/ / How is matchmaking. How is the rite of matchmaking in Russian and Armenians

How is matchmaking. How is the rite of matchmaking in Russian and Armenians

For honeymooners, wedding preparations are alwaysis a stressful, very important and at the same time interesting period. There is a lot to do: choose outfits, rings, a venue for a celebration, make a list of guests, a menu, think out an entertainment program ... A whole lot of fuss! But if the marriage is planned in the best traditions, traditional ceremonies such as matchmaking and betrothal must pass at the preparatory stage. Let us tell you more about the bride's matchmaking.

For hundreds of years it has been important.ceremony, the purpose of which is to obtain consent to the wedding of the bride's relatives. Over time, this ceremony has not lost its meaning, it is popular today. Consider for a start, as is the matchmaking of the Russians.

Matchmaking in Russia

how is matchmaking

Selected matchmakers should have known how to gomatchmaking, all signs, rules. Their goal was to get the consent of the parents of the young girl to marry the young man they were asking for. It also happened that the girl did not even know for whom she was wooed, who her future husband would be. The main thing was considered the consent of the parents.

Everything happened like this:the “applicant” came to the bride’s parents along with the matchmakers. They could be his parents, other relatives, friends. The conversation began with “empty”, only after several visits was a productive response given. It was possible to reject the proposal immediately, but no one gave consent after the first visit - this was considered the height of indecency. With the refusal of the matchmakers, leaving, they closed the doors with their backs, they believed that she would not marry for a long time. In the event that the groom liked, the bride's parents took bread from his hands, cut for all those present. After that, the day of handicraft was appointed - the time when further actions on organizing the wedding will be discussed.

Another variant of matchmaking in Russia

Specially invited matchmakers (relatives -godfather, uncles, brothers), who know how matchmaking should take place, came to the bride's house. Fearing the evil eye, the matchmakers declared themselves in the house after sunset. Starting from the abstract topics, the conversation gradually approached the question of whether the girl agrees to marry a “candidate”? If the bride did not mind, then she took a broom and began to sweep in the direction of the furnace, so the arrangement to the matchmakers was symbolically expressed. In case of refusal, revenge was necessary towards the doors, as if expelling them.

how is the matchmaking of the Russians

How is the matchmaking in Russian on the wedding day

This interpretation of matchmaking is more likelyindicative, comic character. There are a lot of scenarios of this event. By the way, this type of matchmaking is different in that it takes place on the day of the wedding or wedding, as the bride price.

how is the rite of matchmaking

The essence of the event:the bride and groom choose their matchmakers. On the part of the groom, the matchmaker (matchmaker) is trying to redeem the bride, her matchmakers are trying to “sell” the girl as much as possible. In this situation, the proverb sounds: "You have a product, we have a merchant." The groom with matchmakers, relatives, friends must redeem the bride. From the bride’s side, a matchmaker awaits him, who in every way tries to “not give away” to her beloved, fills the price, arranges various contests. With jokes and jokes, the bridegroom redeems the bride, removes her from the table, after which joint fun continues.

Choose a matchmaker for this case should be carefully.She must have a groovy cheerful character, be loud-voiced, brisk on the tongue. This entertaining version of matchmaking should take place in a relaxed fun atmosphere.

Modern matchmaking. The arrival of the groom

 how should the bride's matchmaking

Now consider how the matchmaking (hisfirst option) in our days. Approach to the event should be taken seriously. If young people adhere to moral principles, traditions, consider it necessary to receive the blessing of their parents, then it is imperative to woo. The first comes a young man to the house of the bride. It is best of all if, before his arrival, the bride prepared morally her parents, so that a friendly atmosphere reigned in the house. The groom must look his best to make the best impression. A young man presents a bouquet of flowers to both the girl and her mother. This indicates compliance with etiquette. The bride must present the groom to the parents, starting with the father. Then, in a relaxed conversation, the groom talks about his feelings for their daughter, devotes them to further plans, and asks for her hands and hearts. Then the word for the parents. If they agree, then the father unites the young, joining their hands. If the groom came to visit alone, the meeting should not be long.

Return visit. Meet the parents

how should matchmaking

How is matchmaking going next?Now the bride makes a return visit. Mother of the groom she should give a bouquet. Also, as a gift you can present a cake or good candy. After meeting with parents, the bridegroom should be the first to talk about feelings, talk about joint plans, ask for parental consent. If the outcome is positive, it is a matter of persuasion when to meet all together (children and parents) to discuss the wedding itself. Although nowadays marriage agencies perform the full preparation of wedding events, in this case, parents need to agree only on the payment for their services. If parents live very far away, young people should send them pictures of their halves, ask permission to marry.


После сватовства многие молодые пары organize the engagement. For the evening invite the closest relatives, best friends. Publicly the bride and groom announce to their closest people the intention to marry. The bride receives an engagement ring as a gift, which she will wear until the very day of the wedding. The ring is passed on from generation to generation, you should not confuse it with a wedding ring, it has a slightly different meaning. The time from engagement to the wedding itself is considered a period for reflection. The last time you need to carefully weigh everything and think about whether you are ready to lose your freedom, live the rest of the days with your chosen one.

How is matchmaking among Armenians

Previously, the young man’s parents, choosing a bride,appealed to any of their relative, who knew the family of the girl. The mediator (midjnord kin) should at the negotiations to obtain the consent of the parents to marry. In order for the negotiations to be successful, during a visit to the pole near the groom's house, they would hang a comb or a large spoon - a skull. After the parents agreed with the mediator, they planned a formal matchmaking. It passed in a few days.

how is the matchmaking of the bride

В дом девушки направлялись сваты (патвирак), who knew well how the matchmaking ceremony proceeded. They were chosen from male relatives on the father’s side, with them going the mediator, in some cases, the bridegroom's mother. The girl's parents knew in advance about the arrival of the matchmakers. The conversation began allegorically: we came to take a handful of ashes from your hearth to mix with ours; to take a spark from your lamp for ours and the like. Most often, parents respond that they need time to think. It was considered indecent to agree immediately. Sometimes the matchmakers had to visit the family of the bride two and three times. Only after the consent of the father the table was laid, they all drank the wine that the matchmakers brought. Prior to this, it was not customary to treat guests, it was believed that if you were given bread to the matchmaker, you would have to give your daughter as well.

Matchmaking Today

How should the matchmaking of the bride take place in Armeniathese days? In the role of matchmakers are often men. If they are counting on agreement, they carry treats: sweets, brandy, wine. In the case when there is no certainty, matchmakers go empty-handed. The ceremony itself repeats old traditions. The only significant difference between modern matchmaking is that the bride’s consent is necessarily asked. The wedding will not take place if the girl is against. Parents of the bride, as in the old days, do not give consent from the first time, the matchmakers have to walk several times. In the end, with a positive response, they beat their hands. The official collusion is called Hosk Arnel, pts ktrel (fasten the word, break the bread). As a pledge, it is customary to present a gift to the bride, more often it is a golden ring.


 how is the matchmaking of the Armenians

После того как проходит сватовство, на the preliminary stage before the wedding is the betrothal (nshandrek). The time is set in advance in collusion or when the groom's father visits the bride's parents. On the day of Nshandrek, the father sends various treats to the bride's house, invites relatives, a priest, and musicians to the house. Then the whole delegation, taking a lot of treats and a wedding gift for the bride (nshan), are sent to the bride's house. The ceremony begins with congratulatory toasts, wishes of happiness for the young. The priest consecrates food and a wedding gift, after which the groom sends it to the bride. Any piece of jewelry serves as nshan: earrings, ring, bracelet, usually silver.

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