/ / Modern airport. Krasnoyarsk, "Emelyanovo"

Modern airport. Krasnoyarsk, "Emelyanovo"

The airport in the city of Krasnoyarsk is an integral part of Siberian air traffic. The history of its creation is extremely interesting.

The need to build

The need for a modern airfield arose after the start of the Great Patriotic War.

The object was commissioned in 1942.Three years later, the complex expanded significantly - two runways, hangars, warehouses, garages were built. Immediately located evacuated Kharkov Aviation School. The workshops made repairs of damaged equipment.

In 1946, the airfield was converted to the airport. In 1954 the airport was built.

The local lines were served by the IL-14 and An-24 aircraft. On the IL-18 it was possible to get to Moscow, Leningrad, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok and other major cities.

In the 1970s, a new design was started.object. Krasnoyarsk Airport was located in the city, in the midst of dense development and had no room for expansion. The final closing took place in 1987. But until that time, the airport "Krasnoyarsk" very fruitfully worked for the benefit of the inhabitants of the region. At the time of closing could take the most modern aircraft.

Krasnoyarsk airport information desk

New airport

Opening of the new facility held twentyOn October 5, 1980, the Krasnoyarsk Airport received a building called Yemelyanovo. The same name has the area in which the airport is located. It is located twenty-six kilometers from the regional center.

Krasnoyarsk airport

The advanced infrastructure allowed to make supersonic "Tu-144". But because of the low profitability of transportation, the Il-86 became the main state.

Recent history

During the transition period of the early nineties, the airport experienced difficult times. But thanks to the coordinated work of the team was able to continue their activities.

In 1993, the status of "international airport" was obtained. Krasnoyarsk was one of the first cities in the Russian Federation who could receive foreign ships.

The terminal for the respective shipments was commissioned in 2005.

In 2001, a large-scale repair of the runway began with a full replacement of the coating, which lasted almost five years.

In addition, serious measures were taken to increase the material and technical base.

The successes of the airport could not go unnoticed. Yemelyanovo becomes the base or hub for the major airlines North Wind, Taimyr, Pegas Fly, KrasAvia.

The most intensive cooperation with an international cargo transportation company was built with the German company Lufthansa.

In 2012, the airport began servicing Boeing-747 and Boeing-777 aircraft.

To date, the annual passenger traffic has exceeded two million people.

The main internal directions: Moscow, Khabarovsk, Sochi, Norilsk, St. Petersburg, Novokuznetsk, Novosibirsk. International: Bangkok, Cam Ranh, Baku, Bishkek, Goa, Beijing.

Object features and general information

  • The number of runways - one. Material - reinforced asphalt concrete.
  • The infrastructure allows you to take aircraft and helicopters of any class and mass, the building has the proud title - the airport. Krasnoyarsk can be justly proud of such an object.
  • To date, two passenger terminals have been commissioned. Also, one cargo is equipped according to modern standards of protection and storage of hazardous, radiation and perishable goods.

Krasnoyarsk International Airport

  • There are modern hangar complex and lighting equipment system.
  • Over a hundred units of special equipment - tractors, snow blowers, anti-icers, ladders, car lifts, buses.
  • Sixty-nine aircrafts.
  • A single-track railway line from the Trans-Siberian Railway is connected to the airport.
  • There are fueling complexes and food supply shops.
  • The airport is of federal importance.
  • The capacity is twelve take-offs and landings of aircraft per hour.
  • 7 (391) 290-46-37 - reference airport.
  • Krasnoyarsk is a place where you can fly to almost any large city. The total area of ​​the airport is almost six hundred hectares. Given the continuous development, this figure is constantly increasing.
  • At the airport there is a control room with a height of sixty meters. The equipment meets international requirements.
  • There is a parking lot. There are also ATMs, luggage storage, medical center, air ticket offices and shops.
  • The hotel at the airport of Krasnoyarsk "Yemelyanovo" is located directly on the territory, in the station square near Terminal 1. Phone: +7 (391) 228-69-23.
  • You can get to the airport on the federal highway M53 by private car or taxi.
  • Passenger buses No. 635 ply the railway / car station “Yemelyanovo” every day. As well as №№ 513, 588А, 791 with a stop at the airport.


In order to maintain the status of one of the most modern airports not only in the Siberian region, but also in the entire Russian Federation, measures are being taken to develop the complex.

In the future will be equippedThe transport and logistics hub of the corresponding international class will increase the capacity of the cargo terminal and be equipped with modern equipment.

It is planned to merge with the nearby airport "Cheremshanka", which also has a modern airstrip.

hotel at the airport of Krasnoyarsk

In general, the measures taken should increase the capacity of the airport almost four times.

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