/ / Narystau, holy source: how to get there?

Narystau, holy source: how to get there?

Not everyone knows that not far from Sterlitamakthere is an amazing Muslim shrine - Mount Narystau. The holy spring (reviews, photos you will find in this publication), which is located next to it, is known for its healing properties. He is called Izge Gali, and the taste of the water, the locals and numerous visitors call extraordinarily pleasant and soft.

Mount Narystau

Interesting and beautiful places (like nature,and cultural monuments) can be enjoyed not only on the Internet or on TV, nor do you need to go far. In fact, almost next to us are amazing locations that can boast of a long history and almost legendary past. Bashkortostan is not an exception here. Miyakinsky district of the republic has been proud for many years of the famous Muslim shrine - the mountain of Narystau. It is also known as the "Mecca of Bashkortostan". This is not just a cult attraction, but a place of pilgrimage.

narystau holy source reviews

Historical reference

Believers believe that on the top of Narystauburied two Sahaba (father and son) - Zubair Ibn Zayit and Abdurrahman Ibn Zubair, who are very revered. It is known that they arrived on the territory of modern Bashkiria as early as the 7th century and carried with them faith in Allah. Followers of Islam are called Sahabs of those who were companions and companions of the Prophet Muhammad.

According to historians, the peak of Narystau, nearwhich is the holy spring, is the place of the grave, where the hero of the epic tales, called Idukai, is buried. It is the legendary hero who distinguished himself in the confrontation of the Baskrists and Khan of the Golden Horde named Tokhtamysh. The merciless army of the latter burned villages, destroyed the people in bloody struggle and punitive expeditions.

Historical events of this period are reflected in theone of the Bashkir epics titled "Idukai and Muradym", which today is recognized as a literary monument. There, the mountain (which at that time was known as Narysta-tau) was mentioned many times. Idukai called the same Edige, who is considered a prisoner in the Golden Horde. This refers to the events of the late 14th - early 15th century. He founded a dynasty, which became the head of the Nogai Horde. The direct descendants of Idukai (meaning the male line) are the princely family of the Urusians, and also the Yusupovs.

Nearby is the neighboring mountain,which is considered the burial place of his son - Muradym. Since the time these heroes of Bashkiria settled on these peaks, they are revered and respected among the inhabitants of the region. Izga Gali is a spring that can be called a symbol of a living bond between the past epochs and today's day, which shows its importance with the help of natural forces.

narystau holy spring

History of the monument

Mount Narystau, holy spring (photos you cansee below) and other attractions are also the location of a beautiful monument on which the names of holy Muslim associates are written. Not so long ago, an openwork white yurt was installed next to him, which is made of metal structures. The style of construction is traditional Islamic. It immediately performs two functions: the protection of the monument and the air architectural composition.

This holy place attracts pilgrims from manyregions and countries, including Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, the whole of Russia, as well as Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and many others. The history of this monument is ancient and surrounded by legends. It is said that the inhabitants of Central Asia had to travel here using camels as transport. Legends show that the mountain of Narystau is known even in the sacred city of Mecca. Writer Gazim Shafikov published an entertaining story about the peak, which is based on the memories of the villagers. She says that a certain mullah from these parts made a pilgrimage to Mecca, where everyone was surprised why he was traveling to such distant lands if there are such famous sacred places next to him.

narystau holy spring how to get there

Regardless of whether true all these stories orno, it's hard not to agree with how beautiful the mountain is Narystau. The holy spring (which can be read below) also helps many people with their healing powers. Annually in these parts you can see a large number of pilgrims - both from Russia and other countries.

There is a belief that it is necessary to make three wishes and bypass the burial 7 times, after which they will necessarily be performed.


Five years ago, thanks to the charitablefund "Ural" and the chairman of the council of the fund Murtaza Rakhimov, on the mountain was built the same memorial. The complex looks like a yurt, which is decorated with three crescents. The mosque was built four years ago by the mountain with the support of charitable organizations. The building of white color has several columns and miniature minarets. In 2014 was marked the anniversary of the village, which is located near the summit. The ancient community celebrated it together: apparently, holy places affect people who live here in peace and joy.

narystau holy spring photo

Source Izeg Gali

The foot of the summit is famous for its holy spring,which is called Izge Gali. The source does not freeze even in severe frosts. Approaches to it are landscaped, there is also a bathhouse in which people are immersed in the holy water. Reviews of tourists who have visited here, testify that this spring heals. The water from it can be in the vessel and not deteriorate for a long time. Perhaps its properties are due to the fact that silver ions are present in it.

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The holy spring beats in the middle of the plot in twohectare, which has a rectangular shape. This place is planted with vegetation - trees and bushes, among which there are pine, spruce, mountain ash, bushes of dog rose and barberry. The site, where the source beats, is protected by a canopy, which is built of red brick, and also a wooden structure. In addition, there is a decorative metal fence. On the approach to the spring locals put the arbours. They also dealt with improvement of this site. It was the inhabitants of the local villages that planted trees and ennobled the territory.


The unusually cold water of the spring is notonly healing properties: bathing in it is a pleasant ritual that adds strength and energy. The procedure takes place in a small building, divided into female and male parts. If you suddenly forget the swimsuit, you can dive into the source and without them.

narystau holy spring how to get from Ufa

Narystau (holy spring): how to get from Ufa and Sterlitamak

Finally, we learn how tourists can get toholy source. Mount Narystau is located near the village of Ilchugulova, which is located in the Miyakinsky district. If you will leave the city of Ufa, then you need to move towards Davlekanova. Once you pass the turn to Chishma, you need to follow the signs to the village of Ilchigulovo. The distance from the city of Sterlitamak to Narystau is slightly more than seventy kilometers, and from Ufa - about one hundred and sixty. Nearby are the waters of the river Demos. The trip to Narystau will not take you much time, but it will be remembered for a long time.

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