A large number of Russian citizens preferto have a rest in hot countries. Greek resorts are among the most popular among the Russian population. This fact is not surprising, since everyone who knows at least a little of the tourist sphere knows that Greece is a very colorful country, which, in addition to the pleasant Mediterranean climate, has a huge number of attractions.
Нужна ли виза в Грецию? Да, нужна.Get it can be in the Greek representation, which is located on the territory of the Russian Federation. Is it possible to apply for a visa to Greece independently? Of course, yes, but this process will require some effort. Which ones? About this further.
A visa is a permits to entercountry and stay on its territory for a certain period. It is issued in official representative offices, which are located on the territory of Russia.
Outwardly it is an actualdocument, set out on paper in the form of a small coupon. Also, a seal on the permission to cross the border of the country must be indicated in the passport of the citizen.
The centers in which visas are issued inGreece, are located in large cities of Russia - a total of 25 are in total. The largest among them are located in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Khabarovsk and Nizhny Novgorod, but the main one, of course, is the one located in the capital of the state.
Mode of operation of the visa center of Greece in Moscow:from 9 am to 6 pm It is located at the address: Mytnaya Street, 66. In addition, many Russian citizens make independent appeals to the Consulate General of the country, which is also located in Moscow (Spiridonovka Street, 14).
You can also get permission by contactingtravel agency at the place of residence and the acquisition of vouchers to a separate country. However, in this case, you should pay attention to the accreditation of the company, so as not to become a victim of fraudsters.
In order to cross the border of Greece andto stay on the territory of this state, citizens of Russia need to design one of the possible types of visas. Which one of them to choose directly depends on the purpose of the visit and the period during which the stay abroad is calculated.
Виза группы А носит другое название - транзитная or airport. It is issued in case the tourist needs to stay on the territory of the terminal, and the traveler has no right to leave. As a rule, citizens of the Russian Federation do not request the provision of this type of visa. In practice, it turns out to be necessary for tourists who are planning a trip to distant countries with a transfer at airports in Greece.
This document constitutes permission tolong-term stay of Russians in the territory of Greece. It is provided for quite a long time - up to 90 calendar days, which can be held in this state for one half of the year. As a rule, such a document is popular among students who plan to receive education in Greek universities, people engaged in doing business in the territory of this state, as well as persons engaged in labor activities.
The Russians also have the opportunity to issue a multivisa class D, which allows you to stay within Greece for six months.
This document is universal andIt is a combination of C and D visas. Its main feature is that, when staying on the territory of Greece, it has the value of a national visa, and outside of it - a Schengen visa. Obtaining such a permit is convenient for persons who practice traveling to other countries within the so-called Schengen zone.
Visas of this type are often offered to touristswho regularly travel to Europe. For such persons, permits are often issued for a longer period - up to five years. In order to obtain it, at the time of filing the application, you must submit a convincing justification for the need for such. When applying for a long-term visa, the cost of collection is not increased.
This type of visa to Greece for Russians is stillone name is Schengen. Its main feature is that it operates throughout the entire territory of the European Union, but it is necessary to request and receive it at the representative office of the country to which the trip is scheduled. As a rule, such a visa is used for tourist trips, visits to relatives, friends, as well as for foreign treatment.
Type C visa is not a long-term document -it is granted for a period not exceeding 30 calendar days for one half year, however this period is quite sufficient, for example, to make a tour of the sights of the country or a package tour, which is usually calculated for 7-10 days.
Due to the fact that the majority of Russians draw up the Schengen visa to Greece, the features of its receipt will be discussed further.
In order to get a visa, you mustcontact the nearest state office. Since this process can be quite lengthy, it is recommended to begin to apply for a visa to Greece on your own at least one month before the planned trip. Regulatory documents establish a specific time frame within which you can apply: no earlier than three months and no later than two weeks.
Any citizen of Russia who wants to issueVisa to Greece alone, must first make an online recording, which is done on the official website of the country office. Reception of the person will be scheduled for a specific time and date - it is then that the traveler must appear.
At the time of the actual appearance at the consulate or atThe visa application center submits a written application asking for a tourist visa to Greece, as well as all the necessary documents. This is later put the corresponding stamp in the passport, indicating the date of receipt of documents for consideration, the place of their filing, as well as the desired category of visa. After the government agency gives permission to enter a citizen of Russia to Greece, this seal will be replaced with a glued-in visa.
Every tourist who wants to get a visa inGreece alone is faced with the problem of collecting certain papers. It often happens that it takes time to get some of them. That is why it is desirable to deal with the papers in advance, shortly before applying to the visa application center.
What documents for a visa to Greece is necessarysubmit to the country office? First of all, it is necessary to fill in the questionnaire of the established sample, the form of which can be found on the website of the visa center. If, in a company with parents, children will cross the state’s border, they also need to fill out separate application forms for a visa to Greece. The representative office will also require the original passport of a citizen of Russia, as well as photocopies of all pages filled in it - all this is needed in one copy. In addition, two photographs of 2.5x3.5 cm in size will be required, made to meet certain requirements.
The representative office must necessarily present the original passport, which also put forward certain requirements:
Applying for a Schengen visa inGreece, you must provide a certificate of employment, issued on company letterhead or organization. It must contain information related to the name of the position of the traveler, his salary and the period of employment in the company. This document may be replaced by any other evidence that reflects the solvency of the tourist. Some travelers provide a printout of a bank statement for three months.
A tourist who wants to get a Schengen visa must present to the consulate medical insurance in the amount of at least 30,000 euros. This insurance must be valid on the territory of the Schengen zone.
The above documents should be accompanied by facts regarding the availability of railway or air tickets, place of residence in the territory of Greece (hotel reservations, vouchers).
In case a tourist is planning to crossthe state’s borders with the animal, it is necessary to make a document with the veterinarian, which will reflect the pet’s state of health, as well as the availability of all vaccinations.
Do I need a visa to Greece for a child? Yes, I need it.In order to receive it, it is necessary to add a certain list of copies and certificates to the main package of documents to be collected for an adult citizen of the Russian Federation.
First of all, attach the original anda copy of the birth certificate of a small tourist. In the event that one of the parents takes the child out of the Russian Federation, it is mandatory to provide a notarized permission from the second parent, and if he goes with third parties, then permission from both will be required.
Moreover, for a child visa is necessaryprovide photocopies of passports of parents or accompanying persons, as well as copies of their visas. As for the questionnaire, it should be filled in by the hand of any of the parents.
Before the trip, some tourists are askedquestions about how much it costs to make a visa to Greece on your own? The answer is simple: officially exactly the same amount as through intermediaries, simply in the case of third parties participating in this procedure, the price for processing the document increases due to payment for the person’s services.
Официальная стоимость визы в Грецию составляет 35 Euro - this price is set to obtain permission to enter all countries in the Schengen zone. You will need to pay this amount on the day you submit your application, in rubles (recalculated at the official rate).
Any tourist has the right to speed up the review.application - in this case, the traveler receives a response in a maximum of three days. However, the cost of a visa to Greece then doubles - it will be 70 euros.
In the case of a visa for children under the age of12 years consideration of the filed application is carried out free of charge. Members of national missions, students studying abroad, disabled people and persons accompanying them, as well as athletes who take part in international competitions are also exempt from paying such a fee.
As practice shows, subject to treatment invarious companies that provide assistance in granting permission to enter the Schengen countries, the price of a visa is at least 6000 rubles.
Время рассмотрения заявки и вынесения решения о the granting of a visa or the refusal of such depends directly on the city in which the application was filed. So, the question of a visa to Greece for Russians who made an appeal to consulates located in St. Petersburg or in the capital will be resolved within a couple of days, not counting the day when the documents were filed. As for residents of more distant cities, it may take up to 10 business days to consider a request.
Tour operators and those tourists whoregularly deal with such issues, recommend to apply for a visa at least 30 days before departure from Russia. This is due to the fact that often there is a need for additional consideration of documents or their revision, which also takes time.
Persons who have been refusedpermits to enter Greece have the right to appeal and make a request for a review of the decision. Before this, the tourist should be familiar with the reasons for refusal and, if possible, eliminate them.
As a rule, travelers receive a negative answer if they provided information about too little income or made mistakes in filling out the documents.
How to avoid the most common mistakes?Asking questions about how to apply for a visa to Greece on your own, you should decide in advance on which particular Schengen country you are planning to travel to. It is in the representation of this state and should submit a package of documents. Some tourists who plan to make a tour of several European countries should submit papers to the consulate of the country in whose territory the longest stay is planned, or to the visa center of the state whose border will be crossed as a matter of priority.
Еще одна причина для отказа в предоставлении визы - low citizen income. As practice shows, all persons who indicate a level of less than 25,000 rubles per month do not receive permission to enter. When submitting a bank statement, you should also take into account the total amount - it should be enough for the entire trip. Thus, on average, the cost of a day stay in Europe is calculated on the basis of 60 euros per day - otherwise, you can get a waiver.