/ / Donzo - a lake in a nature reserve

Donce - a lake in the reserved area

In Russia, many amazing places, acquaintancewith which leaves a lot of great impressions. These include the tract Donzo. The lake with the same name is an artificial reservoir, which arose on the site of one of the formerly abandoned quarries for the extraction of limestone with the memorable name Currievskie. The springs, giving rise to the legendary Oredezh River, filled the mine with crystal-clear transparent water. So this lake was formed, becoming one of the places of rest, where many people aspire to get to when summer comes.

Donzo Lake

Урочище Донцо, имеющее статус заповедника, extends over 950 hectares. These places are famous for the abundance of underground sources and keys, an excellent collection of plants, including the endangered fauna representatives listed in the Red Book, as well as rare species of fish that have found refuge in the lakes of the Curriele quarries. About one of these reservoirs will be discussed in our article.

Donzo - a lake with white shores

Located between the villages of Donzo and Fifth MountainVolosovsky district in the Leningrad region, the lake has long won the appreciation of fishermen and lovers of outdoor activities near the water. The wonderful nature of temperate latitudes, sunrises and sunsets that cannot be described, the cool crystal water and the white sand of the coast edging the lush greenery of the forest - all this attracts everyone who has been to these ancient mysterious places.

lake donzo how to get

Природа щедро одарила озеро Донцо.The beach, covered with unusual white sand, is clear, pure water from springs at the bottom of the springs ... A small pond area of ​​700 square meters. meters is compensated by the quality of water - crystal, saturated azure color. The depth of the lake does not exceed 3.5-4 meters, and with absolute transparency of the water, you can see the bottom in any weather. On hot days, the water warms up well, which is appreciated by lovers of swimming.

Fishing on the lake

Thus appears before the tourists a small forestlake donzo. Fishing on it, according to seasoned amateurs, is a fascinating business, which is transformed due to the transparency of the water, not to catch fish, but the “who will outwit” who fight, since the potential prey that sees the hunter goes to hiding places overgrown with underwater vegetation. Perches, pikes, roach are found in the lake - a desired object of each angler. But, I must say, there is not a large fish there, no more than 300 g. Fishermen, who have chosen the Currievian quarries, assert that in the upper reaches of the Oredezh River there are native species of trout and grayling.

lake donzo fishing

Underwater hunting

It is worth noting that Donzo (lake) is attractivefor those who are engaged in underwater fishing. Submariner-fishing attracts crystal clear water. However, experienced catchers find these places too simple, although for the training of beginner athletes, career is the best fit, given the presence of rich underwater vegetation and potential prey. But not only underwater hunters hone their skills there. Divers value trekking: the lake opens its arms to scuba divers, showing the wonderful world of underwater inhabitants.

Bathing in the quarries

Несмотря на то что родники и ключи, наполняющие the lake is cold enough, vacationers appreciate Donzo for the shallow depth that allows the sun to warm up the water well. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of bathing, among whom are a lot of kids. Family vacation, according to the rest, is excellent here. In the lake there is not only clear water, but also a flat sandy bottom. However, when raising waters in quarries, the approach to the lake is difficult: it is necessary to get to the water by clay. However, such changes usually occur in the spring, and by the bathing season everything returns to normal.

Donzo lake how to get there by car

Donzo Lake: how to get there

Immediately make a reservation that public transportget into these reserved places will not work. It is so mysterious, this is Donzo lake. How to get there by car? If we assume that St. Petersburg is the starting point (and it is located 80 km from the Kurlevsky quarries), then you should go along the highway going south-west. After Gatchina, they turn onto Elizavetino and, having passed this town, they get to the village of Fifth Mountain. And from there on the dirt road to the quarries.

There is another route - on the Kiev highway.According to it, tourists arrive at the village of Vyra, and then turn right, focusing on Zamost, passing which, a bridge over the Oredezh river soon passes. Collapse into the Currievian career should be soon behind him. It’s easy to figure out how to get to the lake, but for travelers traveling there for the first time, it’s better to enlist the help of a navigator.

lake donzo beach


Отправляющимся на Кюрлевские карьеры впервые It is important to understand that Donzo is a lake located in a nature reserve, and an asphalt road does not lead to it. An unpleasant surprise for "refined" tourists can be an uncomfortable access to the pond. The dirt road leading to the quarries is an ordeal for a car, and every year it only gets worse. In addition, it will not be possible to drive close to the water, because there is a moat about twenty meters from the coast, which cannot be overcome and located near the water with a car. In addition, do not forget about the status of the reserve, assigned to the tract Donzo. It imposes certain obligations and responsibilities on holidaymakers: fishing is officially prohibited here, as well as cutting wood. In a word, the Currievian careers are not a specially organized resting place, but a corner of untouched nature, and one should behave accordingly.

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