/ / Matchmaking by the bride - traditional and modern scenarios. What to do during the matchmaking by the bride?

Matchmaking by the bride - traditional and modern scenarios. What to do during the matchmaking by the bride?

Matchmaking is one of the most beautiful rites,preceding the wedding ceremony. It takes place with the purpose of acquaintance of the groom's parents with the bride's family with the jealous observance of the traditions, the teachings of the older generation. This ancient custom ends the period of grooming the groom. From this point on, an agreement is concluded between the two families about the celebration of the wedding and the resolution of certain everyday issues of the future young family.

How was the matchmaking on the part of the bride of our ancestors?

The rite is deeply rooted inthe past of ancient Russia. He was preceded by a long choice of a suitable couple for a family life. Divorces in those times were not what was allowed, it was forbidden even to think about them. In this regard, the choice of the second half was paid close attention from the young and their parents.

Matchmaking by the bride

Matchmaking happened at the behest of eldersrelatives without the girl's consent for the groom of middle-aged years, but fairly wealthy. No one asked about the feelings of the young maiden. Innocence was sacrificed for a comfortable life, love was broken for the lust of the old contender for husbands Matchmaking by the bride knew the refusal of the bridegroom. But this is rather an exception to the mores in those times.

As a rule, parents long before sending matchmakergot acquainted with the way of life of the future daughter-in-law, were interested in the strength of the economy of her family, the size of the dowry and housewifeness of the alleged relatives Matchmaking by the bride also began to develop in past centuries. But this tradition did not acquire a wide scope and gradually faded away.

Rite of matchmaking with matchmaker

If everything suited the groom's family, were selectedmatchmakers These included the boy's godparents, close relatives. So that the agreement could pass without delay, a matchmaker from respected and respected women of the village was invited. She skillfully negotiated with the bride's parents, praised the guy and directed the conversation in the right direction.

bride rite

The ability to matchmaker endlessly "pop" during the ceremonythe embarrassment of young and embarrassing parents hurt. The jokes put into the conversation in time, the proverbs gave the matchmaking an extraordinary colorful atmosphere. To invite the priestess to the bride's ritual ceremony was considered a good form, a sign of landlord scope. Yes, and this service was expensive, so it was available only to the rich class.

How matchmaking was prepared

The fact that the matchmakers will come, the girl's parents knewin advance and prepared for the event along with my daughter. The best day for the solemn ceremony was Sunday. After the morning service, everyone hurried from the church home to complete preparations for the arrival of the guests. People’s omens were given special attention on this day.

People signs on matchmaking day

To meet a man in the street early in the morning - to the favorable conclusion of matchmaking.

On the porch it was necessary to give generous alms to the poor and needy in order to receive God's blessing.

If the spoons and forks fell off the table, it means that the matchmakers with their future son-in-law are in a hurry.

Unusually quiet in the courtyard - the matchmaking by the bride will be held calmly, without delay.

Itchy right eye - to tears. Right - bloody.

On this day, they avoided meeting a woman with emptybuckets at the well. Before the guests arrived, the girl had to stay at home, not to appear in people's eyes, so as not to jinx it, not to send her mentally bad news.

From the moment her daughter grew up her mother cooked for her.dowry, embroidering towels at night, bedding, stuffing quilts and pillows. The girl also took part in the preparation of her first personal property, which was shown to the matchmakers during the ceremony.

How did our grandmothers match up?

The table for matchmakers was covered with an embroidered tableclothRed corner, but nothing was put on him. Relatives of the groom had to bring the treat to the matchmaking ceremony for the parents and the girl as a sign of good intentions and favor to future relatives.

how to conduct matchmaking by the bride

Bells and bells on horse-drawn transportmatchmakers, flimsy accordion chords announced the arrival of guests. Nobody came out to meet them. After knocking on the door, the owners were interested in who and why had come to their house. This is where the matchmaker entered into her role. She said that the young merchant had seen the goods for himself in this house, and whether the owners wanted to sell it. In the hands of the cross was holding a loaf with salt. And God forbid to inadvertently sprinkle salt. This is to the poor life of the future spouses. A symbol of prosperity should immediately sprinkle with sugar and gently sweep. It was impossible to leave her on the floor, since it was thought that it would be possible to impose damage on the future family, to make trouble.

Bidding procedure at matchmaking

modern matchmaking by the bride
Хозяева выставляли вперед всех женщин, девушек, vying with each other, praising their merits and assuring that they are the commodity that the merchant needs. After long trades, the last girl was invited - the future bride - and they reported that she was a stale goods and would hardly like the groom.

At the ritual of matchmaking, the guests were seated behindthe table on which the matchmakers were served. It's time to praise the bride girl. Enumerated its advantages, demonstrated needlework. Dishes prepared by the young hostess were served on the table and asked to evaluate her culinary abilities.

During a leisurely conversation, questions aboutthe upcoming wedding, was discussed the number of guests, the place of celebration where the young couple will live. Until they discuss all the nuances, the music did not play. When there was not a single unresolved issue, a small towel was tied into the hands of young people. This meant that bride rite took place. The accordion sounded next, gifts were exchanged, songs were sung, toasts were heard to the happy couple.

How to conduct matchmaking by the bride's bride?

Modern youth does not make a big problemfrom the ritual ceremony of the bride. It is rather necessary for the parents of the future young couple to get acquainted with the purpose of discussing the celebration itself - the wedding. Since themed weddings are now fashionable, the matchmaking ceremony has a certain direction.

matchmaking by the bride verses

How to conduct modern matchmaking byBride and beautifully furnish it? The answer to this question is offered by wedding agencies. Depending on the theme of the event, a holiday scenario is developed. If you follow the ancient traditions of our ancestors, the event can be moved to a country house. The atmosphere of the event, corresponding to the times of Ancient Russia, is thought out. The future groom, bride, guests dress in spacious embroidered outfits. Mandatory attribute - icons - are held in the hands of parents.

Writing a script for modern matchmaking

When the bride's matchmaking is organized, the scripton the part of the bride is aimed at a favorable representation of the merits of the girl, education, ability to conduct household chores, creative abilities and vivid personality traits.

The parents of the young mistress, relatives are actively involved in the auction, demanding to pay attention to the undeniable qualities of the girl.

Brightly present matchmaking by the bridepoems written specifically for each thematic rite. During the presentation of gifts to relatives in verse all those who are involved in the event are mentioned. Humorous rhyme in the correct form will be remembered by each participant in the ceremony, will give the effect of triumph and unique charm.

matchmaking of the bride script by the bride

Whatever the matchmaking scenario, its main task is to unite the two families, set up a positive view on future relatives and help the young ones to commemorate the birth of their family.

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