/ / Literary quiz on Lermontov with answers

Literary quiz on Lermontov with answers

Creativity of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontovdeserves a detailed study. His poems, imbued with love for his country, the people, are an ornament of the course of literature in high school. The literary quiz on the works of Lermontov implies a detailed acquaintance with the features of his biography, major works.

quiz on Lermontov with answers

The appearance of the Lermontov family

When and how did his race appear?The Lermontov quiz for children will be incomplete without such a question. The great Russian poet on the paternal side came from the Scottish clan, the founder of which was Georg Lermont. He, being in the service of the King of Poland, during the battle at Belaya fortress in 1613, moved to the side of the Russian army. For this he was granted possession of land in the Kostroma region by royal charter. It was from George Lermont that the tribe who converted to Orthodoxy went. Michael became the eighth knee of the Scottish warrior George.

Прадед поэта воспитывался в шляхетском кадетском corps, and his father was a retired captain. He owned a small estate located in the province of Tula, was a sympathetic and kind man, distinguished by excessive temper.

The poet's mom married Yuri Lermontov when she was 17 years old, going against the will of the mother. The Russian reformer Peter Stolypin Mikhail Lermontov was a second cousin.

quiz on creativity Lermontov

About the poet's childhood experiences

What do you know about the childhood of Mikhail YuryevichLermontov? Quiz on Lermontov with the answers may well include such a question. Lived family Lermontov in Tarkhany. Since the poet's mom had poor health, she and her husband went to Moscow to give birth. On the night of October 2, 3, 1814, the boy Misha was born, destined to become the greatest Russian writer and poet. His grandmother became a godmother for him, it was founded in honor of the birth of his grandson a new village, named Mikhailovsky.

Misha was only three years old when between hisgrandmother and father began a real war. The reason for the disagreement was the death of the mother, after which relatives could not share Misha. The kid loved both his father and grandmother, and was very sad for his father when he had to live with his grandmother.

Elizaveta Alekseevna did not spare funds foreducation of a talented grandson. The teachers she hired taught the boy languages. Misha was in poor health, so he often went to the Caucasus with his grandmother for treatment. The emotional suffering that worried him in his childhood was reflected in his youthful unfinished Tale. Her main character was Sasha Arbenin, who soon became acquainted with loneliness. In the image of Sasha, Lermontov himself appears, whom no one noticed, did not give advice, was not interested in affairs.

quiz on works of Lermontov

Time to study and first love

Who was the first love of the young poet?Quiz on Lermontov with answers can affect this topic. Were the feelings mutual? What ended this passion? The literary quiz on the works of Lermontov should include questions relating to this period. As a child, Misha read French, German, English literature in the original, studied European culture.

At the age of 12, the grandmother took Michael to Moscow.The purpose of the trip was to prepare the boy for admission to the noble board at the university. The poet lived here for about two years. He reads a lot and even begins independent creativity, takes part in the issue of a student's magazine. Michael was trying to find a true friend with whom he could share his experiences.

Lermontov could not tolerate betrayal,so there was always one. Grandmother forces her grandson to refuse to communicate with his father. Yuri Petrovich was a reasonable man. He perfectly understood that he would not be able to give his son a decent education, therefore he agreed with the requirements of mother-in-law.

The quiz on the biography of Lermontov often includesthe question of when Misha became an adult. The poet himself often said that at the age of 16 his soul had grown old. It was during this period that he wrote his first essay "The Demon", as well as the poem "Monologue". After a while it was written, revised, and the famous "Duma" appeared.

В 1830 году вместо пансиона была создана гимназия.Lermontov sent to Serednikovo. At the relatives of the Vereshchagin family living near, the young poet meets Katya Sushkova. It was she who became his first fervent feeling, the subject of adoration. For the very same Kati Misha became the object of ridicule and entertainment. A little later, the offended young man will avenge the pride with all the brightness inherent in his ardent nature. At that time, the poet wrote a prophetic amazing poem about Russia, called “Prediction”. He seemed to have looked into the distant 1917, described the events that really happened in Russia.

literary quiz on the works of Lermontov

University years

Literary quiz for Lermontov necessarilyshould include questions regarding the poet’s studies at Moscow University. First, he studied at the moral-political department, then moved to the verbal faculty. Mikhail has always acted as an “outside observer” in relation to all the events taking place in the circle of students. He knew about the existence of circles, partially shared the views of their members, but did not agree with any of them. He was often seen in social salons, because Mikhail Lermontov tried to appear in the role of a lover of adventure, hiding behind when communicating with ridicule and contempt.

In his student years, the poet writes a lot about love,composes poems, tries to write dramas. To the one who was not intimately acquainted with Michael, his poetry seemed completely incompatible with the young man who appeared in secular society. Only the closest friends of Lermontov tells about the real attitude towards secular society. Lermontov liked loneliness, he always remembered about the Caucasian period. It was there that he met noble and powerful people who were not characterized by the falsehood and meanness of representatives of secular society.

Quiz on works of Lermontov cancontain the question of what work was written by the poet in 1831. That's when Michael loses his father. After his death in the soul of the poet there is confusion, alienation from secular society. He wrote the drama “Strange Man” during this period, in which Lermontov expressed a negative attitude to serfdom.

With university teachers Lermontov nothe always agreed, many professors disliked this talented and independent student, he was "overwhelmed" at the second-year examination session. In order not to stay on a second course, Michael leaves the university, leaves with his grandmother in St. Petersburg.

Lermontov quiz for children

Study at the school of ensigns

Quiz on creativity Lermontov, his biographyimpossible without questions on this period of life. After arriving in St. Petersburg, the poet failed to set off two years of study at Moscow University, so he enrolled in the Guards Secondary Secondary School. The poet considers these two years of study as an “ill-fated” period of his life. It was then that he became a member of all the "jokes" of the junkers, wrote poems that are popular in the military environment.

True friends watched with horrorthe life that Michael led. Despite the endless festivities, revels, the poet managed to preserve the best qualities. New friends and a stormy life helped him to study the psychology of people, to select characteristic characters for his future works, to create new images.

It was during this period that he was working on a novel.“Vadim”, thinks about writing dramatic works. Almost simultaneously with Michael, the future murderer of the great poet, who differed from his peers by his high intellect and special outlook on life, came to the school of ensigns.

quiz on biography Lermontov

Guards life

Quiz on M.Lermontov also contains questions concerning the poet’s life in Tsarskoye Selo. After graduating from school, the cornet Lermontov, together with A. Stolypin, attend secular parties in Tsarskoye Selo, participate in carnivals, are considered “enviable suitors”. It is here that Michael meets his first love and upsets the advantageous marriage of Katya Sushkova. So he takes revenge for the mockery that once sounded from her mouth in his address.

The Lermontov quiz on creativity often containsthe question of the beloved woman of the poet, to whom he dedicated his poems. The only woman whom Mikhail worshiped was Barbara Lopukhina, she married in 1835 and broke his heart. The feeling of loneliness is aggravated, Michael takes to work. The drama "Masquerade" written by him is accepted in print and is a success.

Creative break

Any quiz on Lermontov with answers,created for schoolchildren, involves questions about the poem "The Poet's Death." It was a reaction to the death of Pushkin from the hand of Dantes. Lermontov managed to avoid imprisonment, so he ended up in the Caucasus. For hours, Michael admired the snowy peaks, drew, wrote poems.

literary quiz on Lermontov

Best years

In 1938-1940 Lermontov wrote "Mtsyri" and"The Demon". He publishes "Homeland", "Testament", questions about which should also include a quiz based on Lermontov's verses. In these works, the poet glorifies the greatness of the Russian people. In the image of the Demon, he showed that you can spiritually revive the hero with the help of kindness and love.

The last days of the poet

A quiz on Lermontov with answers, intended for high school students, necessarily contains a block concerning a duel with Martynov. Martynov, who killed the poet, was once his friend.

Quiz example

Проводится викторина по Лермонтову с ответами в two stages. After the teacher introduces the students to the peculiarities of his biography and creativity, the children are asked questions. So, what can include a quiz on the works of Lermontov?


1 question

Having listened to a fragment of the poem, which the poet wrote in 1831, tell me what it is dedicated to, what drama in question:

"The terrible fate of father and son
To live rozno and die apart ... "

The guys offer their answers.A quiz on Lermontov's creativity helps children learn more interesting facts from the life of the poet. This fragment of his quarrel with his father, the cause of which was the grandmother of the poet.

2 question

This poem tells about an old soldier who is a real defender of his homeland. Name the piece.

Answer: the work "Borodino".

3 question

What poem was the poet sent to exile in the Caucasus? When was it written?

Answer: in 1837 the poem “Death of a Poet” was written.

4 question

Lermontov was a versatile creative person, fond of playing the violin, the piano, drawing, doing mathematics. What did the poet always take with him on trips?

Answer: unchanged his companion was the textbook of mathematics Bezu.

5 question

Illustrations to which poem Lermontov were made by the artist Vrubel?

Answer: to the poem "The Demon".

6 question

Around 5 pm on July 15, 1841, a terrible storm broke out with thunder and lightning. What happened on this day in the Caucasus?

Answer: M. Yu. Lermontov died.

7 question

What is the poet's drama and ballet, the music for which is written by composer Khachaturian?

Answer: poem "Masquerade".

8 question

Lermontov showed courage during the hostilities in the Caucasus, but he did not have any awards. Why?

Answer: his name was deleted from the list of prizes by Nicholas I.

2nd stage of the quiz

Teams receive leaflets with verses of Lermontov. They must determine their size.


Such a great Russian poet, like Mikhail Lermontov,is the standard of a real citizen and a patriot, and therefore his work must be thoroughly studied. Quizzes, invented for schoolchildren, contain questions that imply a serious study of his works and biographies.

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