/ Why Geography in the Modern World?

Why do you need geography in the modern world?

Sometimes modern people ask themselves:"Why is geography necessary?" More often such question can set at all not schoolboys, and adults. It is clear that in past centuries geography played an important role, thanks to it, mankind learned about other continents, exotic products and about unusual natural phenomena. It would seem that everyone already knows geography from school. We learned that the Earth is almost a sphere with six continents and four oceans, that's enough. But it was not there.

Exotic fruits and other food products

Who has not tried bananas and tangerines?Probably, they ate at least once in their lives. But where do they grow? In warm countries. What is meant by warm countries? What exactly are these states? Now we will answer at once to several such questions and at the same time understand why a person needs geography.

why geography

Чтобы добыть любимые бананы и мандарины, а также other fruits and nuts, the seller goes by himself or orders them from manufacturers in countries such as Abkhazia, China, Morocco, Israel, Turkey. Undoubtedly, the owner of a store or stall must know the geography in order to have more exotic fruits, nuts, tea and coffee on the shelves. And at the same time he should have an idea of ​​where the particular country is, how many will carry these products in time, and also the terms of storage.

Time Zones and Time

Suppose a person from Kaliningrad wants tocall your friend from Vladivostok at 4 pm for his time. But a friend is probably already asleep, because it is already 12 o'clock in the morning. And here you can tell why you need geography in a person's life. It is this science that explains the time zones in which this or that city is located. There are nuances only in the translation of time to summer or winter. Not all countries do this, so you can get confused. It is better to clarify the people who know and live there.

why a person needs geography

Tourists know that in most hotels hanga few hours that show what time it is in this or that city. As a rule, these are Moscow, London, New York, Sydney, Vladivostok and, of course, the locality in which the hotel is located. Why do you need geography here, you do not even have to ask. This science will help you navigate the world map. If a person is going to move from Moscow to New York, then he should be ready for what will be in the opposite time zone. If the day is in the Moscow region, then in America at the moment is a deep night. It is important to note that frequent flights can have a bad effect on the human body.

Navigation, cellular and satellite communication

How does this section relate to geography? What do they have in common? Of course, any modern GPS-satellite, cellular operator and navigators do not do without knowledge of the terrain.

Any network operator has his own zoneactions. Outside calls can not be made, or roaming turns on. Why do we need modern geography in this case? For example, the subscriber of "Megaphone" moves from Moscow to Tula. He knows that on the territory of the Tula region to call expensive, and incoming calls are paid. If a person even has a little idea, when the Moscow region is over, he will be able to take advantage of the chance and call at local rates with a favorable price.

why is geography needed in human life?

And now it's time to talk about the moderntechnology, which is inextricably linked with geography. Navigators are devices that will help you reach your destination. Naturally, such a technique can not do without a built-in atlas. This is the answer to the question: "Why is geography in the modern world necessary?"

GPS satellites also need cartography.How do they transmit the signal to Earth? Send coordinates. As a rule, the coordinates are indicated in degrees, minutes and seconds. So that people can decode the signal from satellites, they should be able to navigate and know geography.

Love of travel

Let's not repeat about how greattravelers discovered various continents, met with the natives, brought a lot of exotic fruits and plants. About this a lot is written and told. Here, perhaps, I would just like to explain why the geography of society is needed. Especially it concerns those who likes to travel. Even a hike in your region assumes knowledge of geography.

why do we need modern geography

And if someone wants to fly from St. Petersburgto rest in Egypt or in India? It must be remembered that the flight can take a long time, and then other troubles will begin, which will be discussed in the next section.

Where is Australia? In the south or in the north? And where are Brazil and Canada? Is it far? Naturally, a person should have an idea of ​​where the country that he wants to visit is located.

Climate in different cities and countries

Moskvich and St. Petersburg, who were born and grew upin the northern hemisphere, are accustomed to cold, damp, can suffer a severe drought and severe heat. It is risky to go to rest in the same Egypt in the summer. There the strongest heat, the tourist can become bad. As a result, instead of the sea and the desert, he will see only air conditioning in the room.

why do you need geography for society?

Стоит ли задаваться вопросом о том, зачем a person needs geography, especially a tourist? Of course, it's worth it. Before you go on a long journey, you need to study the climate of the country you are interested in. Maybe there are those who, on the contrary, like to visit the northern regions, and not the southern ones. But severe frosts and snowstorm can spoil the whole rest. To avoid this, you need to look at the background information about the region.

Knowledge of geography can warn tourists fromdanger. There are places where earthquakes and hurricanes occur periodically. In order not to risk your life, it is worth to learn all the geographical features.

Watching the weather

The weather conditions are different everywhere and in any season.Everyone who knows geography well will be able to determine where the wind blows and what the weather can expect in a few hours or even days. For example, the wind blows from the south-west, clouds can be seen from afar, which means that if the wind does not change direction in the next few hours, it will be cloudy.

why geography is necessary for modern people

Why do we need geography in human life in general?Well, with travel and exotic fruits sorted out. Does this science play a role in other issues? Of course. In weather conditions, for example. By the way, it is important for lovers of fishing and mushroom pickers to know when a successful catch and harvest are possible. Mushrooms grow only when the nights are warm and there is rain. But it is still important to know in which forests you can gather mushrooms.

There are still interesting moments - natural disasters. In the same North America, the strongest hurricanes and tornadoes are constantly occurring. It is important for residents to protect themselves.

And where are these beautiful places?

Dream to visit Lake Baikal or in New Zealand -these are different dreams from geographical considerations. Clearly, the first place to visit is cheaper than the second. New Zealand is far enough from the European part of Russia. Even if a person has enough money to visit these two places in turn, he will not be hampered by knowledge. Why do you need geography for him? Then, so that he had an idea, in which parts of the world they are, what kind of climate they have.

why geography in the modern world is needed

The most beautiful places in the world are not always available all year round. Something can be visited only in the summer, and something - in the spring or in the autumn.

Where better not to go

There are places where it is not recommended to go.The reason for the ban can be both natural disasters and political problems. Why is geography necessary for modern people in this case? To understand where everything is going, what is the situation. Those who follow the news know perfectly well which country is peaceful, and in what country the war is going on.

Many tour operators taking care of theircompatriots, stop selling vouchers to troubled places. It is better to wait out a difficult period. For example, let there be a reason to visit no less attractive places in your native land. It is not necessary to go far to get a lot of pleasant impressions.

In conclusion, we can summarize by answeringto the question: "Why do we need geography?" So why? To make it easier to navigate in life, learn something new and draw conclusions in various areas: travel, weather forecast, food, entertainment, traditions and so on.

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