/ / Kapchagay reservoir - rest in Kazakhstan

Kapchagay reservoir - rest in Kazakhstan

Kapchagay reservoir is one of the pearls of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is located in the south-east of the country, in the Almaty region.

It's worth visiting every citizen of Kazakhstan and other countries, as the pond has unforgettable landscapes.

Kapchagai Reservoir

The formation of a pond

This reservoir was formed in 1970 byoverlapping the Ili River in the Kapchagai Gorge, which significantly diversified the natural world of the area. On the banks grew bushes and small trees (willows, reeds and tamariski), birds and animals (swallows, wagtails, saigas, gazelles, earwigs) appeared. Since then, the reservoir is very popular among the inhabitants of the country.

Due to its dimensions (100 km in length, 25 km inwidth and 42 m in depth) and the emerald color of water, it is sometimes called the sea. And the abundance of tourist zones and hotels makes the reservoir a real resort.

kapchagai Kazakhstan


Kapchagai Reservoir (rest on it neverwill not be forgotten!) in the eastern part is the site of the Alma-Ata Reserve. On the west coast there are free city beaches. Most of the hotels and bases are located on the northern coast of the lake from Kapchagaya to Bakter. Tourist zones in the area of ​​the reservoir are presented for every taste and budget: from simple tourist centers, preserved from the Soviet times, to modern hotels of European level. For those who wish, it is possible to rent a house from private owners.

Beach holidays

Most tourists come to Kapchagai(Kazakhstan) for the sake of a quality beach holiday. The banks of the reservoir are shallow and sandy, and the water is clean and warm. The best time to travel from mid-summer to late September - in June is too hot. Water by this time warms up to comfortable marks: +26 ... + 28about FROM.

To the services of holidaymakers the whole range of water activities is offered:

  • diving;
  • riding on water scooters;
  • surfing;
  • water skiing;
  • boat trips on yachts;
  • riding a banana;
  • parachute flights;
  • Swimming in swimming pools with slides.

Capchagay reservoir holidays

Cost of accommodation

Cost and range of services provideddepends on the level of the hotel. For connoisseurs of luxury comfort at the resort, four- and five-star hotels are built that make resting on the Kapchagai reservoir more comfortable. Prices here vary from 20 000 to 90 000 tenge (4-20 thousand rubles).

The middle class can stopmodern three-star hotels ("Riviera", Freedom Beach Resort & SPA, LaFiesta) or restored tourist bases (Victoria, "Arizona", "Yermin"). For a day in a double room you have to pay from 10 000 to 40 000 tenge (2-8 thousand rubles). The rooms, as a rule, have a shower, toilet, TV, hairdryer.

In Kapchagai there are also cheaper recreation areas (Malibu, Luck, Golden Sands, Friday, Zhana Nur), the cost of the room starts from 3 000 tenge (600 rubles).

If a big company is traveling, then the ideal option is to rent a cottage that will cost 40 000 - 90 000 tenge (10-19 thousand rubles) for a company of 4-8 people.

It is worth noting that prices are highly dependent on the season and day of the week, but without any problems it's easy to choose an option for any, even a fairly modest budget.


Капчагайское водохранилище является домом для many species of fish: carp, carp, pike perch, vobla, carp, catfish, crucian carp and snakehead. But it's important to know that free fishing is limited. The maximum catch can be 5 kg on tackle up to 5 hooks per person. For those who wish to purchase a license for fishing for a fee.

Tourist bases and recreation areas are engaged in breeding fish and its bait, so do not worry about the unsuccessful catch. It is not necessary to carry fishing gear with you, they can be rented.

capchaig prices


For those who want to diversify the rest, after going to the Kapchagai reservoir, an aquapark runs daily from 10:00 to 21:00 (address Kapchagay, 3 md, Kunaev St., 19).
In the water park there are several pools of differentdepth (olympic, children's, adult, with hydromassage and waterfall), fountains, slides and attractions. You can starve the hunger in one of several summer cafes on the territory or with food taken with you. A private car is left in the parking lot near the water park. The minimal cost of visiting is 2100 tenge (400 rubles).


Since 2007, the city of Kapchagai is recognized as a gambling zoneKazakhstan. Therefore now every tourist who has reached the age of 21 has a unique chance to try his luck at numerous casinos. The entrance is free, but face-control is working. VIP players are organized for large players (Flamingo, Princess). The casino features slot machines, roulette, blackjack, poker, sometimes there are hotel rooms, swimming pool, sauna ("Riviera", Zodiac).

How to get there

To reach the Kapchagai reservoir (Kazakhstan)the easiest way is by bus from Alma-Ata. The journey will take about 1.5-2 hours (80 km). The schedule is quite convenient, the flights run several times a day. To travel around the city it is convenient to use buses or taxis. Direct routes connect the Kapchagai Reservoir with the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana.

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