/ / Wedding in burgundy color: ideas for decoration, photo

Wedding in claret color: ideas for decoration, photo

A beautiful wedding, sustained in one colorthe scale is very popular today. Usually the same palette is maintained for all items of celebration. This is the basis of the modern European trend. One tone can make the wedding exquisite and stylish. Wedding in burgundy color is a way to luxury, elegance, passion and prosperity.

wedding in burgundy color

The value of burgundy color

Этот представитель цветовой палитры считается the most conservative and belongs to a solid category. Its moderate warmth is the main accent that is used for traditional weddings. Usually such a color range is chosen by the soul-rich and aristocratic nature. Wine grade Bordeaux is celebrated important events in life. Therefore, the semantic load symbolizes the chosen shade as a guarantee of well-being and royal luxury. It is perfectly combined with other colors, so it should not be the only one in the design of a dream wedding. Many establishments attract good luck with a noble color, so finding a place for celebration of a young couple will be easy. Halls of restaurants with pleasure accept participants of thematic events, and wedding in claret color refers to just such.

What colors harmonize the burgundy shade

Making wedding in burgundy color (photo below) assumes the presence of other colors besides the main one. This tone perfectly combines with white, gold, cream, orange and peach shades.

wedding in white and burgundy color

Apparel of newlyweds and invited guests at the burgundy wedding

Since the chosen color is combined with many pastel tones, the young couple do not need to select fully burgundy clothing for completeness of the stylish image of the wedding.

  • Dress of the bride.Priority in the selection of outfits for a wedding is a dress that matches the color scheme of the celebration. Design findings for registration suggest a contrast with the outfit. For example, you can use small details for an accent: bow, belt, original embroidery. The style of the dress can be anything. Usually romantic brides choose cut "mermaid" or "princess". For a burgundy wedding, any outfit that matches the type of figure of a girl is suitable. Do not forget about jewelry, they can be different, depending on the chosen image.
  • The bridegroom's outfit.A great idea for a bridal suits will be a burgundy jacket and trousers of the same color. Also presentable looks a classic black suit with additional elements of the claimed color. Also it is necessary to use accessories, pay attention to the details: attach a butterfly, pick up cufflinks, choose a buttonhole in the tone of the bride's bouquet. Especially extreme personalities can go against the conservative genre and even put on underwear and socks of burgundy color.

All guests must be informed in advance aboutcompliance with the dress code. It's unpleasant, when the invited people are dressed in different clothes. It is important to agree that the event is conceptual and for beautiful photos you need to dress in a certain outfit. It is not necessary to choose a particular burgundy color, it is enough to add to your image any accessory of the appropriate shade. This should be notified in advance, and also you can give out small details of accessories for the guests coming at the entrance to the restaurant. This step will maximize the idea of ​​celebration. Bridesmaids usually have to wear dresses of the prevailing color and hold mini-bouquets in their hands.

wedding in burgundy color decoration of the hall

Attention to detail

Wedding in burgundy color is incrediblespace for imagination, as all the details can be done at your discretion, but with the main concept. This shade is incredibly rich and bright in terms of visual perception. First of all you need to take care of invitations, cards, decorated glasses, flowers, and, of course, a bouquet of the bride. To make a beautiful overall picture, the tables must contain burgundy wine, bright fruits, an original wedding cake with all the shades of the chosen color for the celebration. To make the wedding perfect, everything should be thought through to the smallest detail. Only when the details are related to the overall style of the holiday, the wedding in burgundy color will be perfect.

Wedding procession

To meet all the trends of the chosen colorscales, transport of newlyweds and guests should be decorated in accordance with the theme of the holiday. The most advantageous option is white limousines with burgundy ribbons and bright colors.

The bride's bouquet

Since the wedding is planned in burgundy colors,this important element of the wedding image can be made only from a variety of colors of cherry blossom. Noble roses will play the right role and will be an ideal choice. But in any case, the bride has at least a few possible options, which will look no less harmonious.

Since the burgundy color is combined with other colorssoft colors, the bouquet can be added white and gently pink buds of dahlias or freesias. This option will look original and do not get out of the overall picture of the design. Necessarily the stems of flowers should be drawn by a beautiful satin ribbon. To give a special color, it is recommended to decorate the bouquet with juicy red berries. Each girl in her own way sees the concept and elaboration of the details of her wedding, so the choice of a wedding bouquet can be limited only by the imagination of the bride within the limits of the possibilities of the color scale.

wedding in burgundy color design

Guest invitations

Invitation card - this is whattestifies to the conduct of the holiday and notifies the guests about the time and date of the wedding. It should be sustained in the style of the event, the claret color should prevail as the main background, and also the elements of the design decision must be present. By the way, information about the dress code should be written exactly in the text of the invitation. If the groom and the bride really want to hold an exclusive celebration, then they should do their best to qualitatively design the details.

wedding in claret color photo

Wedding in burgundy color: decoration

The chosen decor has a unique color,which can create an unforgettable festive mood. A solid color will really look in the decoration of any restaurant hall. The premise for a wedding can be played in completely different ways. First of all, it is important to pay attention to the drape from organza in combination with white or beige ribbon. The wedding in a white-burgundy color suggests graceful transitions from cherry to a white tint.

Also a good help can be textilepastel colors. Decorate the presidium of the young is very simple: enough to spread a bright burgundy tablecloth and beautifully prisborit it. Behind the newlyweds' table, it will be beneficial to look at a decorative arch or lattice, generously decorated with live colors of the appropriate tone.

Wedding in burgundy color, photo of whichpresented in this article, requires maximum concentration in accordance with the color palette. It is desirable to decorate tables for guests in the same way as the presidium for the newlyweds. When choosing dishes, it is preferable to give light colors, ideally - a snow-white color. Each detail should reflect the concept of the event, so the main role should be given to bright accessories, as well as small tricks: napkins, glasses, ribbons and flower arrangement on the tables. For additional decoration, chairs are used, which are decorated with large bows.

wedding decoration in burgundy color photo

Floristic of the event

Flowers are an integral part of the holiday,especially if it is a wedding in burgundy color. Registration of the hall should contain a large number of fresh flowers, harmoniously located on the territory of the chosen place for a celebration. The visual image should be remembered for a long time by guests. In no case can not use strongly scented floral compositions with a pronounced aroma. A special mood will help create bright roses and romantic gerberas, decorated in the form of hanging balls. Herbal stems with beads strung on them can dilute the cherry-burgundy background.

A wedding cake

Ornaments for a wedding in burgundy color can bedifferent, but one of the main accents of the holiday should be cake. This is an obligatory part of the solemn event. To date, confectioners are struck by a variety of design solutions, so picking the perfect version is fairly easy. The number of tiers depends on the total number of invited guests. Traditionally, they order portions with a small margin just in case. As decorative elements you can use bright figures from marzipan, toppers with inscriptions, candies and figured marmalade. The filling can be selected at the request of customers. Modern technological processes make it possible to prepare a delicious cake of a certain color range. On a burgundy wedding, you can order a classic combination of white and cherry. A chic dessert, made in such a noble design, will not remain unnoticed.

wedding in burgundy colors

Candy bar

In recent years, the greatest popularitybought tables with sweets. They are filled with various muffins, cake pops, cakes and capkakes. The original cake, made of small desserts in several tiers, looks original. Such a treat is much more convenient to eat, because each pyrozhenka baked in a separate form. In this case, the risk of dirtying is reduced to a minimum.

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