/ / The most transparent water flow - Verzaska (river in Switzerland)

The most transparent water flow - Verzaska (river in Switzerland)

Verzaska is a small river, whichproceeds in Switzerland. Its length is only 30 km. The river overcomes its way through picturesque places - valleys, chestnut forests and vineyards. Such beautiful landscapes will not leave anyone indifferent. That is why every year the country receives a large number of tourists, hurrying to see the beauty of the mountain wonder.

verzaska river

Where is the river Verzaska?

The path of the water flow passes in the canton of Ticino.This area is a territorial unit of Switzerland. The river flows through the valley, which has the same name. The course is framed by a mountain slope, descending gracefully to its foot. Scenic sites are located along the entire length of the coastline. Flows southward, flowing into Lake Maggiore.

Short description of the river

Verzaska - a river that descends from the mountains.This factor is decisive for the nature of the watercourse. It is worth noting that in some places there is a very strong current, as it originates on a peak 3000 m high.

However, not only the picturesque nature attractshere tourists, but also a unique property of the river. The fact is that the water in Verzask is absolutely transparent, just incredibly crystal! Looking at her, it seems that this is just a drawn picture, so everything is perfect here. This mountain stream attracts divers, jumpers, and just thrill-seekers here. However, as in any mountain river, and it has its own pitfalls.


Ten meters - the average depth of the mountain streamVerzaska. The river has a rather complicated character, so the structure of the bottom is unpredictable here: there are areas where this parameter reaches up to 15 m. The danger is that Verzaska is “cunning” and differs in turbulent underwater flows. That is why the most beautiful place in the world is also the most dangerous, in particular for divers. But this doesn’t stop adventure lovers, because it’s so incredible to watch from 10-meter depth, through crystal water, behind trees, shores and clouds ...

Werzasca River

Features of the mountain stream

Those tourists who come here to watchthe underwater world of the mountain stream will be disappointed. The fact is that Verzaska is a dead river, in the sense that the flora and fauna is absent here. For a long time it was believed that this feature is due to the content of high acidity in water. However, at present this hypothesis has been refuted. Studies have been conducted that confirmed that the acidity level is within acceptable limits. It is possible that rather cold water scares the fish away (the temperature does not rise above the mark of +100) and dangerous turbulent currents. There is no reliable information yet, so there may be other unexplored secrets of this world.

Unique opportunities for holidaymakers

The river Verzaska (photo of its unique beauty cansee the article) along with the surrounding landscapes, clear water with unique properties - just the perfect place for the development of tourism. The most common are extreme sports, such as diving, bungee jumping.

Actually, the impetus for the development of bungee jumpingin this place produced by none other than Agent 007! In one of the episodes, the leading actor P. Brosnan jumps from a high dam into the lake. Then, in 1995, this stunt won the prestigious Bafta award and, according to film critics, is the most spectacular in the history of cinema. And the thing is in the place where the episode was filmed.

Another kind of extreme sport on Verzask -this is rafting. The descent along the mountain rivers is carried out in the amount of 6-8 people on an inflatable boat - raft. Also a rather dangerous hobby, but often found on the hillside of Switzerland.

Fortunately, even those who dislike extreme sports in thisthe terrain has something to visit. The incredible beauty of nature, coniferous forests have hiking trails with signposts and even places equipped for camping. And in the valley of the river is an ancient village, whose houses are made of gneiss (stone). No one lives there, but the place is in demand among tourists.

where is the river verzaska


Not far from the mouth of the river Verzaska blockedhigh dam of the same name. Its purpose is to reduce the flow rate in front of Lake Maggiore. Due to the fact that the river is mountainous and has a direction from the top to the foot, the dam was built with a height of 220 meters.

The unique structure on the river

Another beautiful place in the valley is the stone arched bridge. It was built in the XVII century, called the Roman. What influenced the name is unknown. There are two versions:

  • the Romans were engaged in building;
  • architectural feature.

Being on the bridge, you can explore the landscapes from a completely different angle.

Verzaska river photo

Swimming in the mountain river is prohibited due to temperaturewater and dangerous currents. Almost at every step there is a sign with a warning. But this does not frighten tourists, and the locals consider it their duty to "watch" off the coast and notify people about the dangers that lie ahead.

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