage, it is best to use a small number of questions, but they must be capacious in content.
Reflection stage.In this case, questions should include answers that require knowledge gained from the study of the new lesson material. They should also be few, but they are sent to the main points. It is best to conduct a reflexion in the form of a quiz in writing - this will allow you to obtain additional grades for the students, and the teacher will give an opportunity to analyze the level of mastering the educational material.
In general, the quiz on geography as a kind of after-hour activity is most often used. Using it helps throughout the year to support the children's interest in the educational process.
In addition, students can participate in theto stimulate by the fact that for the activity in the quiz, assessments will be made according to the answers received. Of course, "3" and "2" do not need to be put, so as not to get the opposite effect from using this kind of after-hour activity. Least active guys can generally remain without marks.
The quiz for geography can be of several kinds, these are:
1. Thematic.Questions in this case are compiled on a specifically studied topic. It usually takes place to be in the lessons associated with the generalization of educational material, that is, to prepare for the test work.
2. Cross-topic (the preparation of questions should provide for the response of students to use existing knowledge from other fields of science).
In addition to all of the above, regardless of the type of quiz chosen by the teacher, the topic "geography" should meet the following criteria:
Before the teacher begins to write questions toquiz, he needs to decide on its type and target membership. The next step will be to inform the children about the upcoming event with the announcement of the topic and an invitation to participate.
About the time of the quiz, the prospective participants must be notified in advance.
The venue should correspond to the numericnumber of participants. In addition, if the event provides answers in writing, then the availability of the quiz sheet should be in sufficient quantity.
Use this activity at allstages of training, and the quiz can be a good help for preparing children for final exams. Since the USE provides for the existence of questions on the subject and the choice of the correct answer by the student, the geography quiz with answers is the best way to develop this skill among students.
Children who are accustomed to this form of interview feel more comfortable when passing the USE, make fewer mistakes, as they are taught how to properly analyze the proposed answers.
Perhaps the biggest block in the studyThis subject is Geography of Russia. She takes a whole year of training. If you look at the map of the world, our country occupies a vast territory. In this regard, students should receive a large amount of knowledge, the intermediate control of which can be carried out using this method.
Quiz on the geography of Russia should be compiledwith the use not only of educational material, but also to address the issues of modernity. This procedure should be carried out in order to develop the interest of children in current events. Only in this case can we talk about the upbringing of a fully developed personality.
Of course, the quiz is not the only oneA way to interest students. In the methodological literature there is a section called "entertaining geography", which provides for various tasks to increase the motivation of children to study the subject.
It must be remembered that only with goodattitude to their work is possible to bring up the best students! In this case, entertaining geography will be interesting for children, the subject will benefit in the future.