/ / Autumn in Japan: photos and interesting facts

Autumn in Japan: photos and interesting facts

Many tourists say that autumn is the best time.for a trip to japan. It is usually considered gray and rainy, but Japanese autumn is an unusual combination of beautiful red maple and mild weather. Autumn in Japan shines with hundreds of flowers, and millions of Japanese seek to make their way to the other end of the country to enjoy the beautiful views.

Yellow, orange, red, brown ... In fact, saffron, gold, cinnamon, copper, brown tea, orange, honey and dozens of shades of these colors are present in Japanese autumn colors.

Autumn in Japan

Japan, which is usually associated with the giantmetropolis and modernity, is also a country of unique nature. Over 70% of Japan’s surface is mountainous and overgrown with forests. Coniferous trees, pines, firs and cypresses dominate on the island of Hokkaido and the central hills of Honshu. But even their dark green color is mixed with all the purple flowers of Japanese red maples in the fall, as well as beech, oak and birch trees. Nature very generously rewarded Japan. Red maples in the fall and its other treasures are admirable: high mountains, glacial valleys, fast flowing rivers with numerous waterfalls and caves, hot springs and beautiful beaches.

Weather in Japan in the fall

Hot summer gives way to autumn (September - November)fresh wind and pleasant air temperature (18 ° C). The forests are covered with colored leaves, and chrysanthemums are blooming in parks and gardens. Early autumn (September) is the main typhoon season, which usually lasts more than one day.

At this time, the sun almost always shines, encouraging long hikes through the colorful hills. To see the real “autumn blast”, it is best to visit the Country of the Rising Sun in November.

autumn in japan

Autumn in Japan is a very good time to visit historical sites, national holidays and natural landscapes.

Mount Fuji in the sea of ​​autumn leaves

Lake Kawaguchi, Yamanashi Prefecture is oneof the famous five great lakes surrounding Mount Fuji. During November, the shores of the lake are covered with red and gold leaves. At this time, there is a festival of folk autumn "Fuji Kawaguchiko". A place worth visiting is the 150-meter “tunnel” stretching along the northern shore of the lake.

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Mount Fuji, shining with purple at this time of the year, is considered one of the most beautiful autumn views in Japan. Photos in the autumn with a landscape against the background of the mountain will be unforgettable.

Jidai Matsuri - Historical Japan in a nutshell

Jidai Matsuri is one of the most famous andPopular Japanese autumn festivals held annually in Kyoto on October 22. This is a parade of people in Japanese historical costumes, from early times to the Meiji era.

autumn in japan

About 2 thousand people take part in it, which takes about five hours, and the column stretches for about 2 km. Participants often carry historical weapons and other objects of the ancient era.

"Bridge to the Moon"

Киото — самый посещаемый город, особенно туда tourists try to get in the fall. After all, it is famous for its beautiful views. The Arashiyama area attracts many guests who want to enjoy close contact with nature.

The famous Togetsu-Kyu bridge (155 meters) connectsshores of the river Oikava. Its name means "the bridge that passes by the moon." It was given by Emperor Kameyama. He noticed that at night the moon, moving across the sky, seemed to pass through a bridge. The view of the calm flowing river and the yellow and red leaves in the background create a breathtaking view.

Autumn landscapes and soothing hot springs of the Yokoi Valley

Yokoya Valley is located in Nagano Prefecture.Here you can walk, while admiring the beautiful scenery. By the end of October, bright red leaves on the trees dominate the valley, giving it the status of one of the most popular autumn walks in eastern Japan.

autumn in japan

Along the route you can see four waterfalls, and then continue the journey towards the mountains. After the walk you should swim in hot springs.

Castle in the clouds of Echizen Ono

The castle is located in the center of the town of Ono,Fukui Prefecture. According to legend, it was built by order of Kanamori Nagachika from 30,000 stones donated by Oda Nobunaga. Construction lasted 5 years. In 1775 the castle was burned, and now you can admire it in a restored form of 1968. Surrounded by mountains and located at an altitude of more than 249 meters above sea level, Echizen Castle attracts attention, and in recent years has become known as a “castle among the clouds”. The best views open in October and November.

Suspension bridge over the emerald lake in the valley of Sumata Kyo

Sumata Kyo Valley, located in the centralparts of Shizuoka Prefecture, famous for its picturesque rivers Oygawa and Sumatagawa. At the confluence of two rivers over an artificial lake there is a “hanging bridge of a dream”. According to rumors, love confessions said on the bridge always find the answer. Due to the beautiful contrast of red maple leaves in autumn in Japan and the emerald water of the lake, this place is very popular for autumn walks.

Japanese seasonal delicacies

The Japanese are known for their love of seasonalproducts, and therefore many fruits, vegetables or fish have become symbols of a particular season. In the autumn it is primarily the fruit of persimmon (Shonai Khaki). In addition, during this period, traveling around Japan, it is worth trying apples, Japanese pears, Nihonnasi and tangerines.

Japanese autumn is primarily associated with the "new rice" - fresh rice. Rice grown this year is considered to be whiter, softer and softer than last year’s “old”.

In the autumn you should try grilledwith saury sauce (Cololabis saira) - a type of carnivorous marine fish of the family Scomberesocidae, called the Japanese summa. This is one of the dishes without which there is no autumn in Japan.

Carpet of red lilies in Kincakud

In the western part of the city Hidaka (PrefectureSaitama), surrounded by the river Coma, is located Kinchakud park. Each year from September to October, the river bank is covered with a carpet of more than 5 million red spider lilies (licoris). During the flowering season in the park is a festival of lilies, which attracts many tourists who came here to admire the plants.

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Watching the lilies under the soothing streams of water is one of the reasons for visiting autumn in Japan.

City go-san

The holiday is celebrated on November 15, during whichparents ask the deity to take care of their children. Girls from three to seven years old, as well as three and five year old boys participate in it. Children dress in beautiful kimono.

The age of children is associated with ancient rites:

  • the children walked with shaved heads for up to three years — only then they were allowed to grow their hair;
  • five year old boys wore hakam for the first time;
  • Seven-year-old girls were allowed to change the narrow strap with which they tied their kimonos to adult traditional obi.

If you think of Japan only as “countrycherry blossoms ”, and there is no opportunity to visit her in the spring, it is worth reviewing plans for rest. Japan is also beautiful in the fall - from September to November. This season is especially recommended for visiting the country and not only because of the pleasant temperatures and generally good weather, but also for contemplating the wonderful atmosphere of colorful autumn maple leaves.

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