/ / Aerosols, tobacco, naphthalene are the best tools in the fight against moths

Aerosols, tobacco, naphthalene are the best means in the fight against moths

A flying butterfly is incredible andbewitching picture. Artfully painted wings of extraordinary beauty hold a glance. But when gray butterflies appear in the apartment, the inhabitants are not up to admiration. Mole is able not only to appear at the most unexpected moment, but also to significantly reduce the volume of the wardrobe.

Mole: two types of pests

In houses and apartments there are two types of moths:

  • Nutritional.If there is such a mole in the house, then you should not be afraid for the safety of clothes. However, an unpleasant incident can occur when the hostess opens a bag of cereals or flour, and inside there will be larvae of moths. In addition to cereals, the food moth feeds on dried fruits, nuts, dried bread and sugar. This type of moth reproduces quickly: thanks to the vast reserves of food in the houses, she does not have to starve.
  • Clothes moth.If things from wool, silk, cotton, linen, fur and other natural fabrics are stored in a closet or pantry, then the moth will exactly appear in these places. It is worth noting that this subspecies of an insect harms not only things, but also animals, as well as birds. The moth is capable of depositing larvae in nests. The moth ripening period varies from seven to 35 days, all depending on the temperature of the environment. However, at the same time as fabrics from synthetic materials are increasingly being introduced, the population of clothing moths has significantly decreased. But some owners have noticed that the moth begins to spoil the semi-synthetic things.

from moths


One of the most popular folk remediesmoth is naphthalene. It is a round white pill that was used by our grandmothers. It is a solid substance, which is produced in the form of crystals. Many are familiar with this product, the smell of naphthalene comes from almost all things in the cabinets of the elderly.

Naphthalene from moth is used as follows.The tablet is crushed to a powder. Then the resulting mass is packaged in sacks. Naphthalene is a remedy for combating moths in cabinets. But it is not capable of destroying insects, but only frightens them away from things.

naphthalene is

However, recently specialists have studied naphthalene.The tablets of this substance were harmful to the human body. That's why he was withdrawn from the sale. Now you can use the smell of mothball in the fight against the moth only the most resourceful mistresses.


Another popular tool for combatingpests became tobacco. You can use ordinary and fragrant variety. But many people think that tobacco is not good for protecting wardrobe items from moths. Specific smell is eaten into the tissue.

Tobacco is better suited for preserving the integrity of carpets and rugs: they can be poured by them or placed between layers in pouches.


Another popular remedy for moth -lavender. A strong floral smell remains on the torn branches for a very long time. Having collected flowers in breathing bags and putting them in a wardrobe with clothes, you can scare off insatiable insects.

Mole can also be discarded with lavenderoil. In shallow open tanks, just pour a little oil and leave it in the closet. It is important to remember that in no case can lavender oil be applied to garments: it will leave stains that are almost impossible to remove.


Naphthalene is undoubtedly one of the most ancientand effective means to fight the moth, but today it is the aerosol that copes with insects most quickly, not just scaring them away, but destroying them.

naphthalene tablets

But using aerosols is difficult. After processing the premises, people will have to breathe air filled with insecticides. In addition, the purchase of an aerosol is a costly action.


Fumigators are gaining popularity.To use them is quite simple: just plug it into the socket. The minus of this method is only one: the first effect from the fumigator will be visible only after a few weeks. However, it does not pollute the air so much, and therefore, allergic reactions will be less pronounced.

When a moth starts to fly in the house, no one can predict which clothes she will choose, so it is necessary to fight it immediately.

smell of naphthalene

Each of the methods has its pluses and minuses.But it is important to remember that folk remedies - tobacco, naphthalene - are ways only to scare off pests. Industrial - harm the health of all the inhabitants of the house.

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