/ / Children's railway in St. Petersburg - a fairy tale for children

Children's railway in St. Petersburg - a fairy tale for children

Children's railway in St. Petersburg isa place where your child will fall into a real fairy tale created by adults for children. Ride on it can any of the residents of St. Petersburg, as well as the guest of the northern capital. The length of the road is 8.1 km. There are three stopping points (stations): Kirovskaya, Zoo, Ozernaya. Small October Railway is waiting for you! There are always smiling guides and holiday reigns!

Historical part

The idea to open the railway for children appearedback in 1939. For the first time expressed it Sinyavsky. He headed the railway laboratory of the Leningrad Palace of Pioneers. His proposal was not considered immediately, but still he achieved the creation of a draft of the project. He was mentioned in the pre-war newspaper Smena. It was written there that it should begin at Zagorodny Avenue. The starting point is the territory of the Vitebsk railway station. Under him should have given the Royal Pavilion. It was built in 1903 to travel the emperor and his family on the outskirts of St. Petersburg. According to the project, the route was to repeat the route of the royal road, which was built in 1901.

children's railway in st. petersburg

Small October Railway for Childrenopened in August 1948. For all the time she has thousands of fans. Thanks to her, thousands of children have decided on their future profession. The children's railway in St. Petersburg has undergone many renovations.

Future railway workers

Small October Iron - is the only one of its kind center, which deals with the profile orientation of schoolchildren of St. Petersburg and its suburbs. Training takes place within 4 years:

1. First. Children learn such professions:

  • wagon conductor,
  • controller,
  • duty switch post.

2. Second. You can acquire skills that will be useful in such professions:

  • main conductor,
  • lineman,
  • the chief and brigadier of the train.

3. Third. Children get acquainted with professions:

  • station duty officer,
  • train dispatcher,
  • assistant locomotive driver.

4. The fourth year of study. Get hold of the locomotive driver skills.

Tuition fee

Children learn for free.In winter, the learning process takes place in specially equipped classrooms. The building of young railway workers is located at the address: Embankment of the Obvodnoy Canal, house 120. In summer, the children will have their practice. It takes place at the production base at the address: Ozerkovsky Prospect, 4, as well as on the southern highway near the metro station Kupchino. St. Petersburg allocates money from the budget for food and train uniforms for students during practical training.

small October railway

Vacations with a profile slope

Children's railway in St. Petersburginvites his little students to spend the holidays with benefit. During the autumn and spring holidays from school, free trips to museums and enterprises with specialized topics are organized.


Children's railway in St. Petersburgrun by children. They are machinists, station chiefs, dispatchers and conductors. Naturally, adults are always near dangerous areas of work.

Ticket price:

  • Adult in both directions 200 rubles.
  • Child - 100 rubles.

The cost of the tour - 100 rubles. for both child and adult. On weekends, a puffy steam locomotive on firewood clings to a modern locomotive. This is a real fairy tale for children!

north highway

At the trailers you will be met by little guides.They have sparkling eyes and happy smiles, because they perform an important mission and work like adults. They will check the tickets and invite you to a cozy carriage. Inside the train is very clean. The order itself is also monitored by the guys themselves.

You will be able to sit in a soft comfortable chair and allthe road to enjoy quotes from fairy tales printed on curtains. During the trip, you will be told about the history of ChRD. The funny thing is that oncoming ordinary trains are greeted with “childish” beeps, and he reciprocates them.

The final station is Tsarskoe Selo.A guide will be waiting for you here. He will take you to the depot, control room and relay. The road passes through a park with marvelous benches of wheeled couples. Also here you can see funny sculptures on lawns. They are made from unnecessary parts.

In the depot guide will acquaint with key concepts about the railway:

  • Explain why cars do not go off the rails.
  • Will tell how the brakes work at the train.
  • Talk about a term such as Motissa.

Kupchino St. Petersburg

Then you can see how to fill the oldlocomotive. He looks like a huge samovar. It is pumped with water from a huge crane and firewood is added to the fuel compartment. Now the engine can be sent back to Kupchino, and you will be invited to the relay. This is the place of work of the station duty officer. You can watch the process of sending the train on a special console. On the walls here you can see a photo of the first issue of CHR.

Today, the railway has two routes. The northern route is 2.1 km long and south, which runs from the metro station Kupchino to the town of Pushkin (formerly “Children's Village”). Its length is 10.8 km.

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