/ / The capital of Jordan - Amman

The capital of Jordan is Amman

Attractions of Jordan knows each moreor less well-read person. This is not only the place where Jesus was baptized - the Jordan River, but also the place where the head of John the Baptist was chopped off - Makavir, and the mineral-rich sulfur springs in which Herod the king of Judah bathed, is also the cave where Lot was hiding after the destruction of Sodom and Gamorrah.

Attractions in Jordan
In addition, Jordan is Wadi Rum, where they shot a film about Lawrence of Arabia, endless plantations of olive groves, pines, palm trees, mountain ranges, similar to the Sinai, and much more.

The capital of Jordan is Amman, known to us froma story called Rabbat-Ammon, is the largest and most modern city of this country, located on the Red Sea coast and neighboring with Saudi Arabia, as well as with Iraq, Syria and Israel.

Amman - the capital of Jordan

Resting on seven hills, the main city of this Middle Eastern Arab state is an interlacing of many cultures that have gone through the centuries.

The capital of Amman

The capital of Jordan is mentioned even in the Old Testament under the name of Ammon. Later, in 283 BC, this city was captured by Ptolemy of Philadelphia, who rebuilt it and named Philadelphia.

Almost all the walls of its ancient buildings andThe buildings are faced with white marble and painted in a traditional style that gives Amman the beauty and brilliance, and therefore it seems that he just shines in the sun. Hence its other name is the White City.

The capital of Jordan has seen manypeoples: Romans, Arabs and even Circassians. Evidence of this is the many sights and monuments of ancient culture that have survived to our time.

On one of the hills, on "Jebel el-Kala", the ancient citadel and the temple of Hercules rise, and in the old city there is a beautiful amphitheater that has remained from the Greco-Roman era.

The capital of Jordan is a city whose populationexceeds one million people. Amman never complains about the shortage of tourists, as he is in a mild Mediterranean climate, where the average temperature is +26 C in the summer, and +18 C in the winter. And this allows tourists to come here to admire its majestic beauty all year round.

The capital of Jordan

The mosque of Amman is what the capital is proud ofJordan, there are a lot of them in the main city of the country, and the most famous of them is the al-Hussein mosque, built on the site of the disappeared shrine. Another, no less famous city landmark, is the Roman forum, which for many centuries has been a capital necropolis, on whose stage performances are held to this day.

Currency of Jordan

The main city of Jordan attracts not onlylovers to look at architectural monuments, visit archaeological museums and folklore museums, but also those who like to combine their journey with shopping. The city is full of shops and shops, shopping centers and boutiques where you can buy souvenirs and various handicrafts, as well as carpets, clothes, pillows, accessories, etc., and at the same time you can drink real Arabic coffee offered by hospitable hosts.

However, the highlight of the city is the famous"Golden Bazaar", where you can find exquisite silver and gold handmade products at very affordable prices. The currency of Jordan is a dinar, but some traders take dollars with pleasure.

Many tourists who come to this country,sing it out, saying that it is completely different from neighboring states. Yes, and the Jordanians joke that although their country is poor, but it has a very rich in heart and soul population.

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