/ / Purple wedding: photo, design, outfits

Purple wedding: photo, design, outfits

Все молодожены хотят, чтобы главное событие в life was bright and memorable. It is for this reason that many prefer wedding design in purple. After all, such a celebration looks not only noble, but also luxurious, majestic. Purple wedding is the best solution for those newlyweds who want their main and unforgettable celebration to be unlike everyone else. That is why such a color scheme will be an excellent solution in this situation.

What attracts a purple celebration

wedding in violet color

This question is asked by many young people,who receive an offer from the designer to make the wedding in such a color. At once it is necessary to say that the violet color in itself is very beautiful and majestic. Not without reason it is called a shade of royal persons. In addition, violet looks very bright against a white background. Therefore, here there are ample opportunities for celebrating the celebration.

The purple wedding will allow the newlyweds and guests of the holiday to feel special. After all, no other color can create such a fabulous and joyful atmosphere.

Two design options

bride in a lilac dress

So, if the newlyweds stopped their choice onpurple wedding, this does not mean that this shade should be the main one, it can also be used as a bright blotch. In addition, depending on the season, the color should be darker and less bright. For example, if the wedding is planned in the spring, then it is best to arrange the event in lilac color. For the celebration in the winter season it is more expedient to use a rich purple hue. This is important to remember.

In the case when the newlyweds decided to choosepurple hue as the main color solution, then the main emphasis here is to be made on the bride's dress. After all, every girl on the day of her marriage wants to be the most beautiful and stand out among the other women.

In this case, the bride's dress can besaturated purple. Nevertheless, this dress will adorn only that representative of the fair sex, who is the owner of swarthy skin and dark hair. In the event that the bride is blonde, it is best to choose a dress of a more gentle shade.

If you use a purple color asa small blotch, not a holistic image, then you can decorate the wedding white outfit with a belt of this shade, and also make floral jewelry on your hair. It will look very nice and elegant. Some girls choose for the purple wedding shoes of the same shade and necessarily emphasize the bouquet of the bride.


How in this case should be the suit of the groom?The man's outfit must fully match the color scheme of the wedding image of the lover. The suit of the groom can be executed in violet color or in classical, but it is necessarily added by a shirt, cufflinks and a tie of the given shade. It is very important. After all, the dress of the newlyweds is a reflection of the whole celebration. Therefore, if the newlyweds will be dressed in the outfits of other shades, then the purple wedding just will not work. Thus, the main emphasis here should be placed on the bride's dress and suit of the groom.

Banqueting hall

idea for a wedding table

For wedding in violet color it is necessary to sustain in the same shade the following decor elements:

  • tablecloths and napkins (this is necessary without fail, because these accessories draw the most attention of the guests);
  • ribbons on curtains;
  • vases under flowers (must correspond to the whole image of the celebration);
  • dishes (can be alternated with white) looks very rich and exquisite.

This is one of the main elements of the celebration inpurple color. In addition, it must be said that invitations to the wedding should be the same shade. This will be a kind of symbol of the celebration.

When decorating a purple wedding, you can dotablecloths and covers for chairs of this shade, and utensils, napkins, vases and ribbons to leave white. This allows you to focus on the main color of the celebration. White and violet shades are very well combined.

Choosing flowers for the celebration

bouquet for the wedding

This nuance is not particularly difficult.After all, in nature there are many plants of this color range: violets, phloxes, tulips, freesias, crocuses. One of the colors can be made a symbol of the celebration, add it to the bridal bouquet, and also use it when registering the entrance where the official registration of the marriage will take place. White, pink, beige buds as accompaniment allow to reveal the strength and true beauty of violet inflorescences. In addition, they will become a worthy decoration of the entire ceremony.

In addition

I would like to say that floralThe compositions with lilac and violet inflorescences look good in the hands of the bride and perfectly look on the banquet table. This is confirmed by the numerous photos from the wedding celebrations and the feedback of the newlyweds who made their holiday in this color scheme.

Nevertheless, in order to make the celebration look likereally luxurious, you do not need to use too many purple flowers when decorating a banquet hall. Moreover, it is better to add more lilac, blue and white. A very beautiful combination gives violet and gold shades. It seems that the newlyweds and guests came to the celebration of the royal persons. Therefore, many newlyweds want to make a wedding in purple tones. After all, such a celebration will be remembered not only by the newlyweds, but also by all guests.

Girlfriends of the bride


Their outfits must also match the colortheme of celebration. Moreover, most often the dresses of bridesmaids emphasize all the majesty and gracefulness of a purple wedding. A photo of this celebration is presented in the article.

Для создания единого ансамбля подружки невесты should be dressed in similar outfits and, if possible, of the same color, but with different shades. Girls' adornments can be different. It is not recommended to wear white dresses with lilac or purple tints to the bridesmaids. Especially this does not need to be done when the bride herself is wearing such a dress.

In drawing up the menu

a wedding cake

You need to fantasize a little.When decorating a wedding in purple, you can add desserts to the festive menu with the content of berries and other juicy fruits of a similar shade. For example, cakes and a cake with the addition of blackberries and blueberries will look very good on the table. It is possible to decorate dishes with twigs of grapes. In addition, the dessert on the purple wedding is best ordered from dark chocolate with the addition of berries. This once again accentuates the attention of the guests in the color chosen for the celebration of the wedding celebration.

a brief description of

wedding in violet shades

Of course, all the newlyweds must choosewhat will be the main celebration of their family life. Moreover, the color scheme of the wedding ceremony, one way or another, should characterize people who have decided to join their hearts. As a rule, the celebration in purple colors is chosen by newlyweds who want to make the holiday luxurious and unforgettable not only for themselves, but also for invited guests. However, do not abuse this color scheme. Otherwise, the purple tones will be so much that people want to not have fun, and sad. This, too, needs to be thought of.

The result

Свадьба в фиолетовых тонах станет незабываемой не only for newlyweds, but also for holiday guests. After all, this color personifies grace, charm, luxury and beauty. Many girls want their wedding to be purple. Nevertheless, not everyone can arrange their celebration so as not to overdo it with the saturation of shades.

It is also necessary to say that purpleWedding dresses can be worn by not only girls who marry, but also bridesmaids. In this case, the latter should be in a white dress with splashes of lilac shade. It will look very stylish and elegant.

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