/ / Russia, Karachay (lake): photos and reviews

Russia, Karachay (lake): photos and reviews

Karachay - a lake that is famous for itsmysteriousness; it is often called a terrible pond. It stretched for 130 thousand meters. Unfortunately, now it does not exist. November 26, 2015 filled the last square meter of the square, which was occupied by this lake.

Karachai lake

Destruction of the lake

What prompted the government to allocate about 17 billionrubles and soullessly fill with sand the unique lake Karachay in the Chelyabinsk region? It's all about the Mayak Combine, which is located in a nearby area. At one time this factory did forced, but extremely thoughtless actions. The workers threw all liquid radioactive waste into this very lake, thereby increasing the level of radiation throughout the territory. And soon a misfortune happened. Lake Karachay (Russia) began to grow thin, the water level decreased due to evaporation. And along with it, the waste also evaporated: the wind carried off a pair of radioactive gases, thus in great danger were three areas - Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Tyumen. The authorities decided to pour concrete over the whole area of ​​the lake in order to protect other territories from radioactive fumes.

Lake Karachay in the Chelyabinsk region

Name of the pond

Karachay - lake, with a detailed study of historywhich opens an interesting fact associated with the name of this pond. The fact is that initially it had a completely different name - Karagaisas. This is known from the data of 1790, according to the document on land surveying. In fact, the lake was so shallow that several times it dried up and it was not even indicated on the map - the surveyors simply did not notice this reservoir and did not make any data about it. A curious fact: on the maps of 1936 the territory of Karachai was marked as marshland. It is assumed that its depth did not reach even two meters. Up to the present day the name Karachay has come, apparently, due to censuses and landings, the name of Karagaisas was replaced by a more sonorous and easy to remember.

The decision that killed the lake

Hard times for the lake came in 1951.It was then that a certain Slavsky stated about the idea of ​​using a reservoir as a place for the release of radioactive waste. The idea was supported. Karachay is a lake, which literally six months later became the main reservoir used to remove liquid radioactive waste. It is quite expected that soon it became a most dangerous place not only in the Chelyabinsk region, but also in the world. During the entire period of Karachai's use, according to the above-described purpose, about one hundred and twenty million curies accumulated in the lake (an extra-system activity unit), which is a huge excess of the norm and represents a real danger to humans.

radioactive lake


If we talk in more detail about whereLake Karachay, it is known that it occupies the territory in the central part of the interweaving of the lakes Ulagach, Tatysh, Malaya Nanoga, Kyzyltash in the Chelyabinsk region. Also nearby is the Mishelyak River. And everything seems to be all right, but the lake ruined the location of the Mayak plant on its territory, from where radioactive substances were emitted.

Extinction of the animal world

According to some information, it is known that radioactiveLake Karachay was the residence of ducks. So say the local people who hunted there once. Also there it was possible to catch small fish. Unfortunately, after the plant began discharging liquid hazardous substances, all living creatures perished. At the moment, a person who has stayed for five minutes in the Karachai area will begin to experience severe nausea and poisoning, but if he remains there for an hour, even his ambulance will not save him from death.

lake karachay russia

The main problem of the lake

Karachay lake (photo above), which hadMany problems. For a few years (1961-1964) the reservoir had a lowered water level, which resulted in the denudation of the bottom in some areas. In 1961, a very strong wind rose on the territory. The radioactive substances that accumulated in the pond began to evaporate together with the water. It is because of this that poisonous fumes have spread over huge distances. As a result, not only the nature of the area was affected, but also people - according to some sources, about five hundred thousand people were poisoned. After this incident, the authorities decided to completely eradicate the lake, to cover it to the state of the green lawn. They began this process in 1986. Even then, the shallow sections of the reservoir were liquidated in a short time. In the 1980s, when the climatic conditions in the area changed dramatically, the water level rose sharply. In this regard, all work was stopped. The state began to carry out a number of processes that affected the lake and artificially lowered its water level. On November 26, 2015, it was announced that the conservation work had been completed. Now this place is a territory covered with arrays of rocky soil and blocks of concrete.

The Urals Hiroshima

Tourists arriving at this lake, of course,no. Journalists of a well-known British newspaper recently stated that Karachay is the most dangerous place on the planet. And although now the area of ​​the entire reservoir is tightly covered with concrete, it really remains dangerous because of the large proportion of radiation in the air. Now this territory is called "Ural Hiroshima" or "Chelyabinsk Chernobyl". By the way, there is housing for a rather attractive price, but you can live in it, alas, not for long.

where is the lake of Karachai
On the example of Lake Karachay you can understand howa man sometimes, because of his thoughtless behavior, adversely affects the nature and destroys something that could benefit him. It is unfortunate that such a large territory is affected and will cease to be dangerous only after centuries.

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